Private Library for Anything and Everything PMS audio session and script (1 MP3 + 1 script PDF)




I bought this myself from Please keep this exclusive!Reduce PMS symptoms using the power of your mindPre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) symptoms can make life seriously unpleasant. Pain, irritability, low self esteem, anxiety, depression, insomnia, bloating and skin disorders are all common symptoms of PMS and can make the time before the ‘time of the month’ absolute hell. In fact PMS has been associated with as many as 150 different symptoms ranging from tender breasts to extreme anger and nausea.Many women feel that PMS alters their whole personality and it can incapacitate some women completely.There are other factors to PMS than nutrition, hormones and genes!Although nutrition, hormones and genes can all be contributory factors to PMS there is good evidence that PMS symptoms can be greatly alleviated by relaxation and hypnotic suggestion.Research studies show that women with severe PMS symptoms who received regular hypnotic relaxation training showed a 60% improvement in their physical and mental symptoms over women who didn’t have the hypnosis!PMS is worsened by life stress but in turn, PMS worsens stress creating a vicious cycle.The soothing physical changes of deep relaxationWhen you relax deeply your body produces more endorphins. Endorphins reduce pain and produce feelings of comfort. Low endorphin levels contribute to PMS symptoms. Imagine when you can forget about your monthly cycle and look forward to feeling comfortable and well all month.


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