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Carlos Castaneda – Magical Passes

Carlos Castaneda – Magical Passes


Freedom from suffering. Stopping the internal dialogue. Transcending your social conditioning. Awakening from the dream of the mind. Discovering inconceivable states of wellbeing. Say it however you want: Carlos Castaneda’s Magical Passes will get you there, and quickly.Here’s the theory in a nutshell. Spiritual seekers usually reach the same deadend. They know that the mind is synonymous with resistance and suffering. The usual practices involving breathing, meditating, watching the thinker, going into the body, physical cleansing, practicing presence, etc. will get you TO the door, but not THROUGH it. The masters and gurus then advise you to accept your unconsciousness as part of the “isness” of being and thereby transcend it. Does this work? Has it for you?What if the the mind, the source of suffering, was only the expression of a more primary condition: the dispersal and misallignment of energy within the energetic and physical body? (Also the cause of most illness, disease, and ageing.)Castaneda’s “passes” address this issue with profound effectiveness by stirring up and redistrubting energy in the energetic body. Castaneda correctly states that belief, faith, or knowledge is not required to succeed. Simply do your best while practicing the movements and results will follow. The “passes” are powerful!There are two sets of movements: the short form and the long form , The Sabre Tooth Tiger of Intent. (Powerful techniques have powerful names!) Practice the short form (37 movements) for 5-10 days before starting the long form. If you jump too quickly to the long form, you may like it so much that you may be tempted not to go back and perfect the short form which is an integral part of the long form. The short form itself produces noticeable shifts in awareness.None of the movements is harder than jumping-jacks. The body is drawn in by the movements and enjoys the process. The mind may be doubtful, but the body likes it! The short form training takes about one half hour. The long form is condensed once perfected, and takes about fifteen minutes. There also seems to be a momentum dynamic at work here: practicing makes you more conscious and capapable, making your practices more effective making you more conscious… Apply yourself to correct execution for optimal results.Note that there are three other “Tensegrity” videos that were produced prior to Magical Passes. Start here. This the “perfected” version and will produce the smoothest transition. The “Magical Passes” book could also be useful further down the road. Other Castaneda books (I’ve read them all) are superflous to success with the passes, the best one being “Journey To Ixtlan”.The process of awakening consciousness can be a bit unpredictable. I recommend the purchase of the book “The Power Of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. It’s an excellent roadmap of human consciousness and will provide the guidance you will need as liberated awareness awakens in you. Read it first. Note that it is possible when being involved with several spiritual practices to misattribute the results. This mistake cost me three years of continued suffering. It was the Passes, not Tolle, that got me through.Carlos Castaneda’s Magical Passes truly are a magical passageway to inconceivable states of awareness and wellbeing. Thank you Don Carlos, wherever you are.Note: This is an instructional excercise video. There is very little conceptual content to be found on this DVD. No knowledge, no information, nothing for the mind to grasp: just do the movements. I thought the movements were ridiculous the first time I did them. Most reasonable people would think the same. In this case, reasonable thought doesn’t define the potential for results.Enjoy,MindTech


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