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John Dickson – Rosebudd the American Pimp

Rosebudd the American Pimp
[ 1 ebook – 1 mobi, 1 pdf ]


Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!GB Status CLOSEDGB Thread DescriptionRosebudd the American Pimp is Rosebudd’s version of how the game of pimping goes. He tells the ins and outs and the dos and don’ts of the pimp game and the 27 rules he lived by to become one of the greatest pimps that ever lived. The book covers the choices one has to make in order to go to the highest plateau in that lifestule. Rosebudd did all that was in his power to become a legend. His day to day activities and mental savvy and toughness is displayed throughout the book. His book is not a book on how to become a pimp, but rather a book on how not to be a brutal, uncaring person and still recieve the rewards of being one of the best pimps there ever was. In his book he has listed the 27 rules to becoming a master at this game. If you pick this book up you will not put it down until it is completed. You must be cautuous with this material, because you will be handling pure dope.About the AuthorJohn Dickson is a native Northern Californian, who grew up with 12 siblings, all of which are by the same parents. Through out his school years he was a good student and went on to Sonoma State University and received a 3.75 gpa during his tenure. Earlier in his life his interests started towards the streets. First, street hustling, playing dice, and cards for money and selling marijuana. Then he began to frequent Fullers Poolhall in his home town of Vallejo. It was there he met the real hustlers of the world. Real pimps fascinated him and he soon was off to the mean streets of the USA to learn the game of pimping. After retiring, the film makers the Hughes Brothers contacted him and requested that he participate in the documentary entitled, The American Pimp, a documentary chronicling the lifestyle of the pimp, and still is in high demand on premium channels ten years later. 348 pages


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