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World’s Greatest Magic – Master Card Technique

Worlds Greatest Magic- Master Card Technique
[3 DVDs-Avi]


This is terrific stuff!Worlds Greatest Magic – Master Card Technique 3 DVDsIn a letter from 1872, Johann Hofzinser wrote, “Card effects are the poetry of conjuring” and long before Hofzinser penned those words and ever since, magicians have been displaying the many wonders inherent in a simple pack of playing cards. There is, perhaps, no tool at a magician’s disposal that is more widely used. Needless to say, proper technique is the foundation for solid, deceptive card work and on this landmark three-volume series, experts Sepp Holzer and Andy Edmüller have taken the most important concepts in card table artifice and legerdemain and have explained and demonstrated each in excruciating detail. Tight camera work, over-the-shoulder shots and even an angle shot from below through a glass tabletop all work together to make this series one of the most comprehensive card magic reference tools ever committed to video. This is your opportunity to learn (or re-learn!) these concepts, sleights and moves the right way. EXPERT MAGICIANS SEPP HOLZER & ANDY EDMULLER DVD 1FALSE DEALS- The Strike Second #1- The Stud Deal #1- The Strike Second #2- The Strike Second #3- Push Off Second Deal- The Stud Deal (Push Off) #2- Dai Vernon’s Second Deal- The D’Amico Second Deal- The Third Deal- The Stud Deal #3- Palm ReplacementsPALMING- The Two-Handed Top Palm- The Clip Palm- The Direct Palm- The Hugard Palm- The One-Handed Top Palm- The Bottom Palm- The Gambler’s CopFALSE COUNTS- The Elmsley Count- The Jordan Count- The Buckle Count- The Hamman Count- An Easy False Count- Willane’s False Count- The Push-Off False Count- The Braue Fan False Count- The Ascanio SpreadDVD 2:BOTTOM DEAL- The Strike Bottom- The Stud Bottom- The Push-Out Bottom- The Sharps & Flats Bottom- The One Hand BottomTHE OVERHAND SHUFFLE- The Injog Shuffle- The Top Card Control- The Bottom Card Control- The Top Stock Control- The Bavarian Shuffle- The Charlier Shuffle- The Milk Shuffle- The Hindu ShuffleCARD SWITCHES (hand muckings)- Variations One thru SixTHE SIDE STEAL- Variations One thru SixOTHER STEALS & CONTROLS- The Clip Steal- The One Card Control- The Two Card Control- The Three Card Control- Rear Palm Side Steal- The Erdnase Shift- The Endifeld Palm- Direct Insertion StealCARD PEEKS- Variations One thru FiveDVD 3: THE CENTER DEAL- The Stud Center- The Greek DealRIFFLE SHUFFLES- The Push Through – #1 & #2- The Strip Out- The Zarrow Shuffle- A Poker StackTHE CLASSIC PASS- Variations One thru FiveTHE TURNOVER PASS- Variations One thru NineMORE PASSES- The Gambler’s Pass- The Table Cover Pass- The Herrmann Pass- The Top Card Cover Pass- The Half Pass #1and #2- The Charlier Pass #1 thru #3DOUBLE LIFTS- The Hit Double Lift- The Thumb Count Double Lift- The Push Off Double Lift- The Center Double Lift- Action Double Lift- Small Packet Double Lift- The D’Amico Double Lift


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