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Wendy Kennedy – Galactic Light Codes

Wendy Kennedy – Galactic Light Codes
[Webrip – 15 MP3s, 10 MP4s, 4 PNG]



Wendy Kennedy – Galactic Light Codes (May 23, 2015 – June 20, 2015 Session)NOTE:  You do not need to download all files in the product.  For each week, there are the following folders (THEY ALL CONTAIN THE SAME MATERIAL):  Video High Quality, Video Low Quality, Audio High Quality, Audio Low Quality. You can choose which level of quality and audio/video you would like to download rather than downloading the full product.I am so excited to lead you on this 5-week adventure!  My guides have been preparing me for the last 7 months to bring through this new information.This experience will expand your perspective of multidimensional reality, helping you to shift lifetimes of judgements and attachments. Galactic light codes awaken within us the knowledge of our true state of being and our connection to all that is.  The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, as well as other celestial and terrestrial light beings, will share their perspective on galactic history and guide us through activations and exercises. These processes, along with the galactic light codes, will allow us to integrate this reawakened wisdom and open to new potential realities.What Exactly Are Galactic Light Codes?Galactic Light Codes are energetic symbols that convey the frequencies of light, sound, sacred geometry, and cosmic information.  They contain within their coding The Language of Light, which is a universal language understood by all life. These symbols bypass the traditional language centers of the brain and are read and interpreted by you, The Divine Being of Light having a physical experience. The Galactic Light Codes for this course contain information and wisdom from the seven primary star systems with which we most closely align: The Pleiades, Arcturus, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda. These codes will assist you in releasing old patterns of belief so that you may open to new potentials by subconsciously, and sometimes consciously, accessing the experiential wisdom of these star systems. Like being shown a shortcut to your destination on a map, these codes assist with accelerating your personal process of integration.


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