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Volition Thought House – iMusic – BrainAmp Modern Ambient G2

BrainAmp Ambient G2.mp3
[1 MP3]


Description link: your brain and flex your intellectual muscle                           Your brain is just like a muscle. And just like your muscles need training to grow stronger, so does your brain. Listen to BrainAmp to train your brain and amplify your IQ and brain power within just 7-12 days!If you’ve spent some time on our site, you now know that your brain is just like a muscle. It needs training if you want to increase your smarts and acuity. And if you ignore this necessity of mental exercise, your brain functions will begin to degrade once you reach maturity. This happens whether you’re above or below average intelligence, regardless of how busy or demanding your day to day lifestyle is.Listening to BrainAmp to train your brain will not only increase your smarts, but it will stop this natural degradation process from occurring. Like sipping from the fountain of youth, you’ll be able to retain that mental sharpness that only those in their youthful prime get to typically enjoy. Science proves it.Designed for individuals whose passion for life is only matched by their desire for achievement and extreme performance, just listen and you’ll see how BrainAmp optimizes and conditions your mind for long-term cognitive improvements.  This BrainAmp selection, coming from the creative juices of Bjorn Fogelberg, represents a refined foray into the world of ambient downtempo and soft electronica. Fogelberg’s soundscapes are expansive in scope but cerebral in tone—the “sonar-dimensional visions” of a deeply intelligent mind…abstractions and reflections of a solo artist considering the vastness of it all.Listen to the sample for a taste of what you can expect. While it’s the patented BrainIgnite Neuro Technology we’ve added that makes this music so special when it comes to the brain, the music has been chosen due to its perfect pitch, tempo and characteristics.Track Listing* Because iMusic’s brain technology requires listening to one fluid sound scape, and not one individual track after another, all tracks are combined. Here’s the order that they play in, with the approx. timing of each.    01-trioxidation (5:32)    02-quite derivative (7:00)    03-sixfiveoneoh (11:41)    04-lilly minou opened her eyes (4:59)    05-six wheels on soil (8:31)    06-entity (6:43)    07-Wave (4:52)    08-karooshi porn (4:14)    09-interstate (1:54)    10-low level format (5:33)    11-life in a tube (4:13)    12-searching for M (4:33)


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