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Valerie Pearson – Clearing the Path to Intimacy – Relationship with Self and Others

Valerie Pearson – Clearing the Path to Intimacy – Relationship with Self and Others
[ Webrip – 11 MP3 , 1 PDF ]



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You will shift to feel emotionally secure with yourself and in the company of others. Clearing the old patterns of unworthiness and shame and removing any ancestral issues that may be blocking you from living your full potential. You will experience more love and peace in your life. Erase all triggers around old issues and attract the perfect partner for your life’s journey. These energy clearing packages will clear any blocks, limiting you from attracting Healthy and intimate relationships. You to become a clear vessel to reach your full potential of relationship bliss. You will find the peace and love in your heart to move forward in all your life’s connectionsStrengthening Relationship with SelfAre you ready to open up to your divine self and receive the guidance you desire for your daily life? In the session you will learn to understand and be your higher self and feel the connection to the infinite source of the universe? Awaken too your spiritual power and become pure awareness itself?Illuminating Family or OriginHealing Relationships with MotherHealing relationships with FatherClearing and strengthening Husband and wife connectionsClearing outside influences-friends and familyClearing Ancestral IssuesRelease old issues around triggers affecting your well beingRelease old triggers and issues affecting your well beingIt is time to release those old hurts and parental relationships with are mother and father on this plain and in the nextClear and strengthen relationships with your spouse’s and forgive the past at the heart levelRemove external outside influences of friends and family that may be harming your current relationshipsRelease and clear Ancestral issues that are carrying traits in the presentSelf- Empowerment to Transcend Abuse and ShameAre you ready to heal the lingering pain from the past abuse in your adult relationships? Let go of the unworthiness caused by child sexual abuse and Clear the triggers and issues holding you back from moving forward! Clear shame based energy imprints and release negative attract or patterns and soul ties that brings the abuse back into our lives. Transform your current abusive situations and strengthening you sense of worthiness.Shining the Light on FearThis session will assist you in removing deep rooted feelings of losing control. You will learn to release the fear of being vulnerable and hurt. By clearing fear at the deepest core levels. You will strengthen certainty in your life. Discover how to create energy and in the flux and flow of your lifeStrengthening Romantic RelationshipsWould you like to have harmony in your relationships? Learn to strengthen the internal and external relationship dynamics. Reactivate the passion you thought was gone and in turn strengthen intimacy to feel a deep connection and love with your partner.Strengthening RelationshipsStrengthening your relationship with yourself you’re higher power and your higher self. Clearing cords and soul ties and strengthening your energy body. Strengthening internal dynamics and external dynamics with people places and things. Clearing away any energy that does not serve your highest good and then strengthening your loving bonds.Forgiveness and Ancestral ClearingRain and music encoded with ancestral clearing and forgiveness prayers.Full Body Activation and RejuvenationThis MP3 will connect you to source and ground you to the speed of the planet. It is a full body rejuvenation of your central nervous system. This will activate all your organs, digestive and elimination systems to work at 100 percent infinite potential. As well as strengthening you to youthfulness and anti aging.Eye ActivationsThis MP3 will strengthen every part of the eye as well as the cranial brain. Clearing karma has been shown to have huge beneficial results for eyesight.Valerie Pearson is a gifted energy worker and psychic intuitive and medium. She has the ability to assist others to shift their consciousness and perception for the better. She was born in Vancouver B.C. Canada and now resides in White Rock B.C.She has studied many modalities over the past 30 years. Energy Medicine, Certified in Advanced Ancestral Clearing and a Certified Master in Chinese Energetics as well as muscle testing and hypnosis. Valerie’s ability to overcome challenging life experiences has enabled her to benefit others in clearing issues and achieving success in their lives.Allow Valerie to empower you to overcome obstacles with your physical health, mental wellness and emotional fitness                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   )


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