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Thaddeus – Solar Light Transmissions

Thaddeus – Solar Light Transmissions
[1 CD – 4 MP3s]



PLEASE KEEP THIS AT – NO SHARING ANYWHERE ELSE!Solar Light TransmissionsThis music is melodic and uplifting. It uses angelic voices, harp, strings, piano, and other sounds to bring you the transformative Solar light.This soothing, relaxing music that will expand your consciousness and relax your body as you listen. Each album has approximately 2 hours of music and is ideal for meditation, healing, relaxation, and for pure listening enjoyment. This music has been created by Thaddeus to assist you in receiving energy from the Solar light, the sun of the soul plane that your soul exists on.  Working with Solar light can transform your being, your life, your relationships, and your physical body. The Master of LightThis music calls forth the Master of Light. He is a perfected Being who has ascended to higher dimensions. Imagine as you listen that this Master appears in front of you as a radiant light. Experience the incredible love, bliss, peace, and expansion of consciousness that is possible as you sit in the light of this Master. This music is inspirational, calming, and very uplifting.Solar Light TransmissionsAs you listen, the Master of Light transmits Solar light to you. He builds lines of light around your head, opening your mind to your soul’s mind to receive soul impressions and guidance. Gold and white angels join Him to bring you Solar light. This music is orchestral with strings, gentle and uplifting.Raising Cellular LightThaddeus’ music summons the violet angels to work with you for cellular transformation and the yellow angels to build a finer nervous system that can handle more light. The rose angels join you to add light to your heart and circulatory system, and the deep blue angels heal whatever needs healing. Sense these angelic beings as they revitalize you by increasing the Solar light in your cells. This music is sparkling, twinkling, happy music.Songs of the One–Suite ILet yourself be drawn up into the Oneness. Many tones and sounds are transmitted to you by the beings here to awaken your crown center of enlightenment. You join into union with the One, blending your will with the higher will, and merging with the Universal Mind. This music is “space music” that will take you traveling into higher dimensions.  Goes with Songs of the One, Suite 2 (download only) TH0028About Thaddeus MusicSanaya has created a line of meditation music by working with an Angelic being called Thaddeus.  Thaddeus is an angelic being of light channeled by Sanaya who brings musical harmonies of love and joy, peace and harmony from his realm to you. His music is the background on all the Orin guided meditations and manyof the light body meditations.  The music is soft, melodic, and uplifting. The music has been created on synthesizers using strings, harp, piano, angelic voices, and many beautiful sounds. Experience the amazing transformative qualities of this music as you play it for yourself or others.Thaddeus’ music can assist you in expanding your consciousness and connecting with the higher dimensions of light through the use of certain sequences and combinations of tones, the rhythm, the musical sounds used, and the reflection of the consciousness of Thaddeus himself that is contained in the music. The music is paced to relax your body and slow your breathing, opening doorways into higher states of awareness. You can use this music to heal your body, transform your emotions, and evolve your mind as you listen and draw these high, fine vibrations into your being.  You may listen to this music as much as you want for pure enjoyment and to receive the energies being transmitted. These are excellent for background music for meditation, meetings with friends, classes, bodywork, yoga, or anywhere you want to set a healing, uplifting, relaxing space. Play this music at low volume while you sleep, or play it for loved ones who are ill. Experience the amazing transformative qualities of this music as you play it for yourself or others.People’s Comments About Thaddeus’ MusicPeople have written us with wonderful stories about Thaddeus’ music. Some have told us they do their best writing, thinking, art, and creative work while playing Thaddeus’ music. Students say it helps them to study and concentrate. Many tell us it helps them reach and sustain a high place in their meditation. Some use Thaddeus’ music for yoga, Reiki, deep breathing, and other practices where they need to reach and hold peaceful, high states. Massage therapists say it helps people relax and makes their bodywork more effective. Light body teachers and other teachers use it in their classes to assist class members in reaching high spaces.Many tell us they play Thaddeus’ music for company when they want people to relax and enjoy an evening of connecting and conversation. Some play Thaddeus’ music to create a calm, peaceful space in their home throughout the day. Some people reported playing Thaddeus’ music during a stay in the hospital, with amazing recoveries, in themselves or in others they played it for.People tell us it works better than anything else they have tried to fall asleep and to wake up feeling refreshed. Others say it helps them feel emotionally balanced or to release negative energy. I hope you enjoy!Story of Thaddeus’ Music by SanayaAs a child, I studied classical piano. Although I always dreamed of being a concert pianist, I didn’t pursue that path, but enjoyed playing the piano whenever I could. Years later, for fun, I purchased a keyboard that could produce a number of wonderful sounds, such as piano, angelic voices, harp, and strings. One day, as I was playing the keyboards, I felt the presence of an enormous, radiant angel. I somehow knew that he wanted to join me to create music. I opened my heart to this lighted being, whom I now call “Thaddeus,” and blended my consciousness with his.Suddenly, my hands were guided to play chords and notes I could now hear with my inner ears. With Thaddeus present, my skill with music went way beyond my normal ability and limited knowledge of chords and sounds. Out of that blending with Thaddeus, a song was created that took me to a wonderful place of love and light each time I listened.Since then, Thaddeus has come to join me a number of times to create musical pieces, each one with a special spiritual purpose. I cannot summon Thaddeus; I often wait weeks or even months before Thaddeus is present to guide my hands and lift me up into his realms of angelic music.As I create music by blending with Thaddeus, I often sense an enormous, sometimes fiery, angelic presence of great love and power. Through Thaddeus I begin to “hear” the prayers of humanity. Sometimes I hear children praying for their parents, or parents praying for their children. I sense people praying for help for themselves and others, and for the good of the world. I hear the soft voices of hungry children asking for food, of the sick praying to get well, and of those feeling unloved praying for love. Thaddeus is one of the angels that answers people’s prayers. His music is one way of sending angelic healing energy to anyone who is open to receive it.Thaddeus’ music is created to help people awaken inner strength, to heal past pain, to lift out of denser energies into the light, and to link with the Beings of Light who always stand ready to assist.Each musical journey by Thaddeus brings an opportunity for healing and for evolution. The titles and descriptions will guide you to the spiritual purpose of each musical piece that has been created.Track Name / Length 1. The Master of Light   29:22 2. Solar Light Transmissions   30:52 3. Raising Cellular Light   28:37 4. Songs of the One – Suite 1   29:50


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