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Terence McKenna – True Hallucinations

True Hallucinations
[MP3 Audiobook]



Excerpt from Website (Link Below)Terence McKenna 1946-2000I first encountered Terence thru his now-rare audio book, “True Hallucinations”, an 8 tape set that was really incredible. He had the courage and the integrity to describe with fairly rigorous thouroughness a series of experiences he and his brother had in the Amazon jungles with psychedelic mushrooms. This experience ended in a short episode of psychedelic-induced shcizophrenia for Terence’s brother Dennis. As a report of psychedelic aided psycho-spiritual experimentation it has few peers, and it’s a totally engrossing story as well. The production of the tape, sound effects, sound track, et al created, in my opinion, a new standard for audio books.So, if you ever get the chance to listen to the original tapes of “True Hallucinations”, grab that oppurtunity with both hands and don’t let go. I hope Terence’s estate releases a new edition of the original AudioBook. I for one would snap it right up. My tapes are getting beat.Terence has been a powerful influence in the sub-culture of both psychedelic and non-psychedelic esoteric explorers these past twenty years. In some ways he’s a little bit too involved with eschatology (the study of the end of existence) and the “End of History” model for my taste, but that’s a forgivable eccentricity. I’m looking forward to 2012 myself, but I am pretty certain that the day after any eschaton will be another day like all days, and that we are engaged in a process with time scales of millions of years, not thousands or hundreds or tens.Thanks Terence. You did good work.   Links====


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