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Steve Chandler – Club Fearless – Volume 1 and 2

Steve Chandler – Club Fearless Volume 1 and 2
[2 CDs – MP3]



These are the first two CDs sent to Steve Chandler’s Club Fearless members.  I expect these will be sent to me monthly.  More info about Club Fearless from the web site ( the COURAGE to live the life you’ve dreamed     I have put together a worldwide network of people committed to personal freedom from fear and self-victimization – and anyone and everyone can afford to be in it. It is a mastermind for the world. An international membership for people who are committed to being successful and making a positive difference in the world… not waiting around to see if it “happens” to them.     It’s a club for people who want to express their awesome and unlimited natures without waiting for permission to do so.           It is called CLUB FEARLESS: World Mastermind. It’s for people more interested in immediately AVAILABLE creative ACTION than alibis and victim stories. We are owners or we are victims. And we become one or the other through practice. We become fearless, too, through practice. And my club will be a place for people to be inspired to do their practice. This club will rock, and it will circle the world.     CLUB FEARLESS is how we will deal with the global changes. Things are changing dramatically. Sick systems are getting cleaned out so that we can build back stronger. Fat and rot are being blown from the corridors of the financial complex. It scares people to become this healthy this fast. Hold on! Let me languish in the false sense of security I used to have!     But change is a good thing. It allows us to develop self-reliance in an age of codependence. No longer do we ride the bubble, or look for parental companies to care for us. We grow.     And as Andrew Cohen said, “It seems to be the human tendency to want to resist change, to want to create the illusion of security in an insecure universe, and to avoid at all costs facing into the awesome and unlimited nature of life itself.”     Hard times allow us to see that we ourselves have awesome and unlimited natures that we haven’t even begun to call upon.       People are asking me what the World Mastermind Club Fearless is all about and it is about a spirit of people STANDING BY each other, supporting each other in being fearless and creating the courage to change the things they can…..and they can…..and I promise we will stand by you…….The benefits to you of being in the club versus being out of it:       1. Mental energy and fresh monthly motivation for you that can only come from a LIVE teleseminar.              People have been asking  Steve Chandler for years how they can experience a live seminar version of the books of mine they have read….and this is finally IT.”                      Being in on the live teleseminar each month will give you a direct experience of why critics call Steve “an insane combination of Jerry Seinfeld and Tony Robbins” with his spontaneity, humor and brave challenges everyday accepted wisdom. On the rare occasion you can’t hook in LIVE, don’t worry, an audio recording of the event will be sent to you each month for you to enjoy and share with others.      2.  Fresh ways to reinvent your world by reading Steve’s personal success diary; an intimate rough-cut exposure to the breakthroughs in Steve’s daily life of coaching and training and growing himself and others.     You get short, readable bursts of daily epiphanies and practical insights into the thoughts that are changing Steve’s life, and the lives of his clients……most people have to wait for a year or two to finally see these breakthroughs in a book, but you get them as they happen.              3. A dependable way for you to start each week by replacing un-empowered thinking with optimism, ownership and inspired creativity: your weekly stimulus via email direct from Steve to you.              4. A regular tool for rebooting, recharging and refreshing your optimism about the world called Who Is Fearless in This World?                While those around you nurture gloom and pessimism, you’ll be ahead of the curve and optimistic from devouring this special report on the good signs and fearless acts of brave innovators in the world.       5.  New distinctions to alter your whole world each month on audio…to those who have had their outlooks permanently changed by the Owner-Victim Choice, or Expectations versus Agreements,  you’ll now receive even higher, greater breakthroughs from Steve each month. The first two are club-fearless-only programs that Steve has called his “clearest, most useful” work ever: “How To Get Everything You Want By Asking for It” and “Personality versus Purpose.”       6.  You, and only you (non-members will NOT receive this life-changing book) will have in your hands Steve’s newest and best book ever: SHIFT YOUR MIND  SHIFT THE WORLD. This will not be available in bookstores or on Amazon. Only Club Fearless members will receive this book when it is finished in April.       7. Other gifts and surprises we can’t even talk about yet, but if you know Steve you know that he enjoys doing the unexpected and giving people fresh ways to create wealth and be happy. The club is $19 a month.        8. A feeling of belonging to a world mastermind of people who, like you, have decided to respond to the world’s uncertainty by being bold and creative. If you are tired of being a victim of circumstance join the club.     People are asking me what the World Mastermind Club Fearless is all about and it is about a spirit of people STANDING BY each other, supporting each other in being fearless and creating the courage to change the things they can…..and they can…..and I promise we will stand by you…….It’s a club for people who want to express their awesome and unlimited natures without waiting for permission to do so.


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