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SharpBrains – Virtual Summit Optimizing Brain Health Via Neuroplasticity, Innovation & Data

2012 SharpBrains Summit
[18 Audio (MP3s) + 1 PDF]



Brain Hacking / NeuroFeedback GB**** Exclusive **** This is the result of a Group Buysharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Product Website: Buy Thread – 40+ Scientists and Pioneers Present the LatestScience and Trends on Applied Neuroplasticity and Brain Health Innovation83% of respon­dents to a 2012 Sharp­Brains sur­vey agreed/ strongly agreed with “Adults of all ages should take charge of their own “brain fit­ness” with­out wait­ing for their doc­tors to tell them to,” and 83% agreed/ strongly agreed with “I would per­son­ally take a brief assess­ment every year as an “annual men­tal check-up.” This grow­ing aware­ness demands new ways to har­ness neu­ro­plas­tic­ity across the lifes­pan to opti­mize health, pro­duc­tiv­ity and qual­ity of life, and high­lights mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties to develop and com­mer­cial­ize non-invasive solu­tions to mon­i­tor and enhance brain func­tion. Mean­ing­ful, human-centered inno­va­tion to inte­grate lifestyle fac­tors such as aer­o­bic exer­cise with tar­geted inter­ven­tions such as med­i­ta­tion, cog­ni­tive train­ing and videogames, biofeed­back and cog­ni­tive behav­ioral ther­apy will require engag­ing empow­ered and con­nected con­sumers, employ­ees and patients where they are, going beyond cur­rent health­care frame­works and channels.This course is audio only.Wait Time:VIP: 2 weeksPU: 1 monthUsers: Never


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