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Rikka Zimmerman – Love Without Limits

Rikka Zimmerman – Love Without Limits
[9 MP3s]



Imagine the magic and miracles that would occur in your daily life, and on the planet, if you, and everyone else, was willing to love without limits…. Are you determined to boost your current level of abundance – including your visibility, your impact, your magnetism, your opportunities, your credibility, your clients, and YES — even your lifestyle — way beyond “just-getting-by”?Infinite possibilities await you when you chose to truly love everything!Releasing Control to Be the Space of LoveDo you ever try to control the people you love? Do you wish they were different than they are? Do you wish YOU were different than you are in this very moment? When you want to control someone or something into being different, judgment locks what you’re judging in place and blocks the flow of love and gratitude. In this audio Rikka invites you to let go of your attempts to control everyone and everything in the world around you, harmonizing old emotional content and allowing “what is” to move you into the space of self-love. Are you ready to stop using control to maintain your limitations, let down your barriers and relax into the space of ever-flowing love you truly are? Releasing Control ToningHave your attempts to control people and situations been successful? Or have they left you exhausted and gotten in your way of basking in divine love? During this toning Rikka invites you to vibrationally release the entirety of the disharmony that has built up in your energetic system as a result of trying to control the world around you. Are you ready and willing let go of controlling your life into limitation and allow the light of consciousness to illuminate the infinite love you truly are? Relax and breathe. If you are called to do so, ADD YOUR OWN TONING to exponentialize and personalize the toning session! Infinitely Loving All EnergiesHave you ever judged any energy as “good” or “bad”/”right” or “wrong”/”wanted or “unwanted”/”positive” or “negative”? Any judgment you have of any energy colors your experience accordingly. When we label and define energies such as sadness, worry, depression, terror, trauma, anger, angst or anxiety they get locked in your body and energetic systems. Have you ever felt like you might die if you let yourself fully feel the depths of these energies, so you suppressed them instead? What if beyond the walls of every experience you think you can’t handle, joy and love await you? In this audio Rikka empowers you to infinitely love all energies and liberate yourself from the illusion of all separation. Imagine the bliss of allowing all energies to flow freely through you! Infinitely Loving All Energies ToningYou are and instrument of Oneness and nothing about you is wrong or bad. In this powerful toning session Rikka unwaveringly holds a sacred space of infinite love and invites you to feel all of “it”. Would you be willing to be bold and brave enough to feel it all and get to the other side where absolute freedom is ready and waiting to greet you with open arms? Relax and breathe. If you are called to do so, ADD YOUR OWN TONING to exponentialize and personalize the toning session! Loving Yourself Into AbundanceHave you hired money to limit you? In this audio Rikka helps you unravel all of the ways you make money the scapegoat of your limitations and empowers you in every aspect of your life, including your finances. Prosperity is your birthright! Is it time to stop worrying about money and love you into abundance instead?Clearing Deep Abuse ToningACHIEVING INNER-HARMONY: Accessing Your Greatest Teacher Plus Daily Vibrational PracticeLife is your greatest teacher. And the very people, situations and circumstances that you avoid at all costs are waiting to call you into the greatest expression of your true self. Your mother-in-law is your greatest teacher, your ex-husband is your guru and your step-children are your spiritual advisors. Each time one of these catalysts trigger you, you are provided access to a GOLDEN MOMENT OF GRACE in which you are met by the perfect opportunity to integrate past wounds and hurts and step into freedom. Falling In Love with the Infinite YouImagine your body as the beautiful mansion where you reside. Do you realize every judgment of your body is akin to swinging a wrecking ball at your own home, destroying it blow by blow? Join Rikka on a magnificent meditative journey that guides you to fall in love with yourself, energetically restoring your body as the sparkling, blissful home it was designed to be for you! Your body is begging to be loved by you! Are you ready to allow all of your bodily symptoms of pain and dis-ease to vanish as your molecules glow brighter than ever with the light of love? Falling in Love with the Infinite You ToningThis toning session is an infusion of loving attention straight into your being. Gently nurture the universe called you with pure self-love! Relax and breathe. If you are called to do so, ADD YOUR OWN TONING to exponentialize and personalize the toning session!Loving Every Aspect of Your LifeDo you find yourself putting on a myriad of costumes in your daily life, portraying a limited version of yourself to “fit in” to this reality? In this audio Rikka facilitates you to be the observer of the characters you play through the eyes of infinite love. This process rewires your biofeedback system to its default setting of bliss! Imagine what your life would be like if nothing and no one had the power to push your buttons ever again! Are you ready and willing to set yourself free by fully loving every aspect of your life?


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