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Paul Sanders – Get The Friends You Want

Paul Sanders – Get The Friends You Want.pdf
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**** Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community. Thanks for keeping elib awesome!This exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Get The Friends You Want GBThis GB is CompletedPaul Sanders — Get The Friends You WantWebsite: HereBook Description:“Could It Really Be Possible That Problems With Loneliness, Shyness, Social Anxiety And Inability To Have Conversations, And Make Friends GET WORSE As YOU GET OLDER?”Sadly, the answer is YES… but it’s NOT because you’re meant to be alone for life… or even because you’re not a good and valuable person. Read on to discover the reason why so many people end up lonely, crippled by shyness, unable to make good conversation and cause potential friends to REJECT them… or even humiliate them and talk behind their backs.Dear Friend,Let me ask you a couple of questions…• Have you ever felt that it is a possibility that you end up lonely and isolated for the rest of your life?• Have you ever felt that everyone you knew in life just forgot about you and now, you’re on your own?• Have you ever made friends with someone and then have them decide to NOT SEE YOU anymore for no logical reason whatsoever?• Have you ever found people get BORED by talking to you because you quickly RAN OUT OF THINGS TO SAY?• Have you ever been unable to go to a party that you would LOVE to attend, because the shyness in you prevented and scared you from going?• Have you ever avoided a social situation, just to avoid any possibility of being rejected and humiliated in front of a group of people?• Have you ever spent your birthday or a holiday ALONE? …or both in the same year?• Have you ever suspected that the people that you know are AWARE that you have no friends?• Have you ever felt that you’re totally removed from the social life? And you started doubting that there MUST be something deeply wrong with you?• Have you ever dates someone you LOVED at first sight and have them DUMP you quickly once they discover what your (social) life looks like?Shyness and Social Anxiety Seem Like A Prison With No Way Out… I’ve been thereI had all the socially awkward symptoms. I felt lonely, shy, and filled with social anxiety. I couldn’t hold a conversation to save my life. I was the last person you could ever call “Cool” or “Interesting”. I had NO IDEA how to make friends. And I couldn’t even DREAM of having a couple of friends, let alone a GROUP of friends.Let’s face it, they don’t teach us this stuff at school. If you’re shy what should you do? If you have no friends or not the kind of friends that make you happy, what should you do? Give up?After a few google searches you’ll find advice that is so broad and imprecise that you would have NO IDEA how to apply it.You can even read Carnegie’s book “How to make friends and influence people” and not know EXACTLY what to do today in order to make new friends.This was a big deal for me. I spent 7 to 8 years studying social interaction, human behavior and psychology. I tried every advice that I could get my hands on, even had to import some old books from Austria that never made it to and no one knows about.I was looking for the KEY FACTORS that made people… try and hang out with some people and try to be friends with them… while ignoring, rejecting and even making fun of other people. I started to apply and got rid of some of my problems with social awkwardness and started making some friends here and there. But at first, it seemed like it’s going to take FOR EVER.The “A-HA!” moment that changed everything for meAt one point, I stopped relying on the techniques of the experts I found in books and tapes. I started to look for people who have lots of friends in the REAL WORLD.I started watching them and getting to know some of them. At first, I was very intimidated. Then I started to see patterns between what I saw and what I learned by myself.When I combined those two sources of knowledge, things started rolling… and FAST.By combining experts’ advice and “street-smarts” techniques… I started making friends FAST. I started to see WHY I needed to build a social circle and how do the popular people do it in a matter of weeks.This happened mostly when they just moved to my city and I got to know them. A couple of weeks were enough for them to make more friends that I could gather up in a YEAR.WHAT’S THE KEY REALIZATION?It’s A Process Of 7 Parts That They Do Not Teach You At School• You have to recognize FULLY that you’re a social human being, no matter what experiences you went through. You’re a human, therefore you ARE social and NEED friends. Even more friends than you think you need, just to have that optimal feeling that we call “happy”.• When you get in a lonely state, you need to be able to get OUT of it fast. Most people mistake loneliness for depression and end up running in circles for years. Loneliness can get you in a complex dilemma where you crave social connection… but you don’t feel like socializing AT ALL.• You gotta know how to turn the table on shyness and social anxiety. These are “tricky” problems that SEEM to be a part of who you are. Actually,… they ARE a part of who you are. Until you know how to solve them !• Conversation is the basis of all social skills. You need to learn the essential tricks to start conversations, make quick connections, hold people’s attention, keep a conversation going, make people talk to each other, and talk with a whole group of people. HINT : You need to do it RIGHT, most people do it in an amateur way that prevents them from meeting new people and keeps them “stuck” with the friends they always had.• You gotta have the social skills of a socially savvy person. The best part is that it’s LEARNABLE. These include how to be outgoing and talkative, how to be “COOL”, how to be interesting and not bore people away, How to be FUN and make jokes with people, avoid socially awkward mistakes, and last but not least : add some simple-to-manage social activities that are FUN and INTERESTING.• The MASTER SKILL : Making friends. If you take time to learn this, and know what to do SPECIFICALLY to make friends, then you’re a lucky one ! it involves knowing the right places to find friends that are the best choice for you, making conversations that make them want to be your friend, getting their contact information, keeping in touch, meeting them again and having a lot of fun, and deepening the friendship and turn “casual friends” into “close and loyal friends”.• You have to know how to build a circle of friends that will take care of you. This is just one step away from “making friends” but it makes a huge difference. Once you decide to start doing it, you’ll get a lot more friends FASTER, have a lot of fun and interesting social experiences (trips, parties, etc.) and… because other people are involved in your group, they DO MOST OF THE WORK TO CREATE THOSE EXPERIENCES. I cannot think of a better way to have a great social life. And it’s also a great way to meet and date the hottest dates you’ve had in your life. That’s just a side-effect.All of these things aren’t just easy to learn and put into action,… they are also INSANELY FUN to learn.How Can YOU Overcome shyness and loneliness, Master Conversation and Social Skills and Make friends?Well, before I give you the answer, let me tell you about what has been happening lately…Back in the day, I had all the awkward symptoms, the loner habits, the unattractive qualities a person can have… I know how it all feels like.I interviewed a lot of guys and girls that not only had more friends than they could ever keep up with, but also had lots of deep and meaningful friendships with people who would stand beside them, no matter what.I got many times into a situation where I had ZERO friends and had to do it all over again… I didn’t know how to build a social circle and fell on my face repeatedly and saw my circle of friends blow up in front of my eyes, it happened to me also when I needed to move to new places, I had to start from scratch.I studied social behavior, psychology, human motivation for the last 7 to 8 years and applied and tried many models of improving a social life, making friends, stripped it down and kept just what worked CONSISTENTLY in the REAL WORLD.I did research about loneliness, shyness and social anxiety that took me a couple of years and I finally understood what these things are made out of so I can get rid of them for good.My friends that are experts in self-improvement and sales always encouraged me to write a book or do seminars, and even invited me to speak at a self-improvement conference in a major city. At first, I didn’t really realize that I could share this stuff.Now, let’s get back to YOU and YOUR social success. If YOU’RE READY to overcome shyness, get rid of loneliness, start making conversations that make you friends, then you’re in the right place.Are you ready to get a couple of close friends that stay loyal to you? So, are you ready to have a fun social life, full of friends and great activities? Are you ready to get your own social circle and enjoy Parties, Celebrations, Trips, and Birthday Parties that most of your relatives and old friends could NOT EVEN DREAM OF?Yes? Good !“Get The Friends You Want” ebook – or how to overcome shyness and loneliness, learn conversation and social skills, and make friendsI spent several months condensing all the techniques that worked for me, my friends, and my friends’ clients. These techniques the KEY to having the friends you want and avoiding loneliness and rejection.I put them out in an ebook format. I did that so you could either print it, or read it in your favorite device. It’s not too long, made out of 145 pages and 7 chapters. I wrote it like a reference manual. You can literally jump to any section and start learning new techniques you can use TODAY.The first three chapters are all about how to OVERCOME THE LIMITING stuff : Loneliness, Shyness, Social Anxiety, and Feelings of Being Removed from the social worldThe fourth and fifth chapters are about SOCIAL SKILLS : We begin with Conversation and how to master it and go on to learn other CRUCIAL social skills.The sixth and seventh chapters are about making friends (how to go from zero friends to 10, 20, or a 100 friends) and how to build all that into a social circle that makes it easy for you to keep up with.It’s a downloadable ebook, you can GET IT NOW and start to learn stuff like this :Part 1: Overcome Loneliness, Shyness, and Social Anxiety• How you still vitally need friends, in this modern age, where live social interaction is mistakenly taken for granted. – page 8• You’ll (finally) be able to make sense of what other people do, socially : why they laugh at some things and not others, befriend some people and not others, go out to some places and not others, dress a certain way and not another. – page 11• You’ll know the 8 motivators that get people to behave socially the way they do. Once you know this, you’ll basically CRACK THE CODE that’s behind people’s social behaviors. – page 11• Why some people get REJECTED while others get CHASED. You’ll also know what to do about it so you avoid being rejected by the friends you need. – page 14• You’ll know why people keep ignoring loners, instead of cheering them up. (it’s about a specific behavior that loners have, that drives good people away) – page 16• You’ll be able to construct a vision for your social success. After going through this part, your social success will be as clear to you as a puzzle with all the pieces in place. You’ll be more ready to go for it than ever. – page 17• You’ll get to know why it feels WEIRD to be more social… all of a sudden. And how to unplug that unnatural feeling. – page 20• You’ll know how you’ll be able to make friends and STAY INTROVERTED IF YOU WANT. This book is not intended to change your nature. You can stay introverted if you want and keep all the little habits that you love to do by yourself. This part will show you how. – page 22• Socializing and being more social requires a particular kind of motivation, it’s different from regular motivation that is intended to “achieve goals”… in page 23, we’ll talk about exactly how to have that motivation. – page 23• You’ll understand how their loneliness works, so you can deal with it properly to get rid of it. – page 27• You’ll be able to avoid the skeptical and hostile behavior that cause people to reject you and move away to make friends with other people. – page 28• You’ll know why lonely people generally FAIL to make friends, even if they try their hardest, and what to do about it. – page 31• You’ll know how to get over the negativity and depression that loneliness can get you in. – page 30• How to be “ready” to make friends now, even if you were lonely for several years. – page 30• Technology, that is supposed to make us more connected, is a trap that can make us get even more lonely and isolated, this book will teach you how to make friends using the power of technology, while preventing it from making you even more isolated. – page 34• How to overcome shyness and social anxiety. – page 37• How to do what shyness used to prevent you from doing: Talk to strangers, Stand up for yourself, reclaim respect from others, express your opinion, Go out in public and feel perfectly confident, normal, and social, Be able to go out to nightclubs or bars, feel perfectly good, as if you were “at home”, and be able to talk to anyone there, Go to parties when they’re invited and feel great about it, even if they go alone, etc.) – page 56• How to “laugh in the face” of any social rejection. And how to avoid getting rejected by potential friends. And how to detect rejection before it happens. (popular people are great at this, we’ll talk about it page 40)• You’ll discover the shocking truth about the social world. Only the popular and “insanely-socially-successful” people know. This stuff will make you much more powerful and confident as you will “know what’s going on” and can’t be intimidated. – page 43• You’ll know what popular people think of shy people and why that information is a HUGE opportunity to make new friends – page 46• You’ll know what people think of you when they see you and how much time they spend deciding whether or not they think that they are cool and interesting. – page 43• What people think of someone when they see them making a socially awkward mistake… and what you can do to make your social mistakes (if they ever happen) seem almost invisible and go unnoticed to people around you. – page 45• Popular people don’t like all the shy and reserved people, BUT,… they love one SPECIFIC kind of shy people because of one SPECIFIC behavior. These “special shy people” have an attitude that you NEED TO KNOW. – page 46• How to use your beliefs, emotions and body-reactions in a way that will make you more inclined to make friends and talk to people, instead of shying away and hiding from people. – page 53• How to almost instantly change the negative beliefs that you KNOW are holding you back. – page 54• How to practice being social with absolutely no riskPart 2: Master Conversation and Social Skills• How to talk confidently, whether or not you were confident in the past. – page 63• How to start conversations with strangers and make them feel like you’re someone they know well. – page 64• Why some conversation starters work, while others don’t and what’s the difference that makes the difference. – page 66• How to hold someone’s attention when you first meet them. – page 67• How to start and end conversations as you please without coming across as rude and unfriendly. – page 67• How to know what’s stopping you from talking for as long as you want and how to free yourself from these things and make conversations last as long as you want. – page 68• How to keep a conversation going, and never run out of things to say, without having to “work” at it. – page 70• There are some specific topics to talk about at FIRST, that make other people want to get to know you and make friends with you. Learn about them in page 72• How to use other people’s stories in your own conversations in a way that makes you sound interesting, even if those stories have nothing to do with you. – page 73• How to go from subject to subject, potentially forever. And to draw the link between conversation topics, no matter unrelated they seem to be. – page 74• A universal technique used and shared by Dale Carnegie (in 1930’s) that is SO good that it still works today. This technique makes anyone you talk to want to stick around and share more about themselves. At the end of the conversation, they won’t feel that they talked more than you. Instead they’ll think that you’re an amazing conversationalist, even if THEY were doing most of the talking. Grab this technique in page 75.• How to USE silence in conversation to make everyone feel comfortable and optimistic, instead of feeling awkward. – page 76• A quick way to practice small talk. This will make you do small talk much better than average people. (you can do this the very next time you get out of the house) – get it in page 76• How to make two people that you know, talk to each other, so you won’t have to do all the talking. That will also enable you to walk away and talk to someone else if you want. – page 77• How to have conversations in a group in a way that makes you QUICKLY FIT IN. And how to AVOID being interrupted and make the people in the group like you on the first day you show up. – page 78• How to get in the mood for conversation, get talkative and be more outgoing. This works even if you had a bad day and even if you spent a whole week not talking to anyone. It makes you snap-back in a social mode. – page 79• Some people seem to attract the most amount of friends. Everyone wants to be friends with them and that’s because everyone sees them as “cool”. You’ll learn WHAT the elements behind “coming across as cool”. You can start integrating those elements in your life today, and attract more friends. Learn it in page 82• How to be funny and fun to be around, so people like you and crave your presence. – page 92• What to NEVER do, when making a funny joke. I call this section “humor do’s and don’ts”… some of these mistakes can have the opposite effect (they repel people), so we have to be careful. Learn more in page 96• The 44 worst socially awkward mistakes you need to STOP DOING RIGHT NOW. They weird people out and make them want to get the hell out of there ASAP. – page 97• How to come across as interesting and avoid coming across as a boring person. – page 101• How to not only be interesting but come across as interesting to the specific friends you would love to hang out with – page 101• How to become interesting in the long run (for life) in page 102• How to get your life to be MORE FUN, without “sweating at it”. – page 102• How to make fun plans in seconds, instead of minutes or hours. Without too much preparation, you’ll be able to make plans ON-THE-SPOT. – page 104• How to make fun social plans, even if when you have NO MOTIVATION to do so. (it’s so easy, you don’t need to be “motivated” to get it done) – page 105• How to have other people see you as a FUN-and-INTERESTING person – page 104• How to have people recognize that you have a fun life and get excited when they call them to hang out. – page 104• How to discover and organize new social activities that you weren’t aware of. And do it in a way that doesn’t take much time. Best of both worlds : Having time for what you like to do on your own and having time to chill and have fun with friends. – page 107• How to know what fun and interesting events are taking place in your city and never miss out on them. – page 106• How to do lots of social activities, without really spending BIG BUCKS or blowing out through your savings, nor getting into debt… – page 107• How to deal with friends that smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs in a way that lets you hang out with them if you want without ever feeling “pressured” to do use these substances yourself. – page 108Part 3: Make Friends and Build Your Social Circle• You’ll know how important it is to KEEP finding new friends, no matter how many friends you know, now. Friends tend to disappear from your life and that makes you obligated to constantly making friends with new people. – page 111• How to meet friends in the places and areas that you already pass by every day, without realizing all the opportunities to meet new people. – page 111• How to turn a colleague into a friend, so they can start making friends, before even leaving the office. – page 112• If you’re in college, you’ll get to know how to take advantage of all the opportunities of thousands of new potential friends, instead of being intimidated by the crowd – page 113• How to meet new friends through the people you already know, even if you never thought of them as a potential “source” of new people that you can be friends with – page 114• Why you should NEVER miss a birthday party, why it’s the easiest occasion to meet new friends, and how to make friends once they you get there. – page 114• How to meet new people in places you’ve never considered going to. Places like charity events, expat events, pet-related-events, professional events, free seminars and conventions, cultural events, etc. – page 115• How to join groups of interest that make it easy for you to make friends and how to make friends, once you join. By the way, you don’t even have to commit to any particular group of interest. – page 117• How to turn a facebook “friend” into a Real Friend. – page 117• How to concentrate on just a few friends on facebook that will make all the difference in your life. You don’t have to keep up with more than 10 to 30 friends that are the MOST important. We’ll also talk about how to select who goes in that category.• How to quickly make friends in online forums and meet them in real life. You can do it faster than average people think possible. These forums can be about something you really love to talk about, so you’ll get friends that have the same interests/hobbies as you. We’ll talk about HOW to do it in page 118.• How to start friendships right: how to make conversations that create friendships out of a random encounter. – page 119• How to break psychological barriers that exist between strangers and make everyone feel comfortable about getting to know each other. – page 119• How to quickly know if someone would make a good friend or not. This saves you time by avoiding people who are a bad-match for you and won’t make you happier, instead they just take up space and you won’t have time to make the friends that you’ll have BIG fun with. – page 119• Once you meet someone that could make of a great friend, you need to know what to talk about and what to do to make them want to be friends with you. Learn that in page 120.• How to make someone feel an instant connection with you, as soon as you start talking to them. – page 121• How to keep in touch with all the friends that you have and want to hang out with AND all the new friends that you will be making in the upcoming weeks, after reading the book. – page 122• How to get people think of you often instead of forgetting about you. They’ll remember you even if they won’t see you every day. It also doesn’t require more than a few minutes each day. – page 123• Learn how to ask people to join you in your plans, in a way that makes them say YES, almost every time. – page 124• How to ask someone to join you in your fun plans in a way that avoids all possible rejection.. (popular people do this a lot, by the way) – page 124• How to get people to invite you out to their fun plans, without being pushy or obvious about it – page 124• How to turn a “casual friend” into a real and close friend – page 125• In page 125, we’re gonna talk about the experiences you’ll have with your new friends. The sooner you have these experiences, the sooner you’ll “click” together and become close friends.• How to make someone believe that you’re a “formless” friend, that means that they can take you and suggest all kinds of plans and social activities to you, not just one. – page 126• What topics to talk about with a “casual friend” in order to turn them into a “close friend”. – page 127• How to make people want to see you again, and again, and again. And how to avoid the mistakes that make people get tired of seeing you (even some popular people fall into these mistakes) – page 129• What kind of attitude to have and how to use it, to have people be glad they met you, respect you, and never “take you for granted”. – page 129• How to keep a friendship for a long time and make someone continue to want to see you, even if you’ve been friends for a long time. – page 131• You’ll know why you absolutely need a social circle and why is it better than just having a few friends. You’ll know how making friends is much easier once you start to build your social circle. – page 135• A social circle the BEST and EASIEST way to meet a great boyfriend or girlfriend, or just a way to meet a lot of HOT dates. Learn how to benefit from it in page 136.• Why having a social circle will make you have parties and celebrations that you’ll remember, till the rest of your life. – page 136• Why not having a social circle, can potentially result in you having crappy birthday parties or no birthday parties at all, just hanging out alone at the house… it can also get you to have the same crappy and lonely experiences on Christmas, thanksgiving and other occasions. – page 136• You’ll learn why and how does a social circle require a lot less work than most people think. And how to make that work for you. – page 137• You’ll learn about the elements or “pillars” of building a social circle – page 137• You’ll learn to build a social circle before you get into a situation where you absolutely need it (say, you meet a new date and they introduce you to their friends and then expect you to do the same,… they can be disappointed to find out that you don’t have a circle of friends) – page 138• How to introduce people to each other in a way that makes them respect you more, be glad they’re friends with you, and become more loyal to you. – page #• How to get people to introduce other people to you, so you will be making new friends without any effort. – page 138• How to stop having friends that don’t know each other and have friends that know each other… this helps you stay in touch with everyone much easier, everyone will remember you and you won’t have to do all the calls and all the planning. – page 139• How to connect with VERY popular people (or “connectors”) who have constant flood of new people in your life, so you can pick and choose who to be friends with. – page 140• These people are very special and only make friends with people in certain conditions. that’s because A LOT of people want to be friends with them already. They filter people pretty fast and everyone is intimidated by them.• How to skip all that clutter and connect with them in a way that you’ll stop, notice you with attention, and want you to absolutely be part of their group.• I’ll also teach how to be best-friends with these guys. Remember, I learned a lot about the social world, just by hanging out with them. –page 141• How to start a social circle from scratch, even if you have ZERO friends right now, even if you JUST moved to a new city. – page 143• How to join an established group of friends that “seem” to be impenetrable and fit in, the first time you get with them. – page 144• How to successfully date people in your social circle. Remember, people who have trouble finding great dates are very often exactly the people who don’t have a large circle of friends, and they think they need to get “dating advice” to solve it. – page 144Now, How can you know if this book is for YOU?If you already have more friends than you can keep up with, then you probably don’t need this book. If you have no fear of rejection, feel no shyness when talking to people and you DON’T ever feel lonely, then you don’t need it. Also if you never happen to run out of things to say and people always describe you as “cool” and “interesting” and crave your presence, maybe you don’t need this. And if you already have your social circle making your life very enjoyable every day, then you probably don’t need this book.On the other hand, there are certain sticky problems that people have when it comes to socializing that get worse with time. Read through the list below. If you find that you’ve experienced any one of these problems, I highly recommend you grab this ebook now.However, if while you are reading through this list you realize that you’ve experienced more than one of these problems that are almost impossible to shake, you need to get this program immediately.• If you’re feeling lonely these days or if you’ve always felt lonely and isolated.• If you have the feeling that you don’t belong in the social world• If you’re shy or hesitant when it comes to interacting with people• If you have trouble talking to people and keeping conversations going• If you don’t know how to come across as interesting and cool to the friends you want• If you have no friends or want to add new friends in your life• If you want to make friends of better quality and you’re sick and tired of some losers that you know• If you have trouble having or creating a fun (social) life, and all your efforts to do so end up failing• If you have never built a social circle for yourself that was awesome enough that the friends in it stayed in it for more than two months• If you happen to make friends, but they end up either turning out to be unreliable jerks or wander off and start calling you less and less• If you know people but NOBODY ever calls you to go out and do something fun and social• If you’re overwhelmed with anxiety, every time you’re about to have a social interaction• If you feel that people will reject all your attempts to try and make friends with them• If you just moved to a new city, or want to start your social life from scratch in your current city• If you just joined college and don’t know how you will make friends• If you have a job that takes all your time and you think that you’re maybe missing out on having a decent social life full of friends• If you just lost a friend or a couple of friends, for any reason, and now you feel that they left a void in your life• If you just broke up with your boyfriend or girlfriend and now you figure that you’re on your own and feel like crap about it• If you just broke up with your boyfriend or girlfriend and want to get over them ASAP by meeting some friendly people that will cheer you up• If you always wanted to meet new friends by you don’t know where or how• If you’ve already tried making friends in the past, but it was so overwhelming and disorganized that you gave it up• If you want to make friends and get out of your loneliness, but at the same time you have no motivation to go out and meet people• If you’re lonely and yet, don’t feel like going out and meeting people• If you’re spending too much time online trying to contact people, but you end up with no real friends• If you fear that popular people can reject or even humiliate you if you try and become their friends or even go to the places they go to• If you logically know that you need to go meet people but you feel so bad and anxious in your body that you can’t bare it and always end up staying home• If you are hesitant and doubtful when you talk to people that they see no point in making conversations with you• If you come across good potential friends, but have no idea how to start a conversation with them, maintain it and get their contact information• If you always had trouble with small talk• If you’re sick of having awkward silences over and over and having it damage any chances of you making some interesting friends• If you can make good conversations one-on-one, but always have trouble making conversation within a group of people• If you become silent and intimidated when you’re inside or close to a crowd of people• If you know you can have great conversations, but have trouble getting in a talkative mood when you meet the people you would love to be friends with and miss out on the opportunity• If you have trouble being fun and making jokes with people• If you happen to come across as awkward or weird with people• If you already know how to make friends, but have trouble keeping in touch with themI can’t judge for you, but if you really NEED this information, then you probably already know that.Chances are, this book holds THE KEY you need to overcome what’s blocking you from having the amazing social life you DESERVE.What makes this book different• It addresses the problem from all angles. It’s not about ONE PART of what you need, it’s about ALL THAT YOU NEED : from overcoming the blocking emotions, to learning the critical social skills, to making friends and having a social circle.• It’s not about “general advice” or “best practices”. It’s about EXACTLY what to do, where to go, and what to talk about in order to make the friends.• It’s not complex. There are no psychological concepts that only a therapist can understand. It’s written in simple language, and that’s why it’s directly applicable in the real world.Here is what to look for, down the roadIf you apply what’s in the book, soon enough you’ll find yourself in a situation that looks like this :• A group of Close friends• A Wide range of friends• Lots of fun and laughter lot in your life, with your friends• Amazing and unforgettable experiences, trips, parties, get-togethers, etc.• Awesome birthday parties, celebrations and holidays• Great summer vacations with friends• Meet lots of available hot dates through friends• Always having fun plans, either that you organize or other people invite you to, or just to do with friends on the spot• Your whole family and old friends get completely amazed by your social lifeI can’t say when. These things may happen a few days after you finish the book… within the first couple of weeks… or several months down the road, but it will happen. I guarantee it.Don’t let another day go by. Make the decision right now to create this new life for yourself… and don’t let anything stop you from achieving your dreams.


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