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Nawang Khechog – Music as Medicine (Schumann frequency )

[1CD – 1FLAC]



Nawang Khechog – Music as Medicine [1CD – 1FLAC].product Description Binaural beatings are auditory brainstem responses which originate in the superior olivary nucleus of each hemisphere. They result from the interaction of two different auditory impulses, originating in opposite ears, below 1000 Hz and which differ in frequency between one and 30 Hz (Oster, 1973). For example, if a pure tone of 400 Hz is presented to the right ear and a pure tone of 410 Hz is presented simultaneously to the left ear, an amplitude modulated standing wave of 10 Hz, the difference between the two tones, is experienced as the two wave forms mesh in and out of phase within the superior olivary nuclei. This binaural beat is not heard in the ordinary sense of the word (the human range of hearing is from 20-20,000 Hz). It is perceived as an auditory beat and theoretically can be used to entrain specific neural rhythms through the frequency-following response (FFR)–the tendency for cortical potentials to entrain to or resonate at the frequency of an external stimulus. Thus, it is theoretically possible to utilize a specific binaural-beat frequency as a consciousness management technique to entrain a specific cortical rhythm.Benefits of stimulating your brain with binaural beatings are:•Deep meditation•Brain balancing leading to whole brain functioning, improving memory, intuition,  focus, concentration and learning ability•Dramatically improved self awareness•Reduce stress and decrease harmful brain chemicals related to stress•Improvements in mental and emotional health•Increase brain chemicals related to longevity, well-being, and quality of lifeWe all seek a state of higher consciousness that awakens and enlivens our whole being. Masters of meditation and yoga, great artists, inventors and highly accomplished people in many walks of life have learned to develop and live from such a state. British researcher and Zen master C. Maxwell Cade spent decades analyzing the brainwave patterns of these extraordinary people. He discovered that they each shared a common pattern of brainwaves, which Cade called the Awakened Mind Pattern, and which he believed holds the key to tapping into one’s highest potential for clarity of mind, deep insight, creative inspiration, and peak performance.”In the ‘Integral Awakened Mind’ state, the mind is clearer, sharper, quicker, and more flexible than ordinary states. Thinking feels fluid rather than rigid. Emotions become more available and understandable, easier to work with and transform. Information flows more easily between the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious levels. Intuition, insight, and empathy increase and become more integrated into normal consciousness.”In 1952 the German Scientist W.O.Schumann, discovered the presence of a natural radio signal resonating as a standing wave around our planet within the Earth/Ionosphere cavity and beating with a sharp pulse of 7.83 Hz. Thereafter, this signal has been referred to as the “Schumann Resonance”. It is no coincidence, that the brainwave frequency of most vertebrates is around that value, although that of industrial man/woman is often higher. However, the dominant brainwave frequency of sensitives, such as Shamans and Healers comes close to 7.83 Hz and may, at times, beat in phase with the Earth’s signal, thereby causing Harmonic Resonance.It would appear that the Schumann Resonance acts like a natural tuning fork to our biological oscillators. Michael Hutchison states in his book “Mega Brain Power” that the 7.83 Hz frequency has been found to be one of those “window frequencies” that appear to have a wide range of beneficial effects on human beings ranging from reports of enhanced healing to accelerated learning. When a biological system vibrates at this frequency, it can be said to be in a state of resonance or attunement with the planet’s own magnetic frequency, the ‘natural electromagnetic matrix for all life on this planet, the frequency in which all life forms evolved, and until recent decades, the dominant electromagnetic frequency in which all life took place.’ The effect of resonating with this Schumann Frequency is “anchoring” ourselves in this natural frequency, improved immune function and a feeling of inner calm and a deep spiritual sense of oneness with Gaia -our Earth Mother-. This Oneness with everything around us, which so often has been described in ancient teachings, the peak experience most of us are striving for, is quite simply “Harmonic Resonance” with the frequency of our planet, which has also been shown to be the frequency of our heart and brainwave rhythms when we experience “unconditional Love”. Love is a Frequency – Love is the Healer. The Binaural used in this CD uses a Schumann frequency chord carrier to induce an Awakened Mind pattern of Brainwaves.Nawang Khechog is a Grammy nominee and one of Tibet’s foremost world music composers and musicians. He is also one of the first Tibetan musicians to be able to break into the international world music scene with his original and authentic musical compositions (solo and collaborative albums).In 2007 Nawang received the Tibetan Music Award (Special Recognition , similar to Life Time Achievement Award) and International Civil Golden Award , the highest civilian award of Nepal.Nawang was a monk for 11 years and studied Buddhist philosophy and meditation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and many other Tibetan masters. He also lived as hermit, meditating in the Himalayan foothills for several years under the guidance of His Holiness.He aims to utilize music as a means to inspire non-violence, compassion and spirituality.The titles of the album’s compositions–“Healing Through Kindness;” “Harmony in Balance;” “Calls of Compassion to Humanity”–reinforce the spiritual consciousness at the center of MUSIC AS MEDICINE. Likewise, the music feels deeply considered and benevolent, with Khechog’s perfectly executed flute lines soaring through the atmosphere like birds on the wind. MUSIC AS MEDICINE makes good on its title, and is as beautiful and deeply healing an album of instrumental music as one is likely to find.Flautist Nawang Khechog plays achingly lovely music that blends New Age synthesizer with flute timbres that evoke his native Tibet. His work with R. Carlos Nakai and Kitaro show the musician’s range and willingness to experiment, yet at the center of MUSIC FOR MEDICINE is a deep stillness and expansive spirit, gesturing to the natural wonders of the Himalayas and the spiritual practices associated with the Zen tradition of the region.Additional personnel: R. Carlos Nakai.01.- Healing Through Kindness02.- Harmony in Balance03.- Bodhisattva’s Magnificent Heart04.- Meditation05.- Music as Medicine06.- A Call to Compassion to Humanity07.- Zen Blues08.- Turquoise Lamp09.- Dream10.- Universal Compassion11.- FreedomThe most effective way to percieve Binaural Beatings is with headphones, as each ear hears exclusively the frequencies present in the respective channel; when using speakers,  the frequencies in each channel are partially heard by the opposite ear diminishing the Binaural Beating effect. Placing yourself at close range in the center between left and right speakers optimizes listening to Binaurals this way. It is recommended to hear the whole CD every time as it is a complete program that takes you from normal every day consciousness into the Awakened Mind State and back out personally i feel its awesome   entrainment and healing music


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