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Menno Henselmans – Bayesian Bodybuilding Week 10-19

Weeks 10 – 19
[14 PDF]


Week 1- 9: Click HereWeek 10o Understanding how muscle growso Neural and morphological adaptations to strength trainingo Mechanisms of muscle growtho Strength vs. sizeo Sarcoplasmic hypertrophyo Cardio for fat lossWeek 11o Optimal training program design: volume, frequency and intensityWeek 12o Interindividual variability: why there’s no one-size-fits-all programo Autoregulation & muscle-specific hypertrophyo DNA testingo Work capacityo Gender specific programming: including contraception, pregnancy, the menstrual cycle and other female specific topicso Age specific programming: the elderly and youthWeek 13o The fitness lifestyleo Circadian rhythm controlo Optimizing sleep qualityo Stress managementWeek 14o Optimizing your exercise selectiono Accommodating resistance: biomechanics, bands and chainso Exercise selection reference listo Counting volume: how much does a certain exercise stimulate a certain muscle?o Training in a home gymWeek 15o Repetition tempoo Exercise techniqueo Internal vs. external cueingo The mind-muscle connectionWeek 16o Rest intervalso Active recoveryo Optimizing your exercise orderingo Circuit training, (antagonistic) supersets and paired setsWeek 17o      Advanced training techniques for muscle hypertrophyo Training to failure, forced reps and drop setso RPEs and autoregulationo Reverse pyramiding, cluster sets and myo-repso Weighted stretchingo Eccentric emphasized training/eccentric overloadingo Post-activation potentiationo KAATSU/blood flow restriction trainingWeek 18• Periodization and progressiono Cybernetic/autoregulatory, undulating and linear periodizationo Benchmarking and autoregulationo What is fatigue?o Overtraining, overreaching and deloadingo Autoregulatory Volume Training and Reactive DeloadingWeek 19o Training program case studies and Q&AWeek 20-26 & Meet-Up: Click Here


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