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Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life (Latest Q&A Calls)

Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life (Latest Q&A Calls)
[Webrip – 4 MP4’s, 4 MP3’s & 4 PDF’s]



Q&A Call [14 December 2017], Q&A Call [30 December 2017], Q&A Call [11 January 2018] and Q&A Call [27 January 2018].1. Marisa does a summary of Modules One and Two. 2. Will it matter if it takes longer than 8 weeks to complete the 8 modules? 3. I’m a little overwhelmed with the number of hypnosis sessions. How many should/can I do a day? 4. Do we listen to the hypnotic exercises every day for the entire week for all the modules in succession? 5. My mind frequently wanders while you’re doing the hypnosis [e.g.  to-do list, work, family, etc.]. When I listen to the hypnosis, I feel very awake and aware of myself and surroundings. Will this affect the outcome/results, and if so, any suggestions on how I can stay present? 6. What do I do if I get interrupted? 7. When I close my eyelids, my eyes don’t remain looking up. How can I keep looking up and close my eyes at the same time? 8. I always fall asleep every single time I listen to the hypnotic audio. I cannot recall a single thing spoken in it since I’m already fast asleep when the audio gets to the points of the session. Does the hypnosis work giving the fact that I sleep deep and sound through the session? 9. Does the hypnosis work as fine even when English isn’t my mother tongue? 10. I become very resistant to the trance practice sometimes. It stops feeling good and starts feeling too invasive. Any suggestions? 11. How can you stop negative talk and feelings about a person whose character and personality you don’t like? Also, how can I stop being affected by a person who is always very negative? What if we cannot just “make new positive friends”, i.e. the negative person is your spouse or close family members. 12. How do you convince your loved one that positive thinking will benefit their life when they are so entrenched in negative self-talk and negative thinking. 13. Is there any value in simply avoiding negative people or is there a risk of becoming isolated? 14. I’ve been following the program to the letter, doing the hypnosis daily and working through the workbooks. I don’t feel any difference at all – big or small. Can you give me any tips or advice on how to make the program work better? 15. I absolutely loved Module One, but I struggled with Module Two. I cannot clearly remember negative words that were said to me when I was a child. Therefore, I cannot focus on a clear picture in my head. Is this uncommon? 16. When you do the hypnosis and talk about the negative things people used to do, how can I protect myself from those examples? How can I be sure my subconscious is not grabbing those words? 17. Can I listen to the recordings while doing other activities? I don’t always have time to sit and get into a hypnotic state. 18. How can I solve procrastination? What phrases to tell to my subconscious mind? 19. Sometimes I feel disingenuous using flowery up-talk, feels kind of silly to me. Will my mind get past that? 20. As we move through the chapters and hypnosis, how do we know when we are transforming? 21. Gone thru a couple of the modules and finding I’m changing, and at the same time finding my social circles are changing with some people dropping away and a few staying close. Does this happen often? And suggestions to cope with these changes? 22. Marisa does a summary of Modules Three and Four and discusses New Year’s Resolutions. 23. My key challenge today is getting organized and disciplined about my daily schedule. While there are activities that I enjoy doing, I miss out on those as my daily schedule is not set and I can’t wake up early enough to fit those in. How do I manage that? 24. I procrastinate a lot. How to find more time for myself? I help my grandsons to grow up, and I have a little time for myself. How to focus on my priorities? Why am I not in the first place for myself in my life? 25. What if you can’t control “doing what you hate” first, like a boss who intrudes with fresh crises several times a day, but only on her schedule? 26. How do I choose between all the goals I want? How do I know where to put my time first? 27. How can I use this course to finish things? I’ve realized that I start many things, many courses like this as well but I always find a way to fall off the wagon. 28. When we use our thoughts or words to express our wishes or desires, is it really important to use only present verbs or can it be complete specific ideas with verbs in the future? Also, should we avoid the word “need”? 29. I’ve been having vivid dreams since I started the course. Is this something that happens because of the hypnosis recording? 30. I have a problem with anger, most of my life. I’ve been doing courses, workshops, therapy, etc. Could you advise, how to eliminate anger? 31. What can I do to ensure this information sticks with me? I loved Module Four, do what you don’t want to do first. I know this, I want to do it but why don’t I do this? What do you suggest? 32. I’m a pretty disciplined person, but I simply can’t convince myself that I matter at all – not continually, at least. Any suggestions for me? 33. Many mornings I awake with a start and a racing heart and mind about everything I have to do. Is this fear? How do I speak to myself to address this fear? 34. I have a company, and several different projects are all running at the same time. I have to accompany all of the projects to guarantee they happen, this overwhelms me and stresses me. How can I tackle this issue? 35. My mind does want to retreat to old patterns of thinking. I get frustrated with that. What can I do to stay in a positive mindset? 36. You said in the course that we should only focus on telling our mind one goal at a time that we want to accomplish. How long should I spend on each goal? I want so many things: more income, better fitness, owning my greatness more, etc. I’m too excited to focus on just one thing. 37. I set an intention before bed and plan to get up early, then I seem to hit snooze almost unconsciously in the morning. How do I change this? 38. I love the sessions. However, I feel I am sabotaging myself because when I finish a session, I do exactly the opposite of what the session was about. 39. How can we use this to be less reactive when we have old conditioning that even small things that some people/situations say/do trigger negativity in us? 40. I have a goal in mind but for one reason or another every time I see an opportunity something happens which is outside of my control which blocks my progression. Do you have any advice on how I can overcome this? 41. How do you stop the mind from justifying not doing what you know what you should be doing? 42. I’m single and have no family, no parents. I have reached a point in life where nothing matters and all my relationships are successful failures… I just want to know how to improve on myself and complete everything that I start and above all how do I make myself understand that I do matter to my self. 43. I feel I’m falling behind in this course. I get bored doing the same hypnosis over and over. Do I have to do each piece at least ten times before I can move forward on the course? Are we suppose to do one lesson a week? 44. What advise do you have to ensure we absorb all the information in this course? 45. Marisa does a summary of Modules Five and Six. 46. You mentioned trusting your instincts on your reactions to people. How do you know they are accurate vs. based on your insecurities/delusions? 47. What is your favorite method for setting specific goals? Can you walk us through an example of how you set your specific goals? 48. What mistakes are most common even with the top performers that you worked with when trying to achieve their goals? 49. How can I boost my motivation to take daily actions towards my goals? 50. How do I develop an extreme focus to ensure I take daily action? I have good intentions to take daily action but don’t always remember to do so because I get distracted. 51. If you wanted to start a new habit now, let’s say eating healthy, how would you go about it? What would be your thinking in creating it and sticking with it? 52. Delaying gratification seems like a great idea. But, if the goal is far ahead, let’s say ten years, how can I maintain my motivation that long to achieve it? 53. How can I maintain my team’s motivation if the goal is far ahead, because at one point it just sounds like empty repetition, and the credibility might vanish? 54. Delaying gratification is easier said than done. What is the biggest mistake that people tend to do that sets them up for failure in this aspect? 55. What are some characteristics of people that tend to have no problems with delaying gratification? 56. I’m good at delaying gratification with alcohol however when I do have a drink I’m not good at stopping at 1 or 2. I’d love to be able to drink socially a couple of days a week in moderation. How can I do this? 57. Is a tendency to change work direction or projects [i.e., not committing to one project for the long-term] a sign of difficulty in delaying gratification? 58. How do I take action to finish a task, that I have to complete when there are negative feelings associated with it? 59. Everything comes down to “take action.” Even with positive self-talk, I don’t find it gets easier. I don’t build momentum. I just can’t keep up and fall off the good habit. 60. How would you apply this training to retirement? When one feels they are ready to stop working, we all want to stay engaged and keep our lives busy. Any suggestions? 61. I set daily micro goals and take action but then don’t stop. I’m even jumping to the next day’s goals. Is overdoing it a common problem? I’m having some trouble with finding a powerful enough “goodie” to get me to take a break. 62. You say that to achieve something, you need a new habit. How do I know when I need to try something new [and what that thing is] and when I just need to persevere because the competition is so stiff? 63. Marisa does a summary of Modules Seven and Eight. 64. Is there a solution to the voice in my head that is always comparing? 65. How do I deal with major regrets in my life? 66. How do I decide which career to pursue and stick with it and still feel fulfilled in what I do for a living? I feel I’m not good enough where I’m at compared to my colleagues. 67. What do you think is a simple and practical advice but that people often disregard when trying to stop self-criticism? 68. What do you think are the most common reasons for feeling not good enough? How would you help a family member or close friend to overcome them? 69. I’m often criticized by my partner in public. How can I bring up the subject and what would a constructive dialogue look like or what are the steps to solve this? 70. I always have an internal fear of either failure or rejection which prevents me from playing fully in my personal and professional life. What can I do to improve? 71. I’m constantly dealing with the “Impostor Syndrome” in my work. This prevents me from charging more and asking for what I deserve for my accomplishments. What are the steps that can help me improve and ultimately solve this? 72. Life has taken a turn for the worst rather than better after going through the hypnosis sessions. Eg. Feeling worst emotionally than before and meeting bad experiences at work and having misunderstandings with colleagues when before it was fine? Is this a sign I should discontinue the program? 73. I realize that “the fear of not becoming enough” has been a major motivating factor in my life. This has resulted in many good things! Now, when “I’m enough,” what do you recommend as motivation to continue doing good things? 74. Thinking that I’m always enough, and not letting in unwanted criticism, are also characteristics of narcissistic people. How do I know that I haven’t taken these tools too far and become an arrogant person who doesn’t listen to feedback or admits that he is not good enough in certain aspects of life? 75. Is there any insight you can give me as a parent of how to help my amazing son grow up never to have the beliefs that he isn’t enough? 76. How can I get over guilt? 77. I want to know about the subconscious resistance to heal and how to let go of that. How do I let go of the fear, of both failure and even success? 78. Do you know how to handle forgiveness? I know the power of forgiveness but how do you know whether a relationship is going to be continuously harmful if you forgive this person and continue a relationship? 79. I listen to the audios, but there is so often a stubborn feeling to stop doing the things I need to do to progress. How can I overcome this? 80. What are the immediate next steps that we can take after we finish the course?


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