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Mackie Shilstone – Maximum Energy for Life

Maximum Energy for Life A 21-Day Strategic Plan to Feel Great, Reverse the Aging Process, and Optimize Your Health.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


This Book Could Save Your LifeSo what can you do about all of this? First, you must be willing to takecontrol of your health. You might be walking around with a serioushealth condition and not even know it. For example, consider thatof the 1.5 million people who have heart attacks every year, 60 percenthad no warning symptoms before the first attack. There are 18million people diagnosed with diabetes in the United States, butdoctors have estimated that another 5 million don’t even know theyhave this condition because they feel no symptoms until the diseasehas progressed.A lot of us are so used to living with pain, levels of exhaustion,lack of joy in our lives, and daily stress that we aren’t even aware offeeling bad anymore. Ask yourself honestly, when was the last timeyou didn’t feel some kind of daily pain in your body? Pain is a signalthat something is wrong. How many mornings do you wake up feelingtired? Consistent lack of energy is a signal that something isn’tworking right in your body.Most people do not realize that to a large extent, we can controlnot only how long we live but also the overall quality of our lives foryears to come. People used to believe that the factors that influencedour health were divided fifty-fifty between our heredity and our environment.I’m here to tell you that the percentages are more like 33percent heredity and 66 percent environment.Which means that we all have a great deal more control over ourhealth and our performance levels than we think we do. Isn’t it timethat you sat down and took the time to give yourself a real evaluationof your physical health, your risk factors for disease, your emotionalwell-being, and your levels of stress?


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