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Kristen Howe – The New Message of a Master Home Study Program

Kristen Howe – The New Message Of A Master Home Study Program
[23 mp3 – 3 pdf]



From the salesletter:“The NEW Message of a Master – The Secret Laws” Home Study is the only program on the Lawof Attraction that explains… and shows you how to apply… the 16 sub-laws that make up theUniversal Law.Most systems teaching the Law of Attraction are extremely vague, incomplete or complicated.Worse yet, offer little chance of succeeding.In fact, they introduce the Law of Attraction as if it were brand new. Something no one has everheard about.We know now that the Law of Attraction is Universal… has existed since the beginning of time…and works whether you want it to or not… to your benefit or detriment. And, that people haveknown about it for generations.These other resources diminish the Law of Attraction by failing to reveal the 16 specific sub-lawsthat exist within the Universal Law… and explain how they apply in our life.Kind of like knowing about the law of gravity, but not knowing about drag, thrust, lift, or any othersub-law within it.Imagine our world if Sir Isaac Newton merely identified that the law of gravity existed… with nofurther analysis. And, he did so as if it was truly life-changing.We would have felt betrayed… have more questions than answers… be more confused, not less.Because he had only told half the story… and by default, placed tremendous limits on ourpossibilities.Unfortunately, most “resources” created on the Law of Attraction do nothing more than identify itsexistence… without explaining the mechanics of how it works.With “The NEW Message of a Master – The Secret Laws” Home Study Program, I change all that.I’ll introduce the 16 secret laws that make up the Universal Law. I’ll explain them in easy-tounderstandlanguage. Then, take you by the hand and show you how to apply them.Starting today, the Law of Attraction:* Makes it far easier to succeed in life* Speeds up delivery of items on your “wish list”* Breaks through your roadblocks and eliminates setbacks* Injects momentum so you become unstoppable* Leaves you feeling energized instead of exhaustedI’ve taken the powerful life-changing information… centered on the 16 laws that give the UniversalLaw its power… and reformatted them into a comprehensive, easy-to- understand formula. And,it’s now…Available Immediately as Downloadable PDF’s and Audio in MP3 Format!In this program, I’ll take you by the hand and walk you through it step-by-step. I leave no stoneunturned, so you get maximum benefit! First…1. I introduce “The NEW Message of a Master – The Secret Laws” Home Study Program andsuggest the best way to use this program for immediate and greatest impact.2. Then, you gain powerful insights into the Universal Law by listening to “The Story” portion ofthe program.3. Next, I guide you in a detailed analysis of the 16 secret laws. Here, you discover how to triggerthe Universal Law, one sub-law at a time, to consistently and easily manifest your desires almostmagnetically!4. Finally, with each secret law, I walk you through a special coaching session. This is whereyou’ll apply the law in real time and accelerate integrating the law into your own life.No more wasting time on something that sounds interesting, but has no real value.Instead, you’ll quickly, easily and effectively apply the 16 secret laws of the Universal Law tocreate positive, lasting change in your life.The 16 Secret Sub-Laws are YOUR Game-Changer…Here’s a Snapshot of What You Will Discover:The 1st Law– Learn why people who don’t acknowledge this law wind up broke, miserable andunhappy… always!Creating Destiny Mastery – Discover the secret to effectively creating the destiny you want.Raising Your Level Of Receptiveness – Get the key that opens your success receptors to maximumcapacity… then capitalize on every opportunity that awaits you.Accessible Power – I’ll share some privileged information enabling you to unlock and harness thepower that naturally resides in you… so you can banish that uphill climb, for good.The 5th Law– Learn the truth about this law… then quickly identify all opportunities beneficial toyou.Creating Vision – Learn to create a crystal clear vision of your “dream life”… then progress quicklyand confidently in that direction.Risk Removal – Discover the most effective way to consistently create your desired outcomes…before they even happen.The 7th Law – Understand this law and eliminate the key barriers (limiting beliefs) to your success.Leveraging Your Most Powerful Tool – Learn to utilize the most effective tool for creating successand abundance that endures.The 12th Law – Master this law and experience success in ways you never thought possible.Words Of Power – Discover the specific words that are proven to enhance success in anyundertaking.Blocking Weakness – Get details on… not only becoming the best at anything you attempt… butalso eliminating your shortcomings…. for good.The 15th Law – Understand why obstacles are your friend and learn to capitalize on them.CLICK HERE TO START MANIFESTING…Quite honestly, this information is nothing short of INCREDIBLE.Consider these top 4 reasons why you should grab your copy without further delay:* I Reveal the Missing Piece of the Law of Attraction Puzzle. These 16 Sub-Laws of theUniversal Law are your unique game-changer. They’ll give you the breakthrough you need toexperience the Law of Attraction the way you always thought possible. It’s intended to finallyeliminate the doubt and worry of getting your life in order.* It’s Ridiculously Easy to Apply. I designed this system to help folks like you stay the course.I’ll take your hand and walk you through… step-by-step. When you persist with ease… you getresults. And we both succeed! The ultimate win-win.* It’s Proven Effective. I based this formula on my experiences… and that of many others…applying the wisdom of the 16 sub-laws of the Universal Law. I’ve put it to the test… and theresults speak for themselves. I know if applied in earnest, you WILL succeed… I guarantee it!* You Will Help Others by Helping Yourself. Just as I have brought this wisdom to you, I trustyou’ll serve others with your gifts. It’s one way we evolve individually, and benefit collectively.


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