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Joy Baker – Balance Your Chakras

Joy Baker – Balance Your Chakras
[WebRip – 10 WAV]



Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!Brought to you by the participants of the Joy Baker – Balance Your Chakras GB ()GB is CLOSEDJoy Baker – Balance Your Chakras [WebRip –  10 WAV]Product Page: Information:Quote:​Based on years of personal and professional experience, Joy has found that the key to freedom and living a fulfilling life is having the courage to visit our past in order to clear out beliefs and emotions that are limiting us and keeping us stuck, unable to achieve our dreams.If you go back to your childhood, you might recall being taught that everything is energy. The human body is no exception. It is energy as well, just as everything in the Universe is. There are 7 main energy centers called Chakras. A chakra is like a spinning wheel that as a result of its spin, creates a vacuum at its center, attracting whatever comes its way. These wheels of energy are constantly attracting and radiating energy and are sometimes called The Wheels of Life.When our Chakras become damaged or blocked, they either do not open much at all or only open a percentage of what they can normally open. They become blocked because of storing unresolved experiences, emotions or memories. Even one damaged or blocked chakra can throw the entire chakra system off, leaving us in a spiritually unbalanced state.As a result, balancing our Chakras determines our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.Quote:The Balance Your Chakras program includes a 20 minute pre recorded clearing and activation for each chakra. 1. Root Chakra 2. Sacral Chakra3. Solar Plexus Chakra4. Heart Chakra5. Throat Chakra6. Third Eye Chakra7. Crown Chakra Plus 3 BonusesIn each recording, we immediately begin clearing out old energies and emotions that could be causing you to feel stuck, unable to take action and causing you to feel powerless to change things in your life.Towards the end, we activate the emotions for each specific chakra so that you once again will feel alive with powerful thoughts and feelings and ready to take action on how YOU choose to life your life!Some of the benefits you may experience from the Balance Your Chakras program are:*** Healthy, Supportive & Loving Relationships*** Increased Finances*** A heightened sense of Intuition*** An increased awareness and openness to Psychic and Spiritual information*** Increased passion for life*** The courage to turn ideas into reality*** An overall sense of well being*** Sleeping better at night and waking up feeling more refreshed*** Merge your heart and mind so that they start working together as a team for your Highest and Greatest Good*** Increased Focus and Clarity (no more fuzzy thinking!)*** Release aches and pains*** Increased flexibility in your physical body and your mind*** Feel more accepting and loving towards yourself and others*** A faster and quicker ability to heal your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues*** Increased clarity as to what your Life purpose is***Three BONUS Recordings***Your first two recordings focus on extra clearing for your root chakra. These 2 recordings clear out stuck energies that you may have around your mother and father. We receive our conditioning from our mother and father, or whoever our primary caregivers were when we were growing up. If we haven’t consciously cleared out that conditioning, we’ll take that with us into our relationships where it can cause our relationships to get stagnant or even to end altogether.Clearing Father IssuesClearing Mother IssuesBONUS 3 – Money Clearing and ActivationIn this recording, we clear out issues that have been keeping you stuck in lack and limitation and attached to scarcity consciousness. Towards the end we include activations for Abundance, Ease and Flow with money, Gratitude, Creativity and more!​About Joy Baker:Quote:Based on years of personal and professional experience, Joy has found that the key to freedom and living a fulfilling life is having the courage to visit your past in order to clear out beliefs and emotions that are limiting you and keeping you stuck, unable to achieve your dreams.  Since we’re rarely taught as children how to process and let go of emotions that are limiting us, those emotions can get stuck in our bodies at a cellular level. If you’ve ever gone through any trauma in your life such as a car accident, relationship break up, loved ones dying, loss of employment, physical, sexual or emotional abuse and more, chances are you haven’t known how to deal with the emotional aftermath of those events. Those feelings then become stored in your body. Once that happens, we develop attachments to those limiting feelings and (unconsciously) create scenarios in our lives that cause those feelings (such as anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, anger, overwhelm) to repeat. We become addicts; addicted to the very feelings that are limiting us. The first step to becoming Self Empowered is awareness. Once you become aware of what’s limiting you, it can then be released and cleared. YES, you can be free to experience life as YOU choose and desire!


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