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Johnny Wolf’s Project: Bel-Air PUA Cribs

PUA Cribs Project Bel-Air Starring Johnny Wolf
[1 DVD – RIP]



PUA Cribs! The Lifestyle of Pick Up Artists”This is a DVD that needs to be watched more than once because of all the tips and info.The DVD starts outside of Johnny’s doorsteps where seduction begins. It takes you through the living room, bar, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and eventually to the bedroom. He lays out how to use your crib as a DHV, and gives a complete and comprehensive tour explaining the theory. Johnny teaches how to use household items to create a mood in women. Even his pets are used as wingmen, what woman can resist cute cuddly animals?! The part about the dealmaker or dealbreaker is my favourite part; I will definitely be using that part. Johnny also shows how to use the rooms to blow past LMR, sweet! He teaches why the bathroom, NOT the bedroom, is the where most women make the decision whether or not to sleep with a man. Johnny ends it with a show of class because it doesn’t end after she sleeps with you. He gives the basic on pimping your ride so you can take her home in the morning. That will make her feel special. There is also a part on peacock theory. Here Johnny teaches how to be fashion forward and congruent so you feel comfortable. Clothing is meant to convey personality and sexuality. He draws the fine line between stylish and clownish. And that being stylish doesn’t mean it should expensive. The one greatest thing that Johnny expressed throughout the dvd is that “PUA is a lifestyle.” This is one of the most often understated and overlooked simplicity out there in the community. PU is not a hobby, it’s a lifestyle! I recommend this dvd to anyone and it should a staple. It will make getting laid a lot easier”Contains 1 .AVI file & 1 .JPG of Johnny Wolf proving himsef. Nuff’ Said, Enjoy!!!


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