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John La Tourrette – Hidden Super Glue of the Mind Secrets

John La Tourrette – Hidden Super Glue of the Mind Secrets
[8 avi]



John La Tourrette – Hidden Super Glue of the Mind Secrets – Secrets of the On/Off Switch of Peak Performance Seduction Sales & Change Skills [8 avi]avi rip from VHS – 2005The Doc demonstrating Anchoring for various uses as well as Energy Medicine EFT NLP and HunaFrom the COpyYou can’t USE THEM for tremendous business success, or to enhanceyour healing center.You can only USE THEM for SEDUCTION……for POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS……for increasing your own WELL-BEING……but you can’t USE THEM for your BUSINESS, for MAKING MONEY……for ENHANCING HAPPINESS OF YOURSELF AND ALL THOSE AROUND YOU…where we demonstrate and drill people on the real secrets of Anchoring


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