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Harrison Klein – World Intuition Summit phase 1 (2014)

World Intuition Summit I
[ 22 MP4 – 27 MP3 – 1 PDF – 1 HTML File Set ]



                                         The WORLD INTUITION S U M M I T                                                             hosted by Harrison Klein                               Bridging Science and Intuition for Magical life enhancementImagine a life without worry, friction, personal doubt, psychological pain, confidently knowing your true purpose on earth, knowing source directly, deeply feeling the esperience of oneness.A life where you could activate all your magnificent, dormant and languishing abilities instantly, walk in the light of constant beauty, peace, magic, clarity, joy, estacy and abundance.Would that excite you?  You bet it would!               Upgrade Your Life with the World Intuition SummitFrom the desk of: Harrison KleinDear Truth Seeker,I want to truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining the World Intuition Summit teleseminar series. We’ve managed to secure interviews with some of the worlds top leaders in the psychic and consciousness communities.  I’ve dedicated my life to studying all aspects of human consciousness and psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, mind travel, channeling, intuition, and dozens of others.  I’ve become one of the world’s most recognized and respected transformational luminaries.                   But After Over 20 Years Of Working With The “Giants” In Human Ability,                                               I Came To A Disturbing Conclusion…As I began exploring the superstars of the psychic community… and the superstars of the consciousness community… I came across something that deeply disturbed me.They didn’t know each other!    • My good friends in the consciousness community didn’t know or understand the principles of the psychic community.    • My good friends in the psychic community didn’t know or understand the principles of the consciousness community.Considering the PROFOUND benefits achieved by combining these two areas, I had an instant AHA moment.  Take yourself back to the 60’s and 70’s.  In that time, in the music industry there was an amazing fusion of Jazz and Rock. Of Soul and Gospel. Rock fused with soul, classical, country and more.  These famous fusions created some of the best, most inspiring music the world has ever known.  Now… it’s our turn to make our own fusion.  The fusion between psychic abilities and human consciousness.  Because the fact is…                              Language Is The Only Separation… The Energy Is The Same!There is no difference in the energy that helps access psychic powers versus the powers you can achieve with a higher state of human consciousness.  The only difference is the language that separates them. The strategies and principles that show you how to access and generate abilities very few people on Earth have the privilege of knowing and exploring.  That’s why my new mission is to help synchronize these two amazing abilities together by bringing you THE most highly recognized and respected leaders in each of these fields.  You’ll gain access to unique, powerful information and strategies never revealed before to the public… because nobody has ever fused these two aspects of human energy before.              The World’s FIRST-EVER Fusion of Consciousness, Psychic Intuitive Abilities,                                                  and Evidence-Based Research…               Were Fusing Psychic Intuition with Consciousness                 Expand your mind and superhuman abilities as you learn from the world’s                         leading experts to achieve new quantum leaps in your life…It is truly an historic event which has never been done before, and I’m so glad you’re part of it.  Experience this breakthrough information on multiple levels, and integrate this life-changing information into your daily routine and experience the dramatic impacts it can (and will) have on you.If you are truly serious about tapping into your dormant extrasensory powers and upgrading your intuitive, physical, spiritual and emotional life to an entirely new level… you’ll be excited to know that we’ve developed a new presentation method.  This new presentation method gives you the full experience and includes many new and exciting opportunities to take your education to the next level.You’ll get uninhibited access to the interviews so you can listen to the recordings anywhere, at any time, on any device you want!  Many of our students listen to our teachings at the gym, while out walking, or even when they are trying to escape from the kids!  This is the perfect transformational add-on experience for busy people. The 1st Ever World Intuition Summit is the Fastest Path to Fusing Your Psychic Intuition      and Consciousness Powers… Backed by Hard Scientific, Evidence-Based Research!THE WORLD INTUITION SUMMIT will help you bridge the gap between psychic abilities and human consciousness.  You’ll be one of the few people on Earth who understands exactly what you need to do to synchronize these two aspects of the human experience.  This has never been done before at any event or in any course in the world.  It’s time to learn from REAL eagles, sages, saints, prophets, visionaries and see-ers. It’s time to finally find that global community of truth seekers and see-ers just like you.With this Intuition World Summit Phase One Sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to…    • Activate, strengthen and command your psychic and human consciousness abilities…    • Collaborate with hundreds of like-minded friends, mentors and new connections…    • Discover how to use your intuition to grow personally, spiritually, psychically and emotionally…    • Feel a sense of oneness and belonging with hundreds of others throughout the world…    • Unleash the powers that are already inside you, waiting to be let out!    • Gain privy access to the newest evidence-based hard scientific research proving that these “extra” senses and powers       are not just real, but more important in life than we’ve ever known…Here’s the best part.From DAY ONE, you’ll notice a radical transformation in your life.  The simple act of action begins to unravel your intuition and give real, positive changes in your life.  Roadblocks fall away. Challenges become easier. New opportunities “magically” appear.  Direct Source intuition guides you.  We’ll show you how to capture that special intuition and work on improving yourself, deepening your connection to source, increasing your capacity for love, growing your skills and talents, becoming more sensitive to nature, and awakening your divine nature by communicating with spiritual guides and celestial beings.You’ll also learn how you can receive future training from the renowned sensational/spectacular teachers involved in the summit. You can even participate and liaison with lots of other community members, old and new friends across the globe, turned on by spirit access, from THE WORLD INTUITION SUMMIT.  You’ll receive practical guidance at each step of the way. You’ll have the chance to talk about what you’re learning, grow even stronger skills, help each other achieve higher levels of success and understanding, and multiply your success.  You know almost all of the most successful breakthrough achievers in the world attribute their phenomenal genius to intuitive experience.Best of all…    It’s 100% Backed By Research-Based Scientific EvidenceMany individuals I work with understand that talking about spirits…  celestial beings… energy…  intuition… and everything we’re discussing today – is FOREIGN to the average person.  I understand that you are a unique individual.  Unlike others, you aren’t hiding from your own emotions. You aren’t shielding yourself from true reality – the reality that the energy we can’t see is what truly propels our lives.Yet if you talk about this at a cocktail party, people might think you’re “weird”. Yet they’re the ones out of touch with reality! They’re the ones not connected with the true universe. They’re the ones who put on a fake mask and hide their true emotions… even though deep down they may be miserable and lost.  They think talking about these types of “powers” is too ethereal… not ground in reality.  I beg to differ.And that’s why I’ve also contacted experts in the scientific community which have a unique insight into the science-based evidence supporting our claims.  Evidence that will not only show you how REAL it is, but help you to use new techniques to further your own abilities.  Five to ten years from now, these types of consciousness discussions will be as standard as sports and politics.               Exactly What’s Included in the World Intuition Summit Phase One SessionsWhen you have the World Intuition Summit Phase One Sessions, you’ll gain privy access to conversations, information and tools with and from celebrated world class intuitives, mediums, law of attraction experts, healers and psychics. These conversations will open you up and effectively introduce you into new realms of beingness you may never have understood, conceived of or thought possible.You’ll receive recordings of all our intuitive masters that will air during the course of the summit calls.  Just in case you have a hectic schedule (doesn’t everyone?), you’ll receive MP3’s of many of the teaching so you can listen and re-listen to them whenever it fits your schedule.  Since you can load these audios onto your MP3 player, smart phone, laptop, tablet or desktop… you can listen whenever and wherever you want, such as… in your car … at your desk … at home or at work.  Many of our students listen to our teachings at the gym, while out walking, or even when they are cooking, eating or trying to escape from the kids!This is the perfect transformational add-on experience for busy people.  With the Intuition Summit, you’ll be given special access to the most advanced knowledge on the planet today from the worlds leading experts.The instant you join with us you’ll have access to….    • Amazing teachers and practitioners – These masters are nearly impossible to track down and charge fees most average       people could never afford… yet you’re getting access to over 30 teachers!    • Audio Activation exercises in every interview  – These exercises get you faster results and reinforce your intuitive strength    • Practical but radical activation/penetration tips – These tips show you how to activate your 7th sense FAST so you see       quick results that motivate you to continue awakening your intuition.    • Intuition workshops – You’ll be invited to exclusive, in-depth workshops for our most serious and dedicated students only!    • And so much more!Unstoppable Breakthroughs In Higher Consciousness And Enlightenment… The Easy WayFamous 15th century Italian artist and sculptor, Michelangelo, once spoke a quote that continues to be famous to this day.  He said… “I saw the angel in the marble, and I carved until I set him free”.With the World Intuition Summit, we are not helping you OBTAIN extrasensory powers. We aren’t helping you find anything “new”.  We’re simply setting free the incredible powers you already have within you. And we’re doing it in a way that gets you the fastest results possible with the least amount of effort.  You’ll be given access to information very few people on Earth know, except for the super wealthy, super successful and classified government officials.   You’ll learn the simple yet primary principles that activate your new state of being.We’ve compiled and synthesized 170,000 years of evolution, all of which converges into this very moment. You’ll hear from people who can direct this energy, heal others and show you how to heal yourself. From those who can see beyond the veil and help you transform your knowledge into a new paradigm of heightened senses and magical dimensions by tapping into your internal source power.With the World Intuition Summit you’ll…    • Understand how to establish a direct connection with Source at a soul level.          • Gain a direct connection with a community of brilliant sensitive folks who are in higher exploration of the unknown    • Discover the essential secrets of receiving pure higher guidance and energy transmissions    • Learn multiple ways to enter new realities or de-create unwanted ones    • Uncover the elements of sweet surrender practiced by all great seers, shamans, holy men and how to apply it       personally to yourself    • Gain access to the unencumbered foundation of the intuitive place that’s hardwired, primary and already programmed       into all human beings    • Discover the specific way simple ideas and perceptions create the magic of soul retrieval    • Understand the energetic laws of the universe that support easy mastery in all life areas including love, law of attraction,       spirit and wealth    • Uncover how the ways focused attention accesses extrasensory powers each time every time    • Discover the easy steps of how to access the higher self    • Learn the secrets of tapping directly into the Akashic Records    • Learn the specific sequence to effective high and low intensity waves of prayer and meditation    • Gain elite access to the collective consciousness    • Learn how to access the thought waves around you relevant to your frequency but may not be coming from you    • Quickly gain the ability to see or hear or feel subtle energies    • Discover how to experience “mind travel”      • Gain a unique visceral experience of celestial forces and beings    • Unlock your dormant ability to see Auras    • Use our unique strategies to channel non-physical beings    • Unleash your pre-cognitive ability to predict anything and know future outcomes    • Discover our simple procedure that dynamically integrates the intuitive process so once learned it can never be lost       or taken from within you    • Gain access to our practical exercises that fully integrate, awaken, accelerate and internalize the quick creation of anything      from lifestyle change to astral travel          Be in the Presence of the Most World-Renowned Intuition Experts in the World…I’ve gone to great lengths to make sure I was able to capture the most significant, thought-provoking leaders of conscious intuition in the world. We’re extracting information from the greatest minds in the world.  You’ll have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have a steady flow of information and exercises from the leadersand founders of places such as…    • The Institute of Noetic Sciences…    • Stanford Research Institute…    • Dolphin And Whale Research Institute…    • Several of the country’s most prestigious universities…This is not “woo woo” theory. This is real, practical science PROVEN by some of the world’s most respected research institutes in the world.  We’ve been able to get in touch with the most sought-after masters from all over the world who have agreed to reveal EVERYTHING they know about their respected fields, such as…    • Intention knowledge    • Consciousness exploration    • Law of Attraction Masteries    • Dreams    • Telepathy    • Non-locality    • Remote-viewing    • Channeling    • And more…                         You’ll Even Hear From Some of the World’s Top Thought Leaders!In order for your mind to fully soak up everything we have to give you, you need to hear it from a variety of different sources.  That’s why you’ll see and hear videos and audios from some of the world’s best-known thought leaders who are in alignment with the principles of the The World Intuition Summit.                     A Simple Test to Determine if the World Intuition Summit is for You…Everybody fails. Everybody falters. We all face our challenges, although those challenges become small stepping stones once you’re able to tap into your intuitive consciousness and begin to bridge the gap between your psychic ability and life conditions.  If that bridge is currently weak, you may have had one of the following experiences…    • Not enough focus, not enough attention not enough clarity, not enough results, not enough truth, satisfaction or fulfillment…    • Feeling confused, frozen, stuck, in pain even if you don’t know why…    • Wondering why you work so hard, are a good person and still your prayers and desires seem to go unanswered…    • Marveling at people with bigger personalities, bigger bank accounts, more knowledge, people who talk about magic       and mysticism but yet you haven’t experienced it…    • Having been given a tiny glimpse into a higher realm of being for just a fleeting moment…       and you’re unable to duplicate that experience…    • You’ve heard and sensed your intuition calling to you from within, yet you rejected its advice out of fear       and then regretted your decision…    • You’ve witnessed the sense of “oneness” and then it simply vanished…      • You’ve been caught between the struggle for love, truth, purpose and money and feared your inner voice because you thought       its advice would leave you radically devoid of money, friends or even worse off then you are now…If you’re currently suffering, that’s OK. The difference is whether or not you’re willing to try something new to change your current reality.  The World Intuition Summit is most certainly not for everyone. Most people don’t have the courage to think deeply, perceptively and critically about their lives.  In fact, most people are afraid of change.  They’re afraid of falling out of their own comfortable realities, because they aren’t sure of what might happen next. Even if that “next thing” is an amazing experience.  If you’re the kind of person that’s too stubborn and resistant to make a positive change in your life, the World Intuition Summit will not be for you.  If you ARE ready to accept a new reality, I promise that new amazing doors will open for you as you discover how to…                            Join this Unstoppable World Movement and Get Firsthand Access                                       to the Amazing Gifts We’ve Been Given…The universe has given us an amazing opportunity to skip levels of human consciousness faster than ever before. It’s granted us permission to open up new levels of intuition and expand our awareness consciousness… if we’ll only accept that it’s possible.  We’ve already seen amazing shifts in people all around the world. If you are in tune with the universe, you can feel this shift.  Millions and millions of people around the world are desperately trying to tap into these advanced forms of self knowledge, techniques and modalities.  Yet most don’t know how.With the World Intuition Summit, we’re giving you the exact blueprint to doing so.  That’s why I’m asking you to be part of this radical human transformation. Don’t get left behind as others around you expand their consciousness powers and open up their bodies to all new, exciting possibilities.Millions of people all around the world have begun to accept the reality of our 7th sense. In fact, the 7th sense is just starting to go mainstream. At first most people thought it was “woo woo”.  Now, even fortune 100 companies are making the shift and beginning to hone their executive intuition to make better decisions and leave a frictionless life.  Right now, at this very moment, there is a world movement emerging from within us. It’s elevating our spirits to a new level of consciousness and opening new pathways to internal power gifts such as…    • Clairvoyance    • Sentience    • Cognizance    • Channeling    • Pre-cognition    • Accessing past lives    • Telepathy    • Mediumship    • Dream walking    • ShamanismWe’ve developed techniques to allow you to access these internal, dormant powers. Some people can be taught to access them at will, instantly!  These same techniques are being taught to CEO’s of major companies, high-ranking government officials, technology moguls, alternative medicine doctors, celebrities and even superstar athletes.  There’s just one major difference.  Those people are paying a FORTUNE to gain access to this underground information.  Yet…                  We’ve Decided to Make it Available to Anybody Serious About Their Life…Armed with all these amazing tools, strategies, information, and experiences you’ll have an unfair advantage over your former life. I’m going to prove to you without a shadow of a doubt THE WORLD INTUITION SUMMIT is your ticket to massive mind, soul, and physical growth.  When I first began putting this Summit together,  I planned on offering it for sale. After all, you’re hearing from the most well-known authorities in the world… each of whom charges a minimum of hundreds to thousands of dollars for an hour of their time.  And you’re getting over 50+ hours of their best secrets!However, I decided to do something radical instead.  I decided to make sure this message gets as widespread as possible. To do that, I knew I needed to set the bar low enough so that there were no excuses left…  That’s why you can now get access to phase one of the World Intuition Summit by downloading this file set now!  I have a unique appreciation for smart folks who have the internal fortitude to listen to their own intuition and make the right decision to improve their life.The best part?  By taking action today, you are listening to your intuition and trusting us to help you make a more full and lasting connection to your intuitive sense.  The more you listen, the more you’ll notice a tremendous difference in your intuitive sense… It’s really as simple as that.                                                      It’s Time To “Trust Your Higher Self”…I would like you to take a second and close your eyes. Anchor yourself in this present moment and give yourself permission to access your intuition. Speak to it and ask it to tell you whether or not you should move forward and spend your time with the World Intuition Summit Phase Ones Sessions.  What you’ll notice is that your body will feel lighter. You’ll feel as if you want to smile. You might even become tingly in certain places (take note of where you feel this sensation).  This is your intuition responding to you.The most important thing you can do in your life to remove the obstacles blocking you from achieving your goals is to access and strengthen your intuition. It is the gateway to your soul… the unlimited knowledge of the universe… and your super-powerful subconscious and superconscious mind.  This is the best place on Earth for you to learn how to unlock your 7th sense.  I’m sure by now you’ve decided that a lifetime connection to your limitless intuitive TRUE SELF 7th SENSE of elegant higher information, direct soul source connection, healing, feeling, seeing and mystic experience is something you want.To you highest awesomeness,Harrison KleinPS. Just in case you’re still hesitating, let me help you evaluate your options…Option #1You could choose to do nothing and leave your life just the way it is. If you’re completely satisfied this option probably makes sense. But let’s face it… you probably wouldn’t have read this far if you weren’t motivated to live bigger, experience more, connect more clearly and feel more alive… would you?Option #2You could invest a boatload of money into gurus, consultations, readings, books, research exercises, travel trips, individual counseling and retreats and still not breakthrough. Or maybe you do, but you’ve just wasted most of your life savings doing so!Option #3Become part of this WORLD INTUITION SUMMIT MOVEMENT where we’ve worked with and tested thousands of ideas, teachers, claims and concepts.We’ve explored amazing experiences and contacted wonderful, sensational beings that have helped us realize breakthroughs, powers, skills and states of consciousness… but most of all FREED us into sensing much more aliveness, soul and luminosity.  We’ve selected the best of the best to help you accomplish your own need to activate your 7th sense. Whose journey’s, explorations, writings, exercises and achievements have articulated, moved and thrilled millions of people into higher states of love, joy consciousness, real oneness and barrier-less soul. That’s what we’re giving you here.  To get started, simply download this file set now.  Welcome to the World Intuition Summit Speaker SessionsDr. Edgar MitchellAstronaut, Explorer (6th man to walk on the moon), Scientist, Lecturer, Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (Featured in Dan Brown’s incredibly popular book the Da Vinci Codes), Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.  Traveling back to Earth, having just walked on the moon, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell had an experience for which nothing in his life had prepared him.  Trained as an engineer and scientist, Captain Mitchell was most comfortable in the world of rationality and physical precision. Yet the understanding that came to him as he journeyed back from space felt just as trustworthy – it represented another way of knowing.  This experience radically altered his worldview: Despite science’s superb technological achievements, he realized that we had barely begun to probe the deepest mystery of the universe – the fact of consciousness itself.  Within two years of his expedition, Edgar Mitchell founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 1973.  Today, Dr. Mitchell serves on the board of directors of the institute. He continues to be active at institute events, including lectures and conferences. He is the author of The Way of the Explorer.Uri GellerUri Geller is one of the world’s most investigated and celebrated mystifiers. Famous around the globe for his mind-bending abilities, he has led a unique life shrouded in debate, controversy and mystery. He is also related to Sigmund Freud.  Uri has been studied by the world’s leading scientists, including a few who worked with Albert Einstein. The world’s most prestigious scientific magazine, Nature, published a paper on Uri’s work at the Stanford Research Institute in the U.S.A – a unique endorsement, and an irrefutable proof that his skills are genuine.Michelle WhitedoveCelebrity Psychic Michelle Whitedove is the FIRST legitimate psychic to prove her supernatural abilities by being tested on Television.  Filmed under the strict FCC guidelines to guarantee authenticity, Lifetime TV named her “America’s #1 Psychic” awarding her this title of distinction after she won “America’s Psychic Challenge”, a competitive reality TV program where she proved her supernatural abilities.  As an expert in her field, she has been featured on some of North America’s most conservative shows; NBC’s TODAY Show interviewed by Matt Lauer, ABC TV’s “190 North”, CBS News, FOX News,WGN SuperStation Morning News, PBS TV’s “View Points”, CTV News, “Breakfast TV” Canada,the Alan Colmes show, and NPR to discuss the reality of psychic abilities and after death communication.John AssarafFor over 25 years, John Assaraf has been seeking and finding the secrets to success—both in business and in life.  John Assaraf is a two time New York Times bestselling author, lecturer, business growth expert and entrepreneur.  His expertise for achieving the psychology and strategies for success in life and business has him as a frequent guest on Larry King Live, Anderson Cooper 360, The Donny Deutsch Show, Ellen DeGeneres and numerous radio and print media worldwide.  John appeared as one of the featured experts in the movie “The Secret” which he helped launch into a worldwide phenomenon and in the PBS special “Quest for Success” with the Dali Lama and Richard Branson.  In the past 25 years, he has grown four multimillion dollar companies and his current company, OneCoach, has helped over 5000 small business owners’ increase revenues profits and value.Dr. Meg Blackburn LoseyMeg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. is the is the author of 9 books including the soon to be released, “The Children of Now EVOLUTION”, the Bestselling books “Touching the Light”, “The Secret History of Consciousness”, the International Bestseller “The Children of Now”, The Living Light Cards other great books.  She is also the author of the “Online Messages” and a contributor to Bestselling “The Mystery of 2012 Anthology”.  Dr Meg is the creator of the Touching the Light Healing Modality and offers Certification courses.  She is a national and international Keynote Speaker and also lectures worldwide. She facilitates group journeys to Sacred Sites including Scotland, England, Ireland, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt and Mexico. She has also served as a consultant to Good Morning America and 20/20.Christie Marie SheldonChristie Marie Sheldon is an Intuitive Healer and Medium. She connects to the Infinite realm to shift, change, and transform people’s lives.  She has worked with over 20,000 Clients and demonstrates these talents on the Radio and in Seminars.  She is the author of Love Or Above Spiritual Toolkit Program. Christie uses her Spiritual Gifts to help guide people manifest the reality of their dreams.  She does this by helping them open up their awareness, raise their energetic frequency and learn to use their own Spiritual Gifts so they can continue helping themselves.  From reaching out through radio shows and seminars to working with renowned political world and business leaders, Christie has conducted over 20,000 private consultations for her clients over the past 15 years.  Making a difference in people’s lives has become her life’s choice, because if enough people raise their consciousness and vibration to self love and celebration, we can restore love on this planet.Burt GoldmanBurt Goldman, fondly known to his fans as The American Monk, is a world renowned meditation master, a spiritual coach and mind power expert and has dedicated his life to helping people find their inner confidence and self esteem in their own lives. When he is not helping others, he is on a constant quest to better himself and always working on new and exciting projects.  To Burt, age is never an excuse to stop living.  At the age of 86, he’s just like any other person his age who relishes in peace and quiet, likes spending quality time with his grandchildren, and enjoys nothing more than sitting down to a good book, but Burt is also an accomplished author, artist, photographer and musician.  If Burt can master life, so can you.  For more than 50 years, Burt has been improving the lives of people who want to live better. His techniques are so amazingly effective he calls them the lazy man’s way to achieve enlightenment.Carol TuttleCarol started her Chakra Healing journey in 1989 as a severely depressed mother of 5 young children.  She first dabbled in conventional medical therapy to find a cure for her condition, only to find undesirable long-term remedies involving prescription medication.  Convinced that there was a better way to “heal” her depression, she began studying the world of energy healing.  Carol began with Reiki and Rapid Eye Therapy, then on to EFT, Tapping and Energy Medicine. In 1994 she received her Master Certification in several modalities, and began her career as an Energy Therapist.  Today Carol has not only healed her depression, but trains tens of thousands of people across the world to use their Chakras to improve their lives in every aspect–be it with money, fitness, relationships or emotional wellbeing.  She is also an internationally acclaimed and award-winning author, speaker and businesswoman.Rikka ZimmermanRikka is a global leader in consciousness, the creator of Adventure In Oneness™ and an internationally acclaimed speaker, author and singer/songwriter, with her new conscious music album scheduled to debut soon!  Propelled by her unbounded love for humanity, Rikka travels the world and works with thousands of people radiating a vibration of joy, peace, possibility and Oneness in all she does. Her light is a beacon of inspiration, inviting each person on the planet to remember, embrace and BE the magnificent, unique expression of the divine they were born to be!  Through Rikka’s Adventure in Oneness events, which include in-person and live streamed “eventures”, telesummits, teleclasses, an ever-growing Membership Site and more, she empowers individuals to know they are the catalysts for bringing about transformation for themselves and the planet.Jennifer HoughJennifer is a Seer, Alchemist and Best Selling Author.  Her work is to assist each of us to awaken to our innate abilities beyond the 5 senses, to live life in flow and passion and to truly experience our lives as “a piece of the puzzle of Heaven on Earth” in this lifetime.  Her magnetic style and authenticity have blown audiences away all over the world. She’s been emanating her special kind of light from Peru to Hawaii to Toronto to Germany and Australia…. igniting flames of peace, passion and effortless flow wherever she goes.  Jennifer is a supreme lover of life that will activate your cellular YES, making that little voice in your head highly uninteresting to listen to.Lynne McTaggartLynne McTaggart is an investigative journalist and author, and a sought-after public speaker whose talks and workshops have transformed the lives of the thousands around the world who have heard her.  She is also an accomplished broadcaster, who has appeared on many national tv and radio shows, including Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra shows.  The hallmark of her work is exhaustive research that produces science-based discoveries in the worlds of science, spirituality and health.  She edits the monthly health journal What Doctors Don’t Tell You and was also the editor of the 48-lesson partwork, Living The Field, perhaps the most definitive work yet to bridge the worlds of physics and spirituality in its 768 pages.Christopher TimsIt’s been said that Christopher Tims makes people’s dreams come true. A true master teacher and guide, Christopher is here to remind us of our own Divine nature, and the abundance of the Universe that we are.  By helping us redefine our world view, Christopher guides us toward the experience of Oneness, resulting in a richly fulfilled life.  The answer to all of our questions, and the solution to all of our problems, is always Oneness, God, Sacred Unity, our own Divine Nature– whatever you choose to call it. And Christopher, himself an embodiment of this universal truth, is your expert and experienced guide to this Spiritual Frontier.  He will walk with you as you explore, teaching you and reminding you of who you really are– ultimately freeing you to live the life of your dreams; the life that you were born to live.Gregg BradenNew York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, ancient wisdom, and the real world!  Following a successful career as a computer geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970s energy crisis, he worked as a Senior Computer Systems Designer with Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the final years of the Cold War. In 1991, he became the first Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems.  For more than 27 years Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets with the best science of today.  His discoveries are now shared in 33 countries and 38 languages through such paradigm-inspiring books as: The God Code, The Divine Matrix, Fractal Time, and his newest, Deep Truth.Christy WhitmanChristy Whitman has lived through a divorce, her sister’s suicide, and the open heart surgery of her newborn son. She is also a New York Times bestselling author of three books, the founder of an internationally acclaimed coaching academy, and the creator of a library of personal development programs that reach over 110,000 people each month.  She is passionately in love with her husband, Frederic, who is also her business partner. She takes time out every day to laugh with, talk with, and roll around on the floor with her kids. She works out regularly, get a massage every Saturday, take fantastic vacations, and has plenty of “me” time to dream, to go out with friends, or to kick back and just do nothing. Oh yeah, and she’s also making more money than she ever dreamed possible!  Just in case you’re wondering; this was not always her reality!Tellman KnudsonTellman Knudson has been a certified hypnotist for 14 years.  He is also a successful internet marketing entrepreneur, CEO of an Internet Publishing Company and a runner.  He has worked with hundreds of thousands of people in one-on-one and group sessions as well as online.  Tellman has used hypnosis to train himself to be an extraordinaty internet marketer and entrepreueur to rocket his success.  He has used hypnosis to build his first multi-million dollar company.  Tellman learned to leverage his ADHD, a condition that hinders many, to his creative and financial benefit.  He has modeled the specific behaviors, thoughts and actions of highly successful Self-Made Multi-Millionaires with whom he has personally spent one-on-one time.  Allow his discoveries to enable you to absorb and activate the wealth habits of 12 outstanding Millionaires and Billionaires.Dianne CollinsDianne Collins is an original thinker and one of the foremost thought-leaders of our time, a leading authority in “new world view” thinking.  She is the author of the highly acclaimed, two-time award-winning bestseller, Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World – considered a must-read for our changing times.  She is dedicated to people living spirited, joyful, and masterful lives through leaps in awareness and new thinking using what she likes to call, “the physics of mind.”  Dianne created the groundbreaking new system of thinking – QuantumThink® for living the highest and best in everyday practical life — integrating science, philosophy, and spirituality; drawing on sources that range from cutting edge scientific innovations to the wisdom of the world’s greatest spiritual leaders – making it relevant in popular contemporary culture.GP WalshGP Walsh is a Speaker, Author, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, Workshop Leader, Master Coach. Master Meditation Teacher and a recognized EFT Expert.  He has been teaching, coaching, innovating and healing for over 30 years and has touched thousands of people with his irreverent humor, his bold assertions, his contradictions of conventional wisdom and his unyielding compassion.  Nicknamed “The Irreverent Sage” he has been called a prophet, a wise man, a sage, a rebel, a spiritual misfit, a trouble maker and a few things less nice.  With a rare honesty, a biting wit, the timing of a comedian, and insights that can make your head spin, GP has the unique ability to take the most arcane, ambiguous and impenetrable life teachings and bring them into language that anyone can understand.Dr Alex LoydDr. Alex Loyd is the founder of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC, The Healing Codes, a company dedicated to natural healing around the world.  He is a doctor of naturopathic medicine and has a Ph.D. in psychology.  For 12 years, Dr. Loyd traveled all over the globe in search of healing for his wife’s clinical depression. Dr. Loyd’s search led him to various techniques that could eliminate symptoms of depression and other illnesses, but not permanent, consistent healing.  Dr. Loyd then poured himself into the study of energy and quantum physics, which ultimately led to the discovery of The Healing Codes mechanism.  Allow him to show you how The Healing Codes can heal you.Dr. Eric PearlEric Pearl, DC, founder of The Reconnection, has been featured in top media including The Dr. Oz Show, The New York Times and CNN. He has presented at leading venues including the United Nations and Madison Square Garden. His internationally bestselling book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, now in 39 languages, has been endorsed by such notables as Deepak Chopra, MD and Wayne Dyer, PhD.  At the World Congress of Quantum Medicine Conference in Hawaii in 2013, Dr. Pearl’s keynote presentation was the highlight of the event. As the foremost visionary, leader and pioneer in the field of “Energy Medicine” or “Quantum Healthcare,” he is increasingly sought out as a speaker, expert authority and media spokesperson. As science, medicine, media and the public come to embrace Energy Healthcare, Pearl stands at the forefront.Dawn ClarkDawn Clark is an international best-selling author, strategic advisor, innovator, and creator of next-generation technologies, frameworks, and tools for individual, organizational, and global transformation.  Standing at the nexus of science and spirituality, Dawn teaches non-linear strategies for success that empower people from all walks of life to unlock their potential, foster innovation, transform work and play, and reshape not only their own future, but also the future of the planet.  Known for her authenticity and far-reaching vision, Dawn melds unique insights gained from her near-death experiences with emerging research in the fields of physics, brain science, psychology, fractals, biochemistry, and computer science.  Dawn counsels and advises people from all walks of life, including Fortune 100 executives, celebrities, nonprofit leaders, medical professionals, scientists, artists, teachers, clergy, and families.  She is the inventor of a patent-pending technology that has been shown to boost bio-photonic output (life force) and balance brain waves in such a way as to enhance learning and access to our multiple intelligences.Dr. Steve G JonesSteve G. Jones, Ed.D. is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist.  He has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980s. He is the author of over 22 books on Hypnotherapy.  He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. In order to keep up with the very latest in research, he regularly attends training conferences.  Steve G. Jones sees clients for a variety of conditions. Among them are: weight loss, anxiety, smoking cessation, test taking, phobias (such as fear of flying), nail biting, road rage, anger management, IBS, general wellness, pre-surgical and pre-dental pain control, natural childbirth, and many others. In business settings, he is regularly called upon by sales teams to boost salesperson motivation. His straightforward techniques have significantly and consistently increased sales.Howard MartinHoward Martin is one of the original leaders who helped Doc Childre found HeartMath. In 1999 he co-authored The HeartMath Solution published by HarperSanFrancisco and he has been with HeartMath’s world-wide training and consulting team since its inception in 1991.  In 2000 he authored The HeartMath Method, an audio learning program published by Nightingale Conant. He is also the producer of two award winning musical recordings including Doc Childre’s Heart Zones which spent 50 consecutive weeks on Billboard Magazine’s music charts.  During his career with HeartMath, he has been instrumental in business development and in delivering HeartMath’s practical, yet dynamic, programs to thousands of participants world-wide.  Because of his universal appeal, he has conducted training programs and keynote presentations in Fortune 100 companies, government agencies, all four branches of the U.S. military, school systems, ecumenical organizations and through publicly promoted events in over 50 cities on four continents.Dr. Joe VitaleDr. Vitale is known as one of the world’s most powerful copywriters and marketing minds.  He is the author of the international #1 best-seller, The Attractor Factor, the #1 best-seller Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, the #1 best-selling e-book Hypnotic Writing, and the #1 best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio program, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, and his latest is a sequel to his bestseller, Zero Limits which was officially launched in January 2014, entitled At Zero.  He’s also recorded many Nightingale-Conant audio programs, to name a few, The Awakening Course, The Missing Secret, The Secret to Attracting Money, The Abundance Paradigm, The Ultimate Law of Attraction Library and his latest release is called, The Zero Point.  Joe has also been in several movies, including the blockbuster The Secret. He’s been on the following TV shows: Larry King Live, Donny Deutsch’s “The Big Idea,” CNN, CNBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News: Fox and Friends and Extra TV. He’s also been featured in The New York Times and Newsweek.Shifra HendriShifra Hendrie is a spiritual mentor, teacher, master coach, and healer who has facilitated profound shifts for thousands of people around the globe through her transformational programs and powerful teachings in the mystical wisdom of authentic Kabbalah, the spiritual blueprint for creation.  Shifra’s mastery of the Blueprint gives her a deep and personal understanding of the most powerful secrets of transformation and co-creation in these turbulent times.  Her teachings combine deep mystical wisdom with cutting-edge healing tools and compassionate, intuitive support, empowering people of all backgrounds and levels to connect with their divine purpose and reveal the hidden light and power of their souls.  As host of the acclaimed global interview series, Quantum Healing, Consciousness and Soul, Shifra regularly dialogues with some of the most respected healers and thought leaders in the world today, and her fascinating free interviews are broadcast to many thousands of subscribers from over 100 countries across the globe.Morgana RaeMorgana Rae is the international #1 best selling author of Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation. A sought after teacher, speaker and pioneer in personal development, she is widely regarded to be the world’s top Relationship with Money coach. Morgana’s groundbreaking program for creating wealth has featured her on ABC-TV, PBS, NPR, FOX News Radio, United Press International and The Wall Street Journal online.  As a “thought leader” on the topics of Wealth and Relationship, she’s frequently a featured expert on programs with Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, John Gray, John Assaraf and T Harv Eker.  Morgana is the owner Charmed Life Coaching, an internationally successful life and business coaching company. She has coached thousands of clients over the years, many from as far as Scotland, Singapore, Australia and India. She’s taught classes and given keynotes around the world from New York City to Norway, Baja California to Bali.  Morgana guides entrepreneurs, artists, healers and humanitarians to thrive in their purpose, attract more than they chase, and make things happen with ease, flow and synchronicity.Dr. Fabrizio ManciDr. Fabrizio Mancini is an expert in self-healing; an internationally acclaimed educator, philanthropist, and bilingual speaker; and president emeritus of Parker University in Dallas, Texas.  He is the best-selling author of The Power of Self-Healing and Feeling Fab: Four Steps to Living a Fabulous Life, and the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Chiropractic Soul and The Well-Adjusted Soul.  A frequent guest of radio and television programs, Dr. Mancini has been featured on Dr. Phil, The Doctors, Fox News, and numerous syndicated morning shows. He also has his own popular weekly radio show, Self-Healing with Dr. Fab, on HayHouseRadio.  Dr. Mancini has given testimony to the White House Commission for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and served on the Texas Governor’s Advisory Council on Physical Fitness. His commitment to keeping the Hispanic community informed of healthy habits has led to numerous appearances on CNN Español, Univision, Telemundo, and MundoFox.Sean David MortonSean David Morton had his first visions as a child when he predicted the death of a man that was like a second father to him, astronaut and American hero Command Pilot Virgil I. “Gus” Grissom. Gus, one of the original Mercury Astronaut, thought by many to be picked to be the first man on the moon, was tragically burned alive with fellow astronauts Edward H. White and Roger Chaffee during a routine ground systems check on the Apollo 1 spacecraft. All three men were close family friends.  He formed The Prophecy Research Institute and began publication of his award winning “DELPHI ASSOCIATES NEWSLETTER” in March, 1993. This began a spectacular run of 16 years of continuous publication, and a stunning string of successful future predictions in print. He also became the number one guest on the number one late night radio show in the world, COAST TO COAST AM with ART BELL and later with GEORGE NOORY.  Sean David Morton’s stunningly accurate predictions of future events in his books, lectures and monthly “Delphi Associates Newsletter “, the # 1 publication of its kind in America, in continuous publicaiton since 1993, have brought him international recognition as one of America’s premiere futurists, projective economists, intuitive healers, researchers and spiritual teachers.Kenji KumaraKenji Kumara, is a Japanese-American born in Berkeley, CA and serves as a bridger between worlds, initiator and catalyst for quantum states of Being and a messenger and visionary for the New Earth consciousness. “Are you eagerly ready to consciously experience the full expression of Eternal Peace in every quantum moment, cell and particle of Being”and to have conscious union with Source and be your service to Humanity?  He has dedicated his life to assisting those that are now ready who desire to experience a deeper connection with unconditional love and allowance. He is committed to bringing forth the very best of the ancient teachings, in simplicity, humor and lightness of being. Kenji does not consider himself a healer, teacher or master – he is what he is and allows everyone else to be who they are, and his role is to bring out the best in others and to see them in their highest light and being-ness. His specialty is vibrational energy medicine and spiritual awakening. He has been in the consciousness and healing arts field since 1970 and holds degrees in Psychology and Education and certifications in Medical Hypnotherapy and spiritual healing.Tristan TruscottAs a young man Tristan Truscott became involved in the Martial Arts where he began his study of the mind-body-spirit connection. After many years of dedicated training Tristan was granted the coveted level of Black Belt and went on to build a thriving Martial Arts academy with over 300 students.  In the year 2000 Tristan was forced to end his career, due to a crippling back injury. Even after 5 years of intense pain, $10,000 worth of alternative healing treatments, and an unsuccessful $90,000 surgery, Tristan was still unable to walk properly, let alone teach again.  In spite of the pain and disappointment, Tristan pushed onward, reading and studying everything he could about the power of the subconscious mind, visualization, affirmation, meditation, qigong healing and the law of attraction.  In a desire to share this information with others, Tristan went on to create programs with his wife Sabrina for healing the mind and strengthening the body, using ancient and contemporary mind-body-spirit exercises — these programs have evolved into the Satori Method.Your host Harrison Klein    Harrison Klein has been called the masters master, as well as the world’s leading transformational and “I AM” identity master.    He is a transformational “Being” Expert and metaphysical Luminary specializing in the alignment laws of the universe and their applications for greater awareness, intuition, wealth, enlightened consciousness, action, thought and effectiveness.    A former university instructor, marketing director, personal growth entrepreneur, leadership and business development coach since 1992 he has been a prominent media personality and face on the internet, radio and live event spiritual and science scene for years.    He has worked with world thought leaders, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, politicians, doctors, lawyers, healers, athletes and celebrities. His spiritual teachings have helped positively inspire and change the lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide and he has been globally recognized in articles, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV and award winning films.    He is board member and founder of multiple global organizations and businesses including The World United Inc., The 1st World Spiritual Parliament, The Council on International Leadership, The Evolutionary Business Council, The I AM Group, and The Masters Gathering.    Harrison’s message is the continuous unfoldment of unconditional love through deliberate desire, decision, awareness, insight, intention, purpose, play, and specific consciousness elevations and he lives that purpose wholly.    He has been a teacher, marketing director and entrepreneur since 1992. He has led teams as President and CEO of five super-successful businesses.    He is an active coach and his 6 course series entitled The I AM Effect, Effortless Abundance and Mastery 1-6 are designed to bring the subconscious, conscious and superconscious into perfect alignment thus ending stress, increasing awareness and making manifestation and life easy, natural and effortless.    He develops information and popular products around the leading edge of the spiritual, metaphysical and coaching industry as well as speaks at and produces events for the Personal Growth, Wealth and Development.


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