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Gregg Braden – The Spontaneous Healing of Belief (4 CDs – 23 MP3s)

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief


Audio Books : Self-help : MP3/Variable : English4 CD Abridged Audiobook read by author : Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits:The Spontaneous Healing of Belief offers us the miracles that open the door to a powerful new way of seeing the world, and the science that tells us why the miracles are possible, revealing: why we are not limited by the “laws” of physics and biology as we know them today.  Historically, we have been taught that we are passive observers in the universe and that we are governed by the “rules” of time, space, and our DNA. It is precisely these beliefs that often leave us feeling powerless in the face of life’s greatest challenges. Once we become aware of the paradigm-shattering discoveries and true-life miracles, we must think of ourselves differently. And that difference is where the spontaneous healing of belief begins.


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