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George Hutton – Weaponized Hypnosis

George Hutton – Weaponized Hypnosis
[Webrip – 26 MP3’s & 2 PDF’s]



Belief ObliterationAbsolutely and instantly crush anybody who comes at you with a half-baked idea. Silently reach in and vaporize the minds of religious zealots, unwanted salespeople and those with oppressive political ideas. Keep your mind free from clutter and maintain your mental sovereignty.    Destroy Imposing Beliefs    Keep Your Mind Clean    Immediately Eradicate Falsehoods    Never Accept Lies Again    Devastate Illogical Suggestions    Extinguish Invalid Requests    Never Be A Sucker Again    Win Any Argument With Ease    Develop Unshakeable Conviction    Force Others To Use Facts    Realize Infinite Emotional Stability Deadly EnergyProject an unstoppable sense of power and self control. Take in a slow, deep breath and watch them crumble in fear. Radiate micro-non-verbal communication that projects your confidence and energy.    Develop The Gaze Of Death    Look At Them Passively And Watch Them Crumble    Control Others With Body Language    Eradicate Arguments With Ease    Destroy The Most Belligerent Opponents    Deeply Subconscious Power    Hit Them With Vicious Pauses    Unleash Terrifying Tonality    Sit Back While They Destroy Themselves    Others Nervous Around You    Unshakeable Sense of Self Dominating PresenceBe the center of attention in any room. Prepare to speak and feel the hush of silence as they wait. Destroy any attacks before they begin with a stare of unstoppable domination.    Command Entire Rooms With Body Language    Persuade With Few Words    Stun Them With A Smile    Use Gestures That Make Them Weep    Make Powerful People Submit    Always Alpha In Every Situation    Others Beg For Your Approval    Infinite Confidence    Eradicate All Self Doubt    Always Own Your Space    Powerful Concentration Imposition EliminationSmash unwanted requests and suggestions. Obliterate attempted manipulations before they begin. Never agree to anything unless they’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt why it’s in your best interest.    Destroy Unwanted Approaches    Liquidate Unwanted Requests    Never Be On The Hook Again    Make Silly Questions Self Destruct    Pre-Manipulation Destruction    Become Impervious To Insults    Own Every Second Of Your Time    Demand They Justify Your Attention    Require They Demonstrate The Value To You    Be A Salesperson’s Worst Nightmare    Back Them Down With A Glance Neutral ResponderRemain calm and collected no matter how emotional they get. Maintain your center and intellect to respond with strategic power and intelligence. Never be put off balance again. Be the adult to their child.    Always Remain Calm    Never Let Them Get To You    Maintain Total Evenness    Always Control Your Emotions    Maintain Relaxed Assertiveness    Save Your Energy For Important Matters    Make Any Imposer Feel Foolish    Always Maintain Presence Of Mind    Powerfully Persuasive    Irresistibly Seductive    Easily Destroy The Strongest frames Unbreakable frameMake your view of the world the dominant one wherever you are. Get them to voluntarily ditch their beliefs just to speak with you. Create a reputation of deep respect and admiration.    Never Lose An Argument    Always Be In Control    Others Beg To Enter    Win The Most Complex Arguments    Ever Present Social Domination    Always Ruler Of Your World    Talk Your Way In Or Out Of Any Situation    Be Treated With Utmost Respect    Radiate Royal Energy    Instantly Capture Their Attention    Speak Words That Alter History Verbal AssassinObliterate any targets with ease. Crush their belief systems, their memories, or even their identity with deadly precision. If they come at you with insults intended to harm you or your reputation, return fire with deadly and obliterating force.    Quickly Destroy Their Minds    Obliterate Their Confidence    Crush Their Beliefs    Generate Deep Fear In Their Heart    Abolish Any Ill Intentions    Instantly Make Them An Outcast    Exterminate Any Desire To Harm    Freeze Their Brains Mid-Sentence    Demolish Their Self Respect    Instant Elimination From Your Life    Permanent Mental Erasure Master MixUse to balance your destructive powers or blast your subconscious with all voices and all statements at once. Use to resonate your inner assassin throughout your entire being.    All Sessions Mixed    Gamma Master – Perfect For Pre-Game Confrontations    4V Theta Master – Quick Reprogramming    256V Theta Master – Thousands of Voices    Overflow Your Subconscious with New Beliefs    Steady Growth In All Areas    Extreme Self ConfidenceSales page:


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