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Extramilest – Marathon PR Training Program

Extramilest Marathon PR Program
[WebRip – 38 MP4s, 74 PDFs, 4 PNGs, 2 XLSX]


This course is for the Group Buy Marathon (Running) PR Program – low heart rate training Group Buy is currently CLOSED.I have included 3 bonus books in this upload so that contributors can access everything in one product.——————————————————-Run your Strongest Race Many runners dream of running a Sub 3 Hour Marathon, a Boston Qualifier, a Sub 4 Hour Marathon or a Personal Record.Many athletes don’t know how to structure their training in a way that works for their specific lifestyle.So many runners have been stuck in training without progress, they often experiencing injuries that set them back.Some have heard of low heart rate training, but might not know how to integrate this the right way in their training plan for race day.Hi, I’m Floris Gierman, founder of the Extramilest website, Youtube and podcast.I improved my marathon time from 4 hours 11 minutes to a 2 hours 44 minutes at the Boston Marathon.My first race was a horrible experience and I hit the wall around mile 18 (29km). In hindsight, I didn’t train right, many of my runs were at high intensity and I often felt drained after every workout. My nutrition was all over the place and I had no strategy for race day, starting out way too fast.Once I discovered Dr. Phil Maffetone, MAF low heart rate training and cutting out sugars and refined carbs, I started seeing fast improvements.Things I noticed:• I started enjoying all my runs, looking forward to the next• I felt like I could continue running – a feeling I had never experienced before• Stayed running injury free. Fast recovery after my runs, even at higher training volume• My paces were getting faster at the same effort level, almost every month• It was such a great feeling to run at a pretty fast pace and feeling relaxed and in control• My body felt in sync, I have never felt better, the planets all aligned• I lost a significant amount of weight and felt great• In the next race I felt much stronger and suffered much less• I ran a PR of 76 minutes, improving from 4:11 down to 2:55 on my next marathonFor the past 6 years I’ve written about running and made videos about it, with a million views on my channels so far. It brings me a lot of joy to read success stories from runners all around the world.Despite many runners experiencing improvements with low heart rate training, I often receive the same questions:“Do you have a specific training program I can follow?”“How should I structure my base building and marathon specific workouts? ““I want to run Sub 3 but I am nervous about losing speed by running at lower HR. Need clarification of exact speed workout details.”“I tried low HR training, but have to run so slow or take walk breaks to stay within my heart rate zones.”“It’s very challenging to run when it’s hot and humid for long periods where I live.”“I have a dream to qualify for the Boston Marathon but can’t imagine racing any faster and holding a specific pace for that long, for example 6:51 min / mile or 4:15 min / km.”Others struggle with the right nutritional approach and losing weight:“I want to run a fast marathon but don’t know how to eat right for Marathon Training. What detailed diet plan should I follow?”“It takes a lot of dedication and willpower to lose weight, how to do it to become a faster athlete?”“I am struggling to figure out the best way to hydrate and get in calories / sugars during the race.”I am often asked if I can coach runners to reach their marathon goals.Instead of 1 on 1 coaching, I have developed an extensive video course that provides more info and value than I could with 1 on 1 coaching.This is a holistic approach to marathon training, running smarter, not harder. It focuses on the 5 following elements for optimal performance:This course includes 30 videos (8 hours of new video footage). There are also downloadable / editable training plans and worksheets.You will get lifetime access to all the course materials, so you can access the course anytime.More topics from this course:• Heart rate & pacing strategies to run a strong race• What to do when you’re not progressing in training• Getting the most out of your GPS running watch• Measuring progress in your training in 3 ways• How to handle setbacks in training• How to build health for life• Increase your chances to recover well• Measuring progress, stress and fatigue levels• How to change your nutrition and stick with it• Structuring your training right• Base building, volume in time vs miles• Why it’s OK to skip a training day• Avoiding injuries• Mobility & Strength Training• High performers mindsets for training and racing• Marathon race day preparation• Pre-race strategies• Race strategies and execution• Post race strategies for a healthy recovery• Training schedule for Goal: “Finish a marathon”• Training schedule for Goal: “Sub 4 Hour marathon”• Training schedule for Goal: “Sub 3:30 Hour marathon”• Training schedule for Goal: “Sub 3 Hour marathon”Plus there are many more additional topics and ideas shared throughout this course.


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