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Essential Skills – Artful Anchoring

Essential Skills Artful Anchoring
[1 DVD – MP4]



This appears to be similar in production quality to the “Anchoring and Other Sneaky Stuff” series (i.e. low production quality).What is Anchoring?     I thought I would write about why we have chosen some ofthe skills that that we have and decided that they are ESSENTIAL.These are street wise methods. They are designed to give you anoverwhelming advantage in everyday life. There is probably nothingfair about them. To me, that’s OK!       My definition of an anchor is anything that brings up afeeling or thought of any other thing. It reminds you ofsomething that you have experienced. It might actually bringback that feeling or emotion completely.       I have this habit. Whenever someone around me is havingfun…I anchor it. If they are laughing, I anchor it. I think peopleshould feel good around me and I am not going to leave that to chance. If they are in a bad mood I will fire the anchor. They can feel shitty later when I am not around. I walk up to people and when they smile and shake my hand I alsotouch them an the shoulder. Well how could you use this? You couldjust keep it in the context of a seminar and never use it in real life orspent lots of time just touching yourself.   How many different types of anchors are there? Tonal, tactile,spatial, a word, a thing, a smell, and I could go on!   The key is to learn something and then…use it!   I read a story in Black Belt magazine a while back that was writtenby a 4th degree black belt. He said he was a bouncer in a bar andhad to remove a drunk due to anti-social behavior.  Well the drunkpicked a fight with him. So drawing on all his years of training headopted his best Karate fighting stance. The drunk gingerly pickedup a coat rack and proceeded to beat the shit out of him!   My point is that there is training and there is reality. There is adifference.   So why learn to anchor. Well imagine walking into your job and ssuddenly and unexplainably your boss looks at you and feels good. It might be that you anchored that feeling to yourself. We all know that people do not get promoted due to there ability. They get promoted more often than not, because they make people feel a certain way.   Now If you can anchor good feelings to you I wonder what youmight anchor to that co-worker that has been taking credit for all your hard work…. I am not suggesting that you would want to learn to DO that! It would be a sneaky and underhanded thing to do. …       So you might ask “why bother?” Well the reason that wedecided to teach this is that so many of you have writtenabout getting a person into a state and having to start allover the next time you saw them.   Well I wonder what it would be like to simply have a handyanchor to fire so get them back in that state IMMEDIATELY!   Would that save time???   Is that worth learning???       OK so far so simple. Other than learning how to installanchors. What I love about this is how practical it is and howquickly you can anchor someone. What if you where to anchorfor feeling incredible??? I wonder how an woman would feel asyou walked up to her and suddenly have these feelings justfrom the sight of you?       OK lets go one step further. What if you could anchor thatfeeling to you business card?? Maybe to the sound of yourvoice on the phone. Maybe to a small gift you give her. Whoknows???


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