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Eric Thompson – Heartwave 2.0

Eric Thompson – Heartwave 2.0
[ Webrip – 21 JPEG , 7 PDF ]



**** elib Exclusive ****Help us keep all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping awesome!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GB Status :  CLOSED GB Page : This is a donated bonus to the Robert Novak – LEARN THE YUEN METHOD GB                                                                                                                                  “There is compelling evidence to suggest the physical heart is coupled to a field of information not bound by the classical limits of time and space. This evidence comes from a rigorous experimental study that demonstrated the heart receives and processes information about a future event before the event actually happens.”HeartMath InstituteFrom “Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance” 2.0 is an energetically encoded digital media program that utilizes quantum energy to develop and communicate with the multi-dimensional heart:    The Physical Heart    The Heart-Brain Connection    The Energetic Heart (aka the heart chakra)    The Higher Heart (aka the thymus chakra)    The Spiritual Heart (aka the heart on the right)When used regularly on a daily and weekly basis, HeartWave 2.0 can significantly reduce stress and improve personal and professional effectiveness through the progressive development of heart-intelligence, heart coherence, intuition and heart-centered social interactions.Seven (7) Premium Extra-Strength Mandalas (aka Quantum Energy Apps) in Four Formats = 28 filesTOTAL = 28 Digital FilesHeart CoherenceEnergetic Signature: Heart Coherence is sourced directly from the quantum field and is the same energetic signature featured in the Heart Coherence audios.This mandala works energetically in exactly the same manner as the audios, except that it doesn’t use audio as the carrier wave for the technology, which makes it far more convenient and flexible than any kind of meditation audio. It is also lower in amplitude than the audios, which can be necessary for use throughout the day as you go about your day.Use it to:   Increase heart coherence throughout the day    Support peak performance    Feel more connected to the people around you    Create a heart-centered energetic environment“Heart Coherence completely stops resistance in every situation and I easily can accept moment as it is, also I feel deep compassion for everyone and it doesn’t matter if they get rude to me. Also feels like I started to think more with my heart not brain as there no thoughts, feels like accepting everything more from love and heart aspect. Accidentally I felt asleep with it and next day I felt more balanced, positive, and calm.~ Domas K.“The initial beauty & effect of the mandala is arresting, capturing your mind & putting it at ease, after the initial adjustment to the mandala’s effects one maintains an equilibrium between the monkey mind & his emotions so that both are at ease, and balanced at the same time, this mandala promotes a feeling of uniformity & cohesion both mentally & emotionally, this is definitely one of my favorites because I feel immediately relaxed, more at ease, at peace, and balanced.”~ Jamie B.“Beautifully soothing… also warm and comforting. I had it opened 4-5 hours yesterday but I felt its peaceful and warm effect and “presence” all night…”~ Laya Jakubowicz“Meditated this morning with . . . Heart Coherence, I felt a tremendous sense of wholeness, like every part of myself was in harmony with every other part.It was a beautiful way to start my day!”~ KevinHealthy HeartEnergetic Signature: Healthy Heart is sourced directly from the quantum field and is designed to improve overall heart function. This mandala addresses specifically the physical heart to enhance heart health and, surprisingly, overall mood, energy and well-being.Use it to:    Support heart health    Increase vitality    Enhance moodInstructionsUse it during the day while you go about your day or any time you desire extra support for the heart. “I woke this morning feeling tense and headachy. Loaded Heart Health on phone . . . until I noticed a change. Now the tension has been replaced with a feeling of joyous gratitude, I can feel that I am breathing into my diaphragm rather than high up in my chest. I just want to sit and bask in this all day.”~ Brenda F.“I think this one is subtle but hugely awesome! With Phone and Lock I begin to just feel really good in terms of being in my own body. 5 hr dose seemed no problem for me! Increased levels of how you feel when you are “really ok.” I ran up the stairs at work and felt like I had been back into my cardio shape even though I haven’t been able to enjoy my jogging for some time due to a musculo-skeletal issue.”~ Scott M.Heart-Brain ConnectionEnergetic Signature: This signature is sourced from a unique bio-geometry that resonantly optimizes the flow of life force energy through the heart-brain communication network.Use it to:   Improve mental clarity    Enhance mental and physical well-being    Support heart-brain harmony    Improve focusInstructionsUse Heart-Brain Connection  as you go about your day. If the energy ever starts to feel over-stimulating, either reduce the amplification or just turn it off. “I think it would ordinarily take most people several years of meditation and advanced training to get to the place that this meditation bring you, and that is a consciousness you can carry with you throughout the day. This meditation seems to make people, calm, happy, and clear-headed. It seems to melt away tensions and bring people together. It has great potential for anyone who is leading a group or working on a team.”~ Michael Halbfish“Incredible Mandala! Its impact is revealed gradually. First, there is the explosive release of insights. Then these are spontaneous manifestations of intuition (sometimes it is almost clairvoyant … or not almost). Then I began to feel something like an electric arc between the center of the chest and the third eye, which then became a luminous cloud that enveloped my head and chest. Then this cloud engulfed me completely. When it happened, I discovered that I constantly show signs of mastery in those areas where I am a layman. In psychology, this is called “unconscious competence” – this is the final stage, which follows after “conscious competence.” Thanks to this incredible mandala, I was immediately in the final stage, skipping previous ones!”~ S. P.Heart of CompassionEnergetic Signature: This signature is sourced directly from the quantum field and is the precise vibrational waveform of compassion.Use it to:   Increase empathy    Reduce negative self-talk    Support pro-social behavior    Support compassion-based meditationInstructionsUse this throughout the day, during meditation or any time you wish to emphasize and develop a compassionate awareness. “This is pretty strong with immediate effects, which I noticed in my interactions with people today. I’d stop in my tracks from reacting in a certain way and reacted more thoughtfully and generously. Its like a switch in my persona that changed my behavior as situations arose.”~ D. S.“A more evenness of temperament An openness to others and their/situations. Most certainly creates more compassion.”~ A. H.Heart of SerenityEnergetic Signature: This signature is sourced directly from the quantum field and is designed to balance the emotions by directly soothing and calming the emotional heart.Use it to:    Balance the emotions    Neutralize negative emotional states    Calm anxiety and fear    Relax deeply    Release overwhelm    Support meditationInstructionsUse this throughout the day, during meditation or any time you wish to emphasize and develop a compassionate awareness. “Profound feeling of peace playing this today. Some of my colleagues encountered some stressful situations, and this had a very calming influence.”~ M. H.“Deeply relaxing and blissful meditated with it and didn’t want to come out.”~ K. C.“Causes me to have great contentment!”~ S. M.Heart of the SpiritEnergetic Signature: This signature is sourced from a unique bio-geometry that energetically activates and balances the true spiritual heart, aka “the heart on the right.” This is not the heart chakra, which is traditionally located in the center of the heart, but is instead located just to the right of the heart. It is the gateway to the atman, the Self.Use it to:   Cultivate “witness consciousness”    Support the dissolution of subject/object duality, especially during meditation    Empower deep self-inquiry    Support jnana yoga    Feel deeply centeredInstructionsUse during meditation or any spiritual practice of deep reflection and self-inquiry. “When I first opened up Heart of the Spirit, it stopped me dead in my tracks. It felt so peaceful and still, I ended up going into a brief meditation. Over the past few days, I have been amplifying it several times during meditation and while sleeping. It is very effective at relaxing the mind and producing a feeling of deep joy.”~ Nick P.“Works at very deep levels, with Heart of the Spirit mandala I and people around me look relaxed, more open minded and compassionate. I love how it helps in public places, people around me seem to slow down and think less, noticed many more smiles. Somehow it helps to sense how others are feeling. Heart area feels expanded and “blank” like stress and negativity can’t get me. Effects last for hours after turning off mandala. Extremely potent product, strongly recommend for those who have issues related with feelings, emotions, negativity in general and in social places.”~ D. K.Rose QuartzEnergetic Signature: As the title suggests, this signature is sourced directly from rose quartz crystal and carries all of the metaphysical qualities thereof in amplified form.Use it to:   Soften the heart and mood    Open up to unconditional love    Experience greater levels of contentment and harmony    Create an energetic environment of love    Activate and open the heart chakra    Activate and open the higher heart, aka the thymus chakra    Support emotional healing    Dissolve anger and resentment    Enhance joyInstructionsUse during meditation to add a heart-centered component to your daily practice, or use daily to create a personal energetic environment of love and harmony from which everyone in your immediate space will benefit.“I have been using this constantly since it it went out. I feel a softening in my heart and a deeper sense of joy!”~ Michael Marino“This really brightened my mood and left me in a state of spiritual-fueled bliss. It really opened my heart and thymus.“~ David S.DISCLAIMER: These results may not occur for everyone. These products are powered by subtle energy, and some individuals may be less sensitive to subtle energy (and to this product as well) than others.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   )


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