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Ellen Mogensen – 4 Past and Now Forward manuals

Heal Past Lives
[4 ebooks]



Spirit Based Holistic Healing Manual Your Body’s Basic Minimum Requirements# 1: Simple but Effective Breaths for Increased Energy & Vitality# 2: The Golden Rules of Effective, Power Sleep# 3: Water, Water Everywhere: Just Drink It, It Will Cure You# 4: Food, Glorious Food: Getting Into the Right Relationship with It# 7: The “Touch” Vitamin: The Reiki Heart Anchor and Heart HugYour Mind’s Basic Minimum Requirements# 6: “Getting Back to Basics” Learning to Live Life Holistically# 8: Are You STRESSED? Find Out! And Find How to Manage Your Stress!# 9: Unleash the Power of Aromas: Young Living Oil Essential Blends#10: Bloom and Grow with the Power of Bach Flower Essences#11: WARNING: Before You Take “Hard Medicinal Drugs” with “Side Effects”Your Emotion’s Basic Minimum Requirements#16: “Looking for Mr. Goodbar” : The Lust Cure#17: “Living with the Dragon” : The Anger Cure#18: “Can Never Get Enough” : The Greed Cure#19: “How Great I Art – Not!” : The Vanity Cure#20: “Gotta Get Me Some of That” : The Attachment CureYour Spirit’s Basic Minimum Requirements# 5: Understanding and Healing the Human Energy Field#12: SEX! Now that I Have Your Attention: Here’s How It Really Works#13: The “I” Cure: Take Off Your Glasses and SEE!#14: The “Me” Cure: Listen to the Right Music, Your Own Voice and HEAL!#15: When You Just Cannot Stop… How to Identify Addictive BehaviorTake Only When Prescribed: Cures for Troubled Times#21: When the Past is Present Every Moment: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder#22: The Unknown Dread: Causes and Cures for Panic Attacks——————————————————————————————————–Holistic Healing ManuaOur “Holistic Healing Manual” consists of four mini-manuals:  for the complete Table of Contents showing just what you will get in this manual, click here.Part 1: The “Energy Field Healing Guide” – which contains…         * The revolutionary, breakthrough “Chakra Healing Program” (described above).         * How to identify and focus on healing your problem chakras for vibrant health.         * How to customize your healing process so you can achieve results quickly.         * How to flow the natural healing directly to all your inner energy bodies.”I’ve been working intensively on myself for six months. I’ve cured physical problems ranging from the reversal of diabetes to a sore throat. Ellen helped me channel answers and guide me through the exercises I needed to do at each stage of my awakening. T. R.”This chakra healing program is exclusively from Past Forward and is ONLY found in this eBook! This program has been used successfully for years by 1,000s of clients to heal their lives now.If you follow this advanced “Chakra Healing Program”, you will heal your life!Part 2: The “Outer Cures Healing Guide” – which contains…         * Experience the power of crystals to gently heal and energize your chakras!         * Use the power of toning mantras to accelerate your healing naturally!         * Unleash the hidden healing power of your limbic brain with aromatherapy!         * Use herbal cures to boost your body’s natural self healing abilities!         * Use hand and foot reflexology to touch your way to better health!”Ellen is by far the most powerful, accurate healer. Her one-on-one sessions are life altering! Please heed her advice to rest and pace oneself after doing the exercises (the same as those in the manual) – they are that powerful. A. D.”This outer cures program is exclusively from Past Forward and is ONLY found in this eBook! This program has been used successfully for years by 1,000s of clients to heal their lives now.If you use the outer cures with the inner healing of your chakras, you will heal your life sooner!Part 3: “Exercises for Personal Growth and Acceleration” – which contains…         * Exercises for understanding why you are where you are today!         * Exercises for healing your “Self” to achieve harmony and wholeness!         * Exercises for healing relationships between your “Self” and others!         * Exercises for expanding your awareness to claim your divinity!         * Exercises for improving your mastery over life!”I wanted to share my experience with your exercises. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical at first, only because I’ve tried similar approaches with mixed results. After doing two of them, it’s made a believer out of me… I was totally blown away. C. D.”If you are always looking for more: more health, wealth, happiness in relationships or career… or more of “whatever” you want out of life…If you are ready to become your Higher Self, these exercises will get you to wherever you want to be, to do, or to go today!Part 4: “”Exercises for Past Life Exploration and Healing” – which contains…         * Basic Exercises for healing and integrating your past lives!         * Advanced Exercises for healing and integrating your past lives!         * Exercises for exploring your past lives by journeying through time!”Dear Ellen, I have had two more past lives present themselves spontaneously through using the clustering (exercise). Until now, I have had little ability to recover my past lives and, particularly, to see how they are effecting my current life. J. M.”If your problem does come from past lives… it can be remarkably resistant to present life cures. To heal the past, you need to go back to the past and heal the effects on your life now.These exercises will help you to heal your past lives to empower your present and your future!——————————————————————————————————–Clear Your Karma: 21 days to peace, joy and freedomThis course – contained in a PDF document – shows you how your past lives are Effecting your present life now! It contains valuable tips for you to help with your journey through the universe… by clearing your karma!The answers and solutions you are seeking are just a click away… if only you will subscribe! You are just 21 days away from clearing your karma and knowing true freedom!!——————————————————————————————————–Rules of the House: Answers to Questions Let the Timeless Wisdom of the Ancient Masters Be Yours TODAY! Get ANSWERS to Life’s Toughest Questions! Find out… WHY ARE WE HERE? Why do “bad” things happen to us? What is the purpose of our lives? What happens to us when we die? Is this brief span of life all there is? What can I do to improve my life now? These are the ever popular “Rules of the House” that are featured on this website.


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