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Dietrich Klinghardt MD : DETOX Aluminium Mercury ADD Autism Lyme

Dietrich Klinghardt MD DETOX Aluminium Mercury ADD Autism Lyme
[Webrip – 12 MP4 + 4 MP3’s ]

Description…Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, is Founder of the American Academy of Neural Therapy, now the Klinghardt Academy of Neurobiology, and lead clinician at the Comprehensive Medical Center located in Kirkland, Washington. He has been synthesizing traditional and alternative medicine for more than 32 years.In Stuttgart, Germany he has established in 1994 the “INK (Institut fuer Neurobiologie nach Klinghardt)” which oversees the training of European doctors and dentists in applied neurobiology, psychokinesiology and autonomic response testing. The institute offers CME credit for most its courses, offers competence exams and keeps records of treatment outcomes.Internationally known for his successful treatment of chronic pain and illness, Dr. Klinghardt’sholistic technique combines principles of non-surgical orthopedic medicine with those of immunology,endocrinology, toxicology, neural therapy, hypnotherapy and energy psychology.His unique approach to diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders on both thefunctional-physical and mental-emotional levels recognizes that health is significantly influencedby and dependent upon:A balanced and well-functioning autonomic nervous system.A healthy mind that creates a balanced emotional state.A supportive system of relationships within current and past generations of the family system.Dr. Klinghardt studied medicine (1969-1975) and psychology (1975-1979) in Freiburg, West Germany.During the 1970s, while still at medical school in Germany, he studied acupuncture and homeopathy.After earning his medical degree, he studied psychology, conducted three years of research on theinvolvement of the autonomic nervous system in autoimmune disorders at Albert-Ludwig University inFreiburg, Germany, and gained a PhD for his work on the autonomic nervous system. Severalpublications followed his research.Early in his career, Dr. Klinghardt became aware of the interdependence between emotional andphysical health as well as the sequelae of chronic toxicity for the course of illness – especiallylead, mercury, environmental pollutants and electromagnetic fields. During an extended period as ajunior physician in India, he naturally met Eastern concepts of disease etiology and blended themwith his classical Western training. This experience helped lay the foundation for his 5-levelsystem of Integrative Medicine.After immigrating to the United States and passing the US-licensing exams, Dr. Klinghardt worked asa full-time emergency physician for 3 years and later became Medical Director of one of thecountry’s largest pain clinics (Santa Fe Pain Center) specializing in chronic neck-andcraniofacial pain. It was there that he becameincreasingly aware of the limitations of conventionalmedicine when dealing with chronic conditions, and, in particular, functional pain syndromes. Hetrained for 4 years with Robert Weisz PhD of the Milton-Erickson Institute and David Cheek MD inEricksonian hypnotherapy and began to incorporate a carefully selected number of body-orientedpsychotherapeutic and counselling modalities into his work. He also incorporated into his work theGerman neural therapy and French mesotherapy injection techniques, as well as new advancements inenergy medicine and psychotherapeutic modalities such as applied psychoneurobiology (with thepsychokinesiology technique and mental field therapy).Dr. Klinghardt developed ART (autonomic response testing), a comprehensive diagnostic system thathas helped to transform many practices in the US and abroad into healing centers – and helped manypractitioners to become accomplished holistic physicians. His teaching and philosophy includeinsights into the influence of the family system on one’s health through working withfamily-systems oriented healing-approaches developed by psychoanalyst, Bert Hellinger.Since the late 1970s, Dr. Klinghardt has made very significant contributions to the understanding ofmetal toxicity and its connection with chronic extra- and intracellular infections and persistentillness and pain. He is considered an authority on this subject and is a highly respected teacher.He has lectured at the University of Illinois, Chicago, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, CapitalUniversity, Washington, DC, the Medical schools of Geneva and Zurich, Switzerland, University ofFreiburg, Germany , University of Adelaide, Australia and others. From 1996-2005 he taught asAssociate professor at the Department of Applied Neurobiology at Capital University in Washington,D.C.Due to his innovative contributions to Neural Therapy, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Energy Medicine andEnergy Psychology, Dr. Klinghardt is regularly invited to teach workshops at the prestigious”Medicine Week” in Baden-Baden, Germany. He is the author of a groundbreaking German book onmusclefeedback-guided psychotherapy titled, “Psychokinesiology – A new Approach in PsychosomaticMedicine.” He has been instrumental in advancing various fields within Biological Medicine: thenon- biochemical treatment of chronic infections and toxic states, modern Homeopathy, non- invasivepain management, injection techniques for pain and orthopedic dysfunction, anti-ageing medicine,toxicology, paediatrics (treatment of neuro-developmental disorders), energy psychology, biologicaldentistry and others.In recognition of his work he received the reward “physician of the year” by the GlobalFoundation of Integrative Medicine in May 2007.Dr. Klinghardt currently resides in Bellevue, WA, where he treats patients and teaches workshops.Since 2007 he also is licensed as a medical doctor in the UK and has a small practice in Forest Row,East Sussex.audioCould Toxins in Your Environment Be Making You Sick with Dr Dietrich Klinghardt.mp3Dr Mercola Interviews Dr Dietrich Klinghardt about Lyme Disease.mp3Why the US Needs Pre-Conception Healthcare.mp3 Dietrich Klinghardt’s Fundamental TeachingsDietrich Klinghardt’s Fundamental Teachings (Part 15).mp4Dietrich Klinghardt’s Fundamental Teachings (Part 25).mp4Dietrich Klinghardt’s Fundamental Teachings (Part 35).mp4Dietrich Klinghardt’s Fundamental Teachings (Part 45).mp4Dietrich Klinghardt’s Fundamental Teachings (Part 55).mp4Dr Dietrich Klinghardt – Photopheresis, Heavy metal Toxicity and Immune Mobilisation, ILA 2016.mp4Dr Dietrich Klinghardt’s Overview of BioPure Healing Products.mp4Dr med Dietrich Klinghardt – Schwermetalle, Impfungen und Entgiftung (German).mp4How Do the Lights Work – Dr Klinghardt’s Chart Shared by Dr Rich M.mp4MONTROSE Dr Dietrich Klinghardt.mp4Smart Meters – The Health Crisis of Our Time with Dr Dietrich Klinghardt.mp4The 5 Levels of Health Treatment of Lyme Induced Symptoms in Autism with Dietrich Klinghardt, MD.mp4


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