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Dick Sutphen – PK / Psychokinesis Course

Dick Sutphen – Psychokinesis



74-Minute Course With Two Altered-State MeditationsBy Dick SutphenMentally move objects, influence dice, bend metal, produce visual images on film, alter temperature, and much more. Anyone can develop PK abilities by invoking the proper techniques, practicing, starting off with small exercises and then expanding their “mind over matter” potentials.Psychokinesis Altered-State Mind-Programming: Use daily to rapidly develop your abilities. Following a chakra-balancing, aura-expanding induction, your mind is programmed with powerful suggestions phrased for maximum acceptance. Also includes, visualizations, mantras, trigger-word post-programming, and a “mudra” technique to instantly altered-consciousness when you desire to invoke PK-power.Psychokinesis Experiment Altered-State Session: An actual session to move or alter an object with mind power. Set up any PK experiment you want to run, then listen to this track (5). You’ll go into the altered-state, open your eyes and tap into the 90% of your mind not normally used. You can do it!Tracks: 1. Introduction to Psychokinesis. 2. Altered-State Preparation. 3. Psychokinesis Altered-State Mind-Programming Session. 4. How To Do It On Your Own. 5.Psychokinesis Experiment Altered-State Session. 6. Final Briefing.


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