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Dennis Miller – I Rant Therefore I Am

Dennis Miller (reupload)
[ 34 MP3s]



REUPLOADEDIn The secrets of The Alpha man workbook/notes, Carlos Xuma recommends listening to Dennis Miller Rants,  on the Alpha Exercise 2 on pg 33 .Angry humor contains a bunch of energy that can be tapped into. I didn’t see this on … so i uploaded it! I encoded it to MP3.Secrets of The Alphaman Workbook/Notes third entry in Emmy-winning Miller’s witty and cynical ranting series (after The Rants and Ranting Again) features many monologues, an armada of satirical projectiles.Beginning each fast-paced session with the line “Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant here” and closing with “Of course, that’s just my opinion.First, there was The Rants (1996). Then there was Ranting Again (1998). And now, this. Can nothing stop this man? As long as his collections of monologues from his HBO show become best-sellers, probably not. Surely we all know the drill by now. Just about every one of these suckers begins “Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but,” and ends, “Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.”Never were more insincere words spoken. Which is precisely the point. Miller has made quite a career out of superficial cynicism. It isn’t so much that he doesn’t believe in anything as it is that he doesn’t say anything worth believing. Mostly he calls celebrities names, mocks popular movies and TV programs, trashes trends, and glues the name-calling, mockery, and dissing together with the excretory expletive.It is possible to see him as the latest figure in the line of public affairs humorists that includes Mark Twain, Will Rogers, and Bob Hope. In fact, if you think the progression from Twain to Rogers to Hope is actually a retrogression, maybe even a degradation, it is easy to place Miller next in the series. From genius to perpetual potty-mouthed 13-year-old in less than a century and a half–that’s entertainment, American style!


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