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Denis Leri & Carol Kress – A Mid-Summer’s Dream Intensive Part 1

A Mid-Summer’s Dream Intensive Part 1
[1 CD – 20 MP3]


I want to make this available to everyone in order to encourage support for the  Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais – Amherst Training Program Group Buy five-day intensive was presented in Berkeley in the summer of 2011 to rave reviews. The participants were all long-term practitioners of ATM, allowing for an immediate immersion experience. If you love ATM, you will love this course! It consists of five uninterrupted days of ATM—four ATMs per day, with little discussion. The ATM’s are woven around the four points series which extends through the five days. Carol Kress and Dennis Leri are both masterful ATM teachers. They have been teaching together frequently over the last few years, which is apparent as they expertly interweave the differently textured lessons into a spectacular whole. Below is their description of the course. “This intensive is designed to give participants a feel for the depth and breadth of the practice of self-inquiry known as Awareness Through Movement. We will present four lessons a day—two before lunch and two after lunch. Some lessons will require slow, small movements while other lessons will necessitate large, fast actions. Some lessons will give you access to positive behavioral change via a somatic re-imagining of your modes and ways of acting. Other lessons will allow you to observe and change your imagined limitations by first acting differently and in novel ways. Feldenkrais’s understanding of awareness and his unique means to achieve it will challenge your self-limiting habits of knowing, thinking, sensing and feeling. In other words, the intensive will be provocative and fun.”


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