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David Rainoshek – Juicefeasting – The 92-Day Nutrition Course (Days 01 – 10 + Prep Course)

David Rainoshek – Juicefeasting – The 92-Day Nutrition Course (Days 01 – 10 + Prep Course)
[WebRips – 14 MP4 + 26 MP3, documents – 98 PDF, ebooks – 24 EPUB + 24 MOBI+ 2 AZW, images – 2 JPG]


Please keep this material exclusive to! Sharing it elsewhere will get you banned!David Rainoshek – Juicefeasting – The 92-Day Nutrition Course (Days 01 – 10 + Prep Course) [WebRips – 14 MP4 + 26 MP3, documents – 98 PDF, ebooks – 24 EPUB + 24 MOBI+ 2 AZW, images – 2 JPG]This upload contains the materials of the prep course and of days 01 through 10 of the main JuiceFeasting 92-Day Nutrition Course. There are numerous multimedia files, links to other websites and book/media recommendations for each day. Considerable effort was made to not only include the main articles, documents and videos, but also to include linked articles and recommended books as far as possible. Some items could not be included, such as recommended print-only books as well as suggested movies and musicProduct Page: www.juicefeasting.comQuote:From: David RainoshekDear Friend,Over the next few minutes I’m going to introduce you to a revolutionary and rapidly growing Life Practice that I developed over ten years ago with my colleague John Rose (who saved my life) to rapidly heal your body and transform your life.What You are About to Encounter is an Idea Whose Time Has Come. Juice Feasting, as you are about to learn, is Healling Through Incredible Abundance.. . . and if you read this short letter entirely you’re going to know how you can protect yourself and your family from the unnecessary suffering and trauma that 70% of people in the United States today are facing due to causes that YOU can prevent.The information below will not only help you understand Juice Feasting and its dramatic ability to reduce and eradicate most western health challenges, but will also introduce you to a rock solid method to transform your whole life…No matter what diet you’ve been eating…What is the Cleansing Sweet Spot?. . . You hear the word “cleansing” thrown around a lot in natural health circles, but few people actually understand how cleansing really works and what is truly possible. That’s why many of us do not heal. I tried using my juicer to juice fast, did the Master Cleanser for 12 days, and even tried water fasting. But those cleanses are too extreme, too weak or too short for most people who need to address chronic health concerns.There was something simple, yet profound that I was missing. I had not yet hit the deep sweet spot of cleansing and healing that I am going to share with you here.You’ll be shocked – as I was – at how simple it is to relieve yourself of innumerable and preventable health challenges once you know how to put yourself in the biggest cleansing “sweet spot” ever discoveredThese preventable, healable health challenges rob you of your potential for a full life of passion and creativity. They affect how you feel, how you treat those you love, and sap you of the vital energy you could be using to live your unique self purpose.Before I discovered what to do, I thought my life was over. I was taking six different medications every day before the age of 27.But I kept plugging away… I knew I would find something that would heal me, and that it would involve food and cleansing (not drugs and medication). What I did not know is that what would save me would change the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in just a few short years.My constant pain and sickness had purpose: it led me to discovering The Cleansing “Sweet-Spot” we call Juice Feasting: a bullet-proof solution to a growing laundry list of preventable health challenges that we badly need to heal NOW.And I do mean NOW. 70% of the U.S. population is now overweight or obese, and 70% of Americans are on pharmaceutical drugs. Over half the westernized world is clinically pre-diabetic. Our biggest killers are heart disease and cancer – diseases we now know have causes that can be minimized and eradicated.Why Are We Sick?And Why is it So Hard to Get Well?Alfred E. Newman said, “We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.” And Astrid Alauda said, “Did you ever stop to taste a carrot? Not just eat it, but taste it? You can’t taste the beauty and energy of the earth in a Twinkie.”In Westernized societies the disturbing Truth is that our food is lacking in Goodness – both in nutritional content and meal size – and our eating such food is resulting in the fading of Beauty.A July 2008 Johns Hopkins University study published in Obesity projects that by 2030, 86% of Americans will be overweight or obese, and a shocking 24% of U.S. children will be overweight or obese by 2015.Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years, and 1 out of 3 children born today will develop diabetes in their lifetime.Toxic Waste Matter Builds Up in Your Intestines, Making You SickBelow are pictures of the Uneliminated Waste Matter in the intestinal tract and colon of almost everyone in the western world. It forms over decades of eating – and even if you have adopted a healthier diet and lifestyle in the past few years, it is very likely you have some of this in you. Such uneliminated waste in your body is damaging to your health, to say the least.The average person has between 5 and 30 pounds of this uneliminated waste matter in their intestines, blocking digestion and secreting toxins into the body. Oftentimes it is so impacted it is shaped like the intestines.Do you know where you absorb 90% of your nutrition? Through the small intestine. But if it’s clogged with the stuff you see above, you don’t get the nutrients from your food. That leaves your body feeling hungry, it it places more orders for nutrients that it is not getting, causing you to feel like eating even more food.It also means that you are not absorbing the nutrition from all those expensive supplements and super foods you have been eating, which is like flushing miracle foods and your money down the drain, literally.But that is not all…You create more brain-balancing neurochemicals in your gut than in your brain. And if this waste matter is in your gut, it imbalances your brain chemistry, creating foggy thinking, depression, anxiety, lack of creativity, poor sleep…Juice Feasting is designed from the ground up to get the junk out. Your body will be given the tools, the energy, and the permission needed to let go of all that yuck in a SHORT period of time.The results? A happier brain and a body that is FAR more well nourished than before… and that is just for starters, as you will see.Juice Feasting is also designed to address toxicity that is not visible to the naked eye…65,000: The Number of Human-Created Toxins Assaulting our Immune Systems…Every year over 13 million people across the globe are diagnosed with cancer and 7.6 million people die because of cancer. This is about 13% of all global deaths. The U.S. ranks in the top three countries with the highest rate of cancer in both men and women. This is not an accident.The sources of Toxicity are all around us. We’ll show you how to get the lead (and more) out…70,000 chemicals, according to the E.P.A., are used commercially. 65,000 of those 70,000 are potentially hazardous to our health. According to the Environmental Defense Group, more than 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, of which 72 million pounds are known carcinogens.These cancer-causing agents end up in our air, our water, and our food.In other words, we are surrounded by carcinogens, and we have to use what we as human beings have used all along for survival: a certain amount of cleverness and thoughtfulness in our lives to counteract the lack of consciousness that the corporations and ourselves are living with.Different tests on the blood and urine of adult Americans have found a total of 167 compounds, with an average of 91 compounds in each person. Of these 167 compounds, 76 are known to cause cancer, and 94 are toxic to the nervous system, 82 effect the lungs, 86 effect hormones, and 79 cause birth defects.In unborn babies, the Environmental Working Group has found a total of 287 chemicals in the baby’s blood; 180 are known to cause cancer, 217 are toxic to the brain and nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects in animals. Our future generations are explicitly at risk.Wouldn’t it be nice to find a simple, natural remedy that can act as a practical antidote for this situation? I think so, too, and that is why we are here.The Health Effects of Toxicty are Devastating…Disease has weight to it. Mortality rates among the overweight and obese are telling: A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that being overweight increases the risk of death by 20 to 40 percent, and by two to three times in cases of obesity.Obesity carries with it a multitude of increased risk factors : heart disease, depression, acid reflux, diabetes, dementia, arthritis, cancer, stroke, kidney disease, sexual dysfunction, and sleep disorders.With modern research data and its digital dissemination for all to read, the general debate is over on this one: Overweight is associated with numerous diseases, shortens life, and creates direct and associated economic costs:The U.S. will spend over $3.5 TRILLION dollars on health care this year, much of which could be prevented.I know it, you know it, and it is why we have created Juice Feasting: to answer the immense call and need for healing in the western world in a way that is accessible to EVERYONE.OPEN TO ALL


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