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Colin Wright – Networking Awesomely (1 eBook – PDF)




I was once really bad with people.I mean, REALLY bad. I had a few friends, but they were mostly as bad with people as I was. We weren’t even good with each other. We played video games to avoid dealing with our co-discomfort.And it’s not just me! It is HARD to meet people. You’ve got a few mates from work or school, sure, but those are freebies. That’s forced interaction; hand-holding. How do you actually meet people out in the wild?!I couldn’t figure this out either. Well actually, I did, but it took a while. And then I wrote an ebook about it. But I’m getting ahead of myself.The point I wanted to get around to is this: these days my businesses are almost entirely based on the strength of my network.I can walk into a room and be confident that by the time I leave, I’ll know most of the people there and will have given them a reason to remember (and want to stay in touch with) me. I understand the intersocial dynamics of different kinds of get-togethers and the flow of power in a social setting.This was tricky stuff to learn! And I read a lot!The thing is, most books on networking focus on things that are – in my opinion – a bit arbitrary and unnecessary. Most of what they preach is also a bit humdrum and boring…do you REALLY want to attend another conference? Infrared-exchange your contact information with a stranger with a Blackberry and a name tag? Shake hands, CRM names, practice elevator speeches, pretend to be interested?Yeesh, me neither. What’s unfortunate is that this dry, frail kind of relationship-building process is what has come to represent networking in the business sphere, and it’s not just yawn-inducing, it’s also ineffective.In this ebook, I propose a new kind of game, one that involves creating much stronger bonds, better social habits, a more fulfilling approach to life and a more valuable network. I’ll give you tips, tricks, philosophies and stories that will help you become a better networker.Not only that, but I’ve convinced 26 of the people who’s networking skills I respect the most (from all different walks of life, industries and lifestyles) to share their own experiences and advice.I propose that we all start Networking Awesomely, so join me for a drink and I’ll tell you about it!No, wait, I’m selling an ebook here. The drink will have to wait.Purchase Networking Awesomely – an ebook with over 250 pages and the cajones to get the job done – for the teensy-weensy price of $20 by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button below.Please buy this ebook if it’s valuable to you, Colin is a great guy.Blog: [url=][/url]Sales page: [url=][/url]


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