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Cisco Wheeler & Fritz Springmeier – The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

Illuminati Formula
[3 eBooks – PDF]



The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled SlaveBy Cisco Wheeler & Fritz SpringmeierTwo versions of the Illuminati Formula ebook, including Bloodlines of Illuminatias bonus ebook…WARNING, READ THIS FIRST BEFORE READING THE BOOK.IF THERE IS ANY CHANCE you the reader have had mind-control done toyou, you must consider the following book to be DANGEROUS. If you areconsulting a therapist for DID (also known as MPD), it is recommendedthat you consult your therapist before reading this book. The complications that could result for those under mind control learningthe truth–could be fatal. The co-authors take no responsibility for thosewho read or misuse this information.The reader’s mind is like a garden. It may not be time to plant the truthin your mind. Perhaps you need some weeding or ground preparation,before the garden of your mind is ready. Perhaps the weather is toostormy to plant the truth. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest. The blessingsthat flow from planting the information of this book in your mind willrequire the presence of living waters of love. If you do not have love inyour heart, this book is not for you. The information contained in this book is the biggest news-story of the 20th century, and still the biggest secret. It will challenge you, shockyou, horrify you and hopefully motivate you to redouble your efforts tohumble yourself and seek strength from God Almighty.The programming procedures, which are described in this book, arebased on research and consultation with deprogrammers, exprogrammers,therapists, counselors and pertinent literature. To the bestof our knowledge the statements made in this book are factual, althoughthey may not reflect the latest or currently accepted methodology amongeach and every faction of the New World Order, which carries outMonarch-type programming. This book tends to devote more emphasis to Illuminati programming, whichis the highest level of programming. For individual application in understanding a survivor of Monarch programming, therapists are admonished to use this material with consideration for the Monarch victim’s personal case and situation. The authors disclaim any responsibility for therapeutic work based upon this material.Book covers the 12 major sciences of monarch mind control and much more…I. The Selection & Preparation of the VictimII. The Traumatization & Torture of the VictimIII. The Use of DrugsIV. The Use of HypnosisV. The Skill of Lying, The Art of DeceitVI. The Use of Electricity & ElectronicsVII. Engineering & Structuring Of An MPD SystemVIII. Body Manipulation & ProgrammingIX. Mind Manipulation by Psychological Programming MethodsXI. Internal ControlsXII. External ControlsBLOODLINES OF ILLUMINATIIn short the Illuminati are generational Satanic bloodlines which have gained the most power. A generational Satanist described the Illuminati as “Satan’s elite.”Author says that this book is not written to cause fearand it is not written to  provide names for a witch hunt. It is not written to provide another theory. This book is not  about a theory. It is about the secret occult oligarchies which rule the world.”The 13th Illuminati Bloodline is where the Anti-Christ will come from. This bloodline believes that it has both the Holy Blood of Jesus and the blood (or seed) of Satan in its bloodline.”


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