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Bruce Conway – Mantra Mala Manual

Bruce Conway – Mantra Mala Manual.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]



How to use your Tibetan Prayer Beads – A working method of EnlightenmentThe Hindu and Tibetan Buddhist malas are beaded rosaries or strings of prayerbeads used during chanting or meditation. They are employed to focus one’sawareness and concentration during spiritual practice. The word mala means“garland” or rosary in Sanskrit. Prayer beads have been used by practitioners frommany disciplines for thousands of years. Buddha himself recommended the mantramala practice as a path to enlightenment for ordinary people.Although malas have been used in this way for thousands of years, it is onlyrecently that they have become popular as fashion accessories. Tibetan jewelry,clothing and beliefs are presently in vogue worldwide. Many people have adoptedthese trappings as fashion statements, yet few realize the symbolic significance oresoteric origins of their trappings.


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