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Andrei Patrushev – Healing2: Rainy Afternoon (WEBrip – 1 WAV, 2 DOCs)

Andrei Patrushev – Healing2



CD “Healing2: Rainy afternoon” is the sounds of nature with the imposition of a special healing music.Just like the disc “Healing1: By magic river” this disc, at regular employment, provides the following changes:    increased capacity for self-healing;    strengthening of immune humoral and energy systems of the body;    body detoxification;    the disappearance of tinnitus;    freedom from hypersensitivity to sounds;    improvement of short-term and long-term memory;    improving the ability to concentrate;    improving the ability to simultaneously perform different tasks;    increase creativity;    the ability to think faster than before;    expanding the range of sound perception;    improve the ability to study and understanding of foreign languages;    increased self-confidence, reduced anxiety, and freedom from unreasonable fears;    experience-driven dreams;    improving fine motor skills and overall ability to control your body (professional musicians, dancers, martial arts, car drivers);    increasing vigor and vitality during the day and improve the quality of sleep during the night (reduced need for sleep);Any natural processes of healing, usually accompanied by more or less short period of exacerbation of negative symptoms. There is a so-called “vybalivanie”. Afraid this is not necessary, but we must remember that it is not in the disk caused you discomfort, but it is activated by your chronic (or fresh) sores that leave you forever. Typically this activation (vybalivanie) lasts no more than three days. Before using the disk is very useful to read a special thread in the forum.Disc Healing2 absorbed virtually all drive technology healing 1, so more details can be found in the description of the disc Healing1.The main difference Healing2 disc is involved frequency range. If the disc Healing1 worked only in the alpha range, the frequency of stimulation in Healing2 disk drop from alpha to delta range and even lower (Dr.Tompson calls this “Epsilon”).Thus Healing2 disc provides better relaxation. As you know, on the background of the delta frequencies (deep sleep), the body produces the growth hormone somatotropin.In contrast to the use of the synthetic drug, a sound stimulation can not lead to overdose and does not cause adverse side effects.Thus, compared with a disk in the disk Healing1 Healing2 amplified following features:    restoration of mechanical damages of tissues (enhanced recovery after surgery and physical injuries);    rejuvenation and regeneration of the body;    strengthening effect of sports training;    immunostimulatory effect;    reduction of subcutaneous fat deposits;    accelerated body growth in children and adolescents;    improving mental abilities;    normalization of blood pressure;    cleansing of papillomas, warts and pigmentation;    improving the condition of hair and nails.After lowering the frequency of the stimulation to the lowest value and a small exposure, frequency begins to rise, and rise to the gamma-ray range. This avoids half asleep after listening to a disc (except when large debts for sleep), stimulate the memory and attention, as well as lift your mood.As a result, Healing2 drive can be used as a mild antidepressant. Unfortunately, the high frequency of stimulation can not be adequately organized through binaural beats, so I had to use the amplitude modulation. Amplitude modulation does not operate at low volume, so please do not make the very beginning of the sound is too loud, as the end of the program the volume increases about twice.Preparation. Organize yourself the most comfortable and quiet conditions. Turn off the radio and television, turn off the phone (or a maximum turn down the ringer volume). Ask your loved ones do not distract you during class. It is strongly recommended to remove pets from the room (If you jump into your favorite cat or dog barks close unexpectedly during deep relaxation on your chest, you will experience very unpleasant)!Drink a glass of plain fresh water. The second glass of water, put a number on the occupation and drink immediately after training.Water plays an important role in our life. Malnutrition leads to partial dehydration. As a result of shifts extracellular potential, which prevents the normal passage of nerve impulses. This is a fairly common cause of headaches. For this disc usually 2 glasses of water more urgent than Healing1 disk.Starting position – lying on his back is recommended, or half-sitting. The surface on which you lie should not be too soft, as on a soft surface is difficult to relax the muscles, and not too tight, because hard surface much pressure on muscle tissue.Clothing should be loose (especially in the zone). Poor pressing soft bandage on his forehead and around his head (preferably pure wool – for example, a ski cap), on the contrary, improves perception. Good idea – to engage in the mask “Palantir” (who have it). If you prefer to deal with sitting, make sure that your feet flat on the floor, hands loosely in her lap. These recommendations are not a dogma, but by following them easier to achieve the necessary conditions and a more complete and rapid effect. The greatest effect of the training is shown when using stereo headphones, with comfortable volume level. Direct relationship between the volume and efficiency is not, however, always select the volume level on the basis of comfort.Take the starting position (try – always the same thing). It is highly recommended for all classes pay attention to the fact that your tongue was the most relaxed. Eyes closed, you can look forward to between the eyebrows (if it does not cause you an unpleasant tension of the eye muscles).If during the exercise you suddenly arise discomfort because you, as you think, too entered into another reality (identified with it), remember that you have total control over the situation, and in your power to stop the effect of being in a different reality. Without your consent, nothing can possess you. You and only you are creating this effect – the product of your brain. Tell yourself firmly: “I wish to go back to reality, I go back to familiar surroundings.”Several times with the force squeeze and uncompress fingers, open your eyes slowly. Intensive (painfully) massage the area between the eyebrows, between the nose and the upper lip between thumb and forefinger. But, remembering that you are completely safe, it is better to “play” (survive) the situation until the end and try to find a way out of it (even the most fantastic – like a dream), because otherwise it to you will return (this is your internal problem that requires a solution that does not depend on whether you are listening to a disc, or not).Being fully conscious, you may suddenly discover that they are unable to move hand or foot. This protection mechanism is triggered, not giving us sleepwalk and provides deep rest to the body. You can just wait a bit, enjoying the rest, – the ability to move quickly restored. If you hurry, tell yourself with confidence: “Now I get up, I get up, I got up (a).” You suddenly find that you have already risen. Proceed as appropriate. Some people suddenly find that their minds are, as it were separated from the body and watching your own body from the outside, hovering near the ceiling or above the floor of the room in which they started to do. This is quite a natural feel for deep relaxation – should think about his own body and try to move as you immediately return to their usual state.Often, when the body is quite deep relaxation, begin to show different effects that Schultz (autogenous father) called autologous bits: this itching, tickling, pulling sensation, cold, heat, vibrations in various parts of the body, the apparent change in body size, or its parts, you can hear their own snoring, or (and) heart (some people think that it is too strong), it may seem that you have completely stopped breathing, etc. etc. This is the natural state, which would first have to get used to. and then they gradually disappear.The best time to practice with this disk from 16 to 18 hours. In any case, avoid listening to this CD before going to bed – in order to avoid problems with falling asleep. Maximum – is 4 hours prior to the time when you go to bed.Optimal listening: once a day, 15 days listening, rest 15 days, 15 days listening. You can continue in the same mode, up to 3 months (in this case, need a break of not less than 3 months). Disk – is not a pill, and brain training, and although it works perfectly fine on situational problems, but consistent results can be expected no earlier than one full cycle of listening (15/15/15). To achieve a sustainable effect allowed breaks in listening to no more than two days.Be healthy and happy!Note: This program is not intended to replace any treatment. The program can cause unpredictable effects on the intake of alcohol, drugs and psychotropic drugs. In no case do not listen to this CD while driving the car, and while operating other potentially dangerous machinery.


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