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Alan Tutt – EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System Full

Alan Tutt – Belief Entrainment System
[ 360 MP3 – 3 PDFs]



Sales Page : Entrainment Your time is valuable.  You deserve a personal development program which respects that.  The Core Secret of Successful People Over the years, there have been numerous studies to find out what makes successful people different from the average person. Why some people are able to get fantastic results with almost no effort whatsoever, and why others have to work hard just to make ends meet. Most studies conclude that there are very few real differences. Successful people, in general, are no smarter than anyone else. They didn’t all have perfect childhoods with loving, supportive parents who had all the answers themselves. Nor do their backgrounds show any discernible pattern. Some found success early in life, while others arrived well past the age of 40, or even 50. The only REAL difference is that they simply believe in themselves, and expect positive results.   How “Average” People Become Successful Talk to any “self-made” successful person (someone who started as a failure in life and turned it around), and you’ll notice something else. Most of them spent a considerable amount of time learning from others who were successful, and absorbing the thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs responsible for success.  But there’s more. Some, such as Eben Pagan or Rich Schefren, often spend 5-figure sums each year on books, audio programs, and seminars to continually update their knowledge and keep themselves focused. These folks often talk about the massive libraries they have at home, and the volume of “personal development” material they buy on a continual basis. While many successful folks refer to the same books and courses, using JUST these books and courses doesn’t seem to be enough. Those who try usually find success eluding them just as it did before. The guiding factor seems to be that there is a certain point of “critical mass” where an individual’s belief system grows to the point where it is capable of supporting a successful life. Those who grew up in families where success was ‘normal’ often reach this point of critical mass early, whereas those with less-than-successful parents usually take longer. In most cases, the only way for a person to get there is to spend years reading, studying, and hanging out with successful people — when they get the chance.   But who has the time? As the pace of life speeds up year after year, it’s not uncommon to find little time left over for “personal development”. What’s worse, is that those who lack success often find themselves working harder and harder just to keep up.It’s like being a hamster in one of those little wheels, running hard and never getting anywhere.   The Ideal Solution Ideally, what you really want is to spend lots of time with a group of successful people, chatting with them about all sorts of topics, watching how they handle various situations, and absorbing their beliefs into your own mind. The more time you spend with people who are more successful than you, especially those who support you and your goals, the more successful you will become. What would be even better is if one or more of these people followed you around everywhere you went, constantly supporting you with positive comments and helpful suggestions. It wouldn’t take long for you to “get in the groove” and anticipate what they will say in any given situation. In fact, you’d start to THINK like they do, soon outgrowing your need for their support. Of course, as you know, having a successful person constantly following you around is impractical.   A Reasonable Alternative What if there was a way to capture a successful person’s entire belief system, and put it into a series of audio recordings, which present these positive belief statements in a form your inner mind can absorb while you focus on doing other things? That way, you can continue using your time exactly as you do now, make no changes whatsoever to your schedule, and still benefit from a strong and positive belief system as your inner mind aligns with the new messages, and resonates with a new pattern of joy and abundance. When you realize that a single person’s belief system may contain thousands, or even millions of beliefs, you quickly realize that recording ALL of them would also be impractical. Luckily, most of them are either duplicates of beliefs you already have, or are completely unnecessary for the purpose of guiding you to your own success. According to the Pareto Principle (aka – the 80/20 rule), only 20% of a person’s belief system is responsible for 80% of their success. This means that instead of needing to ‘transplant’ a belief system of thousands of beliefs, we only need to cover a few hundred.  Introducing the EmBRACES Belief Entrainment SystemEmBRACES (Em-powering Belief Reinforcement & Alignment for Confidence, Excellence, and Success) is a new system of recordings I’ve developed. This belief entrainment system was created with one purpose in mind — to help you get the most out of life with the lowest possible investment of time and energy. Every personal development system in the world works by changing what you believe to the point where you start to make better decisions, take better actions, and get better results.  As discussed in my book, “Choose To Believe”, there is even some evidence that your beliefs are also the cause of events in which you have little or no physical involvement through a process commonly called the “Law of Attraction.” For both of these reasons, taking control of your belief system is the primary means of improving yourself and your experience of life. One of the easiest ways to change what you believe is to impress a new set of beliefs onto your subconscious mind through repeated exposure to supporting, positive belief statements, much like having an already-successful person there with you, supporting you everywhere you go. These recordings provide the best possible combination of belief statements delivered in a technologically advanced format to gently align your belief system, helping you bring your dreams to life.   A solution for the #1 problem with personal development recordings My in-depth research into highly-successful people revealed a core set of approximately 500 beliefs which generate all true success. This is the distilled list, representing the key 20% responsible for 80% of ‘effortless’ success. While it would be possible to create a single recording that contains all 500 belief statements, you would need to listen to that recording for hours and hours on end, week after week after week.  With only a single recording, you would get incredibly bored with it quickly.  And so would your subconscious mind. When your subconscious mind gets bored with any stimulus, it stops processing it, and your personal growth stagnates. In personal development circles, this is called “desensitization”, and means that you never reach your full potential. This is one reason the old subliminal recordings never really worked, because most of them used the same “masking sounds”, such as ocean waves, babbling brooks, thunderstorms, and so on. When you use a system of recordings that all sound different, your subconscious mind continues to process the sounds, and you continue to get results, long after other recordings have stopped working for you. Look at it this way.  Filet mignon may be a great steak, but if you ate it for every meal, you’d soon find yourself looking forward to a simple fast-food hamburger. The same is true with personal development recordings.  Listening to your favorite style of recording may be great for a while, but you’ll eventually want to branch out and experience other styles. To make this easy, I divided the various belief statements from my research into 10 modules, addressing approximately 50 statements each.  Within these 10 modules, there are a wide variety of unique recordings, as well as a number of technologies designed to increase the effectiveness of the “belief transplant”. This also means that you can start with a small investment, and add to your library as your funds allow.   Technologies Used to Enhance Recordings In my research into various methods to change what we believe, the absolute BEST one is a variation on an old idea.  As many people know, “subliminal” recordings from the past never really worked.  The idea was good, but the implementation was horrible. The basic principle behind “subliminal” recordings is that our subconscious minds process much more information than we are consciously aware of, and by placing suggestions outside the range of conscious awareness, but within the range of our subconscious minds, we can eliminate any conscious resistance we may have to new ideas. There’s a lot of controversy around whether the basic principles behind subliminal messages are valid are not.  Rather than explain all of the sides to the issue to prove that subliminal messaging does work, I’m going to cut to the chase and explain HOW it works. First, in order for your subconscious mind to be influenced by anything, there has to be a stimulus PHYSICALLY PRESENT in your environment.  The problem with the old subliminal recordings is that the voices were so far in the background they no longer caused any significant physical vibration in the air, and therefore ceased to exist.  The voices don’t have to be loud enough to fully understand the words, they just have to be loud enough so you can actually hear that they are there. Second, your subconscious mind will only interpret sounds as words when they actually sound like words.  Speeding up a voice track until it sounds like birds chirping completely destroys the effectiveness of the recording.  Same thing with “backward” recordings and other artificial manipulations.  There just isn’t any reliable scientific evidence that any of that has any effect whatsoever. And finally, while your subconscious mind is incredibly sensitive to many different stimuli, there is no way it can process 20,000 suggestions per minute, as some people claim. In the end, the problem with many of the old subliminal recordings is that they did not stay within the boundaries of what your subconscious mind is actually capable of responding to. Recordings that have one or more voices that may actually be heard in the mix do work, when they include belief statements based on solid psychological principles, such as those in my new EmBRACES system.   Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) A major difference between my new EmBRACES system and others is the use of a technique from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), called “Pacing and Leading”. The principle behind pacing and leading is that when a series of obviously truthful statements is heard, a feeling of trust and confidence wells up within us.  Once that feeling is there, our minds will automatically associate that same level of trust and confidence with any further statements — meaning that these ideas are instantly more believable! Here’s an example of pacing and leading used to improve our relationships: I believe that 2+2=4.  (At least in ‘normal’ math.) I believe that I am alive. I believe that I am living on planet Earth. I believe that the sky is blue. I believe that I get along well with everyone. The first four statements ‘pace’ our current beliefs, and the final statement ‘leads’ that belief to a new idea, one which will improve all our relationships. This is only a simple example, but it helps to demonstrate what I’m talking about here.  It’s a concept that works for all people, regardless of your background and prior experiences. Recordings in my new EmBRACES system include a series of pacing statements playing continuously in the background, to elicit a feeling of trust and confidence, which is then associated with all of the other belief statements in the recording. This helps you see results quickly.Another aspect of NLP which can be used to quickly change what we believe.  It’s called “conversational hypnosis.” Conversational hypnosis is an advanced use of language which includes things like presuppositions, embedded commands, ambiguity, misdirection, ‘downtime’, and a lot more.  The result of all this is that a new idea can be placed within your mind in a way that causes you to accept it without question, as if it had always been a part of your thinking. If you’re interested in learning all the bits and pieces that make up conversational hypnosis, I wrote a whole course teaching it, called the “Keys To Power Persuasion” course, which is also listed on this website.   BrainWave Entrainment (BWE) Another major technological advantage of the EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System is the use of BrainWave Entrainment (BWE). Brainwave entrainment is a science that uses specially encoded sound to ‘entrain’ your brain to specific frequencies.  Just as your heart beats a certain number of times per minute, your brain processes information a certain number of times per second.  The faster your brain operates, the higher the ‘frequency’. Whenever we are awake and alert, our brains operate at a frequency of 12 to 20 processing cycles per second.  This level of activity is called ‘beta’.  When we are relaxed and daydreaming, we are in the ‘alpha state’, which is where our brains process information at a frequency of 8 to 12 cycles per second. Hypnosis happens at a level of 4 to 8 cycles per second, which is called ‘theta’, and sleep (aka the ‘delta state’) occurs below that.  There are other brain states, such as gamma (above beta) and epsilon (below delta), but the 4 above are the main ones. In brainwave entrainment, pulsating sound is used in specific patterns to induce altered states of consciousness, such as those experienced in meditation, sleep, or even intense concentration. One thing to keep in mind is that entrainment sound patterns do not FORCE your mind into anything, but simply make it easier to gently drift into these naturally occurring mind states. Each recording in the EmBRACES system uses a unique pattern of brainwave entrainment to assist you in getting the maximum benefit with the lowest possible investment of time and energy.  EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System Modules The complete EmBRACES system includes the following 10 modules. Module 0: Magic & Miracles (a great start when there are a lot of changes to be made) Module 1: Self-Esteem Module 2: Self-Sufficiency (overcoming depression, addiction, dependency) Module 3: Confidence Module 4: Motivation & Direction Module 5: Productivity (includes focus, organization, and persistence) Module 6: Self-Mastery (includes balance and understanding) Module 7: Relationships (includes peace of mind) Module 8: Personal Prosperity Module 9: Business Success Additionally, all recordings in the EmBRACES system include belief statements in the background used to ‘pace’ beliefs most of us consider facts (an element of NLP “pacing and leading” used to elicit a strong feeling of trust and confidence) and to provide additional transformational opportunities regarding foundational beliefs, and beliefs about past programming. Although these “pacing statements” are in the background, they are still within the range of normal human hearing, and therefore make an impact on your inner mind. Each module contains 36 separate recordings, produced using the following 4 variables.   Variable #1: Focus, Relaxation, and Sleep Modes   Variable #2: Music & Tones and Tones Only   Variable #3: 1st Person and 2nd Person   Variable #4: Female Voice, Male Voice, and Multiple Voices In my testing, I found that some folks respond best to a male voice, others respond best to a female voice, and others prefer to have multiple voices speaking at once.  Within each grouping of recordings, you’ll hear the female voice first, then the male voice, then both at once. In the case of multiple voices, these recordings place a male voice to the right, thus speaking to your left brain, and a female voice to the left, speaking to your right brain.How To Use EmBRACES Belief Entrainment Recordings Using the EmBRACES Belief Entrainment System couldn’t be simpler.  Just load the MP3s to an MP3 player, select a folder, and press ‘Play’.  You’ll find the files already sorted into an appropriate order.  However, if you wish to use your MP3 player’s “shuffle mode”, or create playlists, that’s fine too. If you prefer to burn regular audio CDs, you’ll be pleased to know that the EmBRACES recordings were created so 3 will fit neatly onto a standard 80-minute CD, with a standard 2-second gap between tracks. In general, the more you listen to these recordings, the more of an effect they will have on your belief system, and therefore the greater the results you will obtain from their use. My recommendation is to focus on one module at a time, listening to recordings from the same module at least 4 hours a day for at least a week before checking on your progress, or moving on to another module. Considering that these recordings may be played while you’re doing other things, including sleeping, this should be relatively easy for most folks. I also recommend starting with the Magic & Miracles module, as this will help you experience ‘miraculous’ results in everything you do. When you feel you are starting to see results from this module, you may continue through the series of modules in the order listed above. The reason I suggest working with each module is sequence is because each one builds on the beliefs established in previous modules. When you think about it, all true success (in any area of life) depends on you having a strong sense of self-esteem. And having a high level of confidence is necessary for true productivity, harmonious relationships, and abundant prosperity.


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