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Al Simon – The Five Steps to Reaching the Highest Levels of Health, Stress Relief, and Chi Development Webinar

Al Simon – The Five Steps to Reaching the Highest Levels of Health, Stress Relief, and Chi Development Webinar TP



Al Simon – The Five Steps to Reaching the Highest Levels of Health, Stress Relief, and Chi Development Webinar(*)http://www.cloudwater.comQuote:In this special, 1-hour webinar, I will be escorting you behind the scenes and showing you the inner workings of “advanced training” in Tai Chi and Qigong. You’re going to see exactly HOW advanced Tai Chi training will: …. Jump-start your Chi Health with a Two-Step Process to connect your Chi Meridians and “Chi Vessels” …. Use Tai Chi to connect your “Managing Chi” with your “Guardian Chi” …. Develop “Energy Threading” to help you find Chi Blockages and Energy System problems. …. The Four Primary Types of “Directed Chi” that cover just about every physical, mental, and emotional situation you can think of! You’ll also see: …. A Qigong for “sleep” and migraines …. What I learned from a 95-year-old Chinese master …. A Qigong that “wrings” stress from your body …. Passive vs. active Tai Chi “rooting” …. “Tai Chi Jin” and directed “chi” …. A Qigong to harmonize your five energy centers …. and a whole lot more! There will also be a Q&A session for you to get your own questions answered! (*) This is not the full course but only a free webinar, the description bellow is strictly for information. Al Simon, Certified Tai Chi Master, Two-time Inductee into the U.S. Martial Arts Hall of Fame Advanced Training of the ChiFusion Tai Chi Course Just Retail Price $997 SALE Only $297 The Complete Course is available in a state-of-the-art presentation that makes learning easy! Our Complete Learn-at-Home Course is delivered to you as an ONLINE WEB COURSE accessible right from your web browser! This online course combines text, still images, audio, and video – all into one seamless format. Our ChiFusion™ Online course is loaded with information, exercises, photos, and video to have you quickly, safely, and effectively on your way to health, stress relief, and Chi Development. With your Online Course, you’ll get … Look at Everything You’ll Get With Your Course… (*)(*) This product is just a free webinar, the full course described bellow isn’t included. Quote:All four levels of the Complete ChiFusion course – that’s 31 lessons with over 620+ pages (when printed) of online instruction with details about Tai Chi, Qigong, and Chi Development you won’t find anywhere else! 660 full-color “high resolution” instructional photos to help you learn all of the “chi development details” easily and quickly. 65 separate high-quality video files with close-ups and mirror angles so you can see how the movements “flow”. In addition, the videos include near-CD quality audio with my extensive commentary on the important points in each movement. Easy access – There is no software to install or download, and no complicated passwords or registration process. If you can use a web browser, you can get to this course! Supports Windows PCs, Apple Macs, Apple iPads, and many other computers and mobile devices. FREE Lifetime ACCESS – No Membership Fees! – You can take your time and study each lesson at your leisure, because you’ll have unlimited access to the online course for as long as you need. There are no monthly membership fees or other hidden costs! Go back and take a “refresher” once every six months – you’ll have permanent, LIFETIME ACCESS to the course materials and bonuses. This is important should your computer crash – you’ll NEVER “lose” your course! You’ll always be able to get back into the training area and get what you paid for. FREE Lifetime UPDATES! – Since 2001, we’ve upgraded our courses several times a year with the latest information and improvements in ChiFusion Tai Chi and Qigong. You will automatically get the latest versions, updates, and more – whenever you log in! Unlike books, DVDs, or eBooks, your courses will never be out-of-date. You’ll always have access to the latest version. NEW Bonus! Guided Audio Meditations! – Now with your Complete Course, you’ll also get as a special bonus two brand new ChiFusion MP3 audio meditations. These guided meditations, downloadable to your PC or MP3 player, combine special Brainwave Entrainment technology with hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) affirmations. With these guided meditations, you will release tension and enhance your Chi Development using the power of your subconscious mind. Through your subconscious, you can reach greater levels of health, stress relief, and chi energy. NEW Bonus! Four Treasures of Tai Chi – With your Complete Course, you’ll also get a copy of our special report entitled “The Four Treasures of Tai Chi.” This report discusses the theory behind Tai Chi and Qigong in clear, easy-to-understand language. You’ll learn about the Three Treasures of Chinese Medicine, and their relation to Tai Chi and Qigong. You’ll also find new material on the topic of Internal Power (jin) and the Eight Energies of Tai Chi that we’ve taught in workshops and classes, but has not appeared in our online courses. NEW Bonus! Qigong Self-Massage and Chi Washing – With your Complete Course, you’ll also get a copy of our special report entitled “Qigong Self-Massage and Chi Washing.” You’ll learn the “chi manipulation” techniques that involve using the fingers for acupressure (acupuncture without needles), using the palms for massage, and using “chi emissions” from the palms of your hands. While this material is already included in your Complete Course, it is now available in this “ready reference” for easy learning. NEW Bonus! Private Support Forum! – With your Complete Course, you’ll also get access to our Private Support Forum. Ask questions, get advice, share training tips and experiences, and discuss any and all aspects of ChiFusion Tai Chi and Qigong. This online, discussion forum is private, ONLY for ChiFusion students and instructors. …. all available immediately over the web, right from your web browser!


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