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Abraham-Hicks – The Law of Attraction in Action – Episode One (Feb 4th, 2006,LA)

[3 DVD – Rips]



Los Angeles, California, February 4, 2006EPISODE ONE CONTAINS:    * Playing with rage: Can an actor delve into all the angry, dark emotions without attracting unwanted things into his “real” life?    * Mad at Dad: How do you drop all that old father/son emotional baggage? “Let’s break this down,” says Abraham, “because it’s really hard not to give a rip about someone that you’ve wanted to love your whole life.”    * Caged and muzzled: You’ve found your passion at work but you’ve been stopped cold-and it’s making you sick!    * Stuck in depression: “If depression seems more comfortable to you than anger, it means you care more about how other people feel about how you feel than you care about how you feel about how you feel.” Moving through anger to get to the other side.    * It’s only words? Are mantras just meaningless words? Does saying “want” keep you from having? What about words used in prayer? How do specific words affect our reality?    * Healers and teachers: Surprise! According to Abraham, they’re the very same thing. How to be more effective at both.    * Tough to love?: Drinking, drugs, broken curfews . . . “A lot of my life revolves around a difficult 19-year old daughter who’s had a difficult path.” A few pointers from Infinite Intelligence.    * Tick Tock?: The nature of time, aging, the universe expanding, . . . linear time for timeless beings. Abraham helps us get a handle on “the perception of time” — slowing time down, and “walking through tomorrow — today.”    * THE Book: How do the teachings of Abraham jive with traditional Christianity . . . or with any religion, for that matter?   With an amusing “early days” tale of Jerry and Esther somehow finding themselves on a “Bible-belt” phone-in radio show!    * Can The Law of Attraction be scientifically proven? A more detailed analysis of “The Law.” And how do emotion and matter interact?Excerpted from Abraham-Hicks Art of Allowing Workshops, held in up to 60 cities a year.”We suggest going to the beach in your mind.” “Feel better before you have it – and you’ll have it!”By Yoruba.


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