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Life Mastery Guilds – 3 Pillars of Enlightenment meditation course

Life Mastery Guilds – 3 pillars of enlightenment
[9 CDs – 44 MP3s, 3 PDFs]



LIFE MASTERY – 3 PILLARS of ENLIGHTENMENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The complete Life Mastery package consists of these three :1. Meditation Mastery (which is first required to establish a connection to your Higher Self mainly through your navel chakra)2. Psychic Mastery: for Development of your psychic senses and Awakening Psychic Consciousness.3. The Esoteric Warrior: Activate the Kundalini and Soul Journey.Begin with Meditation Mastery first. It will take a great deal of patience from your end, but it will be worth it. After this, you may take up either Psychic Mastery or Esoteric Warrior or both, based on the progress you make by yourself. The products are great but I wish I had found The Occult earlier and saved myself some moneyNevertheless, I am sharing what I have with you… so, Enjoy!  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meditation Mastery~~~~~~~~~~~~The “Meditation Mastery Activations” is a precise system for activating Higher Self consciousness at all levels of your being.This meditation system works on 4 levels of activation:• Conscious• Subconscious• Unconscious/Physical body• SpiritAll these elements are guided toward creating the same bridges within your consciousness.From the very first listening your consciousness is being attuned for the very purpose of creating Higher Self connection.Users of this system have reported empowering and profound Higher Self connections from the very first day! Others experience gradual awakenings over the subsequent weeks and months.I personally guarantee that if you use this system as I have instructed, that you will reconnect with your Higher Self.I stand by my word with a 1 year money back guarantee.Just by listening to these cd activations your physical body and mind learns to connect like an antenna to the knowledge and energy of the Higher Self.  This activates a channel at the cellular level of your body and mind which transforms your consciousness.  This transformation occurs through the removal of blocks and the downloading of new ‘languages’ and energies.You can actually feel this process happening as you listen.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PSYCHIC MASTERY~~~~~~~~~~~~Psychic Mastery activates the connections between the body, the mind and the psychic dimensions. Activation of these connections allows the mind and body to access information, perception and energy that usually lies untapped.An example of this would be a computer that becomes plugged into the internet. Vast new resources, knowledge, information and communication become available.The activation of the Psychic Consciousness allows you to communicate and understand psychic energy, protect against psychic attack and heal psychic blockages.This activation provides another opportunity also, that of using these new faculties for experiencing Enlightenment.The normal mind is limited to accessing Enlightenment states. It would be like trying to see the entire world through normal eyes. It it is not possible.By activating the Psychic consciousness you gain the ability to expand perception and sight far beyond what is possible to the normal mind.In doing so you are able to move beyond just understanding Enlightenment at an intellectual level and instead experience it at all levels of being.The reason why people can read books and talk about Enlightenment yet never actually experience Nirvana, Inner peace and Awakening is because intellectual understanding is only the smallest fraction of understanding…and it does not necessarily lead anywhere. It is like reading a map but now having the legs, eyes and senses to use that map.To experience real Enlightenment the faculties that would take you there must be activated.Without the ability to communicate and perceive, Enlightenment may as well not exist…When you activate the ability to communicate with these states of consciousness at a cellular and organic level of your body you experience physical enlightenment…When you have the ability to communicate with these states of energy at the complete level of your mind then you experience and achieve mental enlightenment…And when you have the ability to communicate with these states of being at the Spiritual level of consciousness then you experience and achieve spiritual Enlightenment…This is the purpose of Psychic Mastery and it is the highest potential unlocked by the psychic skills.This is the potential that Psychic Mastery Attunements opens up within you.Some of the other benefits that you will gain from this Attunement include:Clairsentience: Read psychic currents and channel Spiritual energies like the wisest of sages. Gain ancient knowledge and insight from high level Spiritual guides…Clairvoyance: See auras, living energy, entities and Spiritual guides. Perceive the future, access past Karma…Clairgustience: Communicate through the sense of taste like the master shaman. Gather knowledge from arcane planes of existence through your activated psychic sensory of taste…Clairessence: Discover whole new worlds of divine knowledge and power through the sensory of psychic smell. Access ancient reservoirs of power. Communicate with entities that exist only on the inter-dimensional planes of smell…Clairaudience: Activate your psychic hearing and communicate with Spiritual guides, angels and devas. Open your consciousness to healing symphonies of divine sound and energy…Order now and forge your destiny to Enlightenment!This Powerful, Life-Changing 3 Cd Attunement Set Created By Life Mastery Guilds.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Esoteric Warrior“The Esoteric Warrior” is so named because it activates the true ancient warrior of your consciousness – your Soul.The Soul is the aspect of your consciousness that holds the blueprint for why you are who you are. It is the true seed for why you have come to this planet in this incarnation here and now.Some have named it “the meaning of your life.”Your “Soul Journey” is the energy and memory of consciousness through time and space. The “Soul Journey” as has also been called the Kundalini.In this consciousness is where the Karma, Knowledge and Wisdom of your true Spiritual evolution up until now can be found, revealed and remembered.By activating this code you are able to unlock and clear all past life Karma.This process is known as Soul Enlightenment.Where the Higher Self provides the source power of Enlightenment, “The Esoteric Warrior” is where Enlightenment takes place.The connection of the Higher Self to the Soul has been spoken about in metaphor and code through many ancient Spiritual texts.“The Esoteric Warrior” is the activation that allows this process of reunification to occur.The reconnection of your Soul to the Higher Self occurs first through activating it into your physical consciousness.This is and always has been the true purpose of what is sometimes known as “Kundalini awakening.” It is to reveal and remember your Soul’s journey through time and space.The problem is that many of these awakenings are forced and dangerous, inevitably leading to problems.“The Esoteric warrior” is a completely safe awakening of the Kundalini and Soul Journey consciousness. There is nothing frightening about it. On the contrary it is a blissful and beautiful experience.Through a powerful attunement known as Spontaneous Kundalini Activation, the communication between your Kundalini and your physical and mental consciousness occurs.It is through this that the conscious mind and body can understand, experience and communicate with the Soul.By previously activating the Higher Self foundations in the mind and body the reunion between the Higher Self and the Soul then takes place.The Higher Self merges with the Soul and all past life Karma is purified and healed.This is the experience of Soul level Enlightenment.Again I will repeat that this reunion of you Soul, Body, Mind and Higher Self is joyful and blissful and unlike many methods of Kundalini awakening it is completely safe.Spontaneous Kundalini Activation allows the reunion of Soul, Body and Mind to merge and communicate with balance, harmony and grace. This is awakening the way it should be.Kundalini is one of the great controversies of Spiritual Enlightenment.While some have said that it is Enlightenment in itself, others have argued that it is unnecessary.The truth is that Kundalini is simply a messenger of the Soul’s knowledge and wisdom.The Soul is a part of “you” – and so to reach complete Enlightenment this part of “you” must also achieve purification through the Higher Self.To say that Kundalini is not necessary for Enlightenment is like saying that “you” are not necessary for Enlightenment.Likewise, to simply say that Kundalini is Enlightenment, is like saying that partial consciousness is Enlightenment.First and foremost it needs to be understood that the Kundalini provides the opportunity to communicate and understand the Soul.The next step is merging the Higher Self with the Soul which is what provides the blissful experience of purification and healing past life Karma.Methods that attempt to force the Kundalini into the body do so without respecting the body and mind and so a separation between mind, body and Spirit is created.Enlightenment is about unity of the self not separation.In creating separation, the opportunity to understand is lost.It is in transcending the illusion of separation, that the opportunity for understanding is achieved.The opportunity for transcending physical reality, is the higher reason that sentient beings are on this planet. However to transcend we must first connect with and understand this very physical reality.This is what the body and mind provides for you and this is the very reason why the Higher Self must be brought into the body and why the Soul must be brought into the body.This is where integration, connection and unity are to be found.The physical is your training ground – it is your laboratory.It is through this physical element that you can connect the spiritual and the mental, and through this physical connection achieve complete Enlightenment.Nothing is left behind.No separation – simply unity.The opportunity for Physical Enlightenment is not found at the expense of the Soul or Higher Self.The opportunity for Soul Enlightenment is not achieved at the expense of the Body or Mind.The Soul is brought to the Physical and the Higher Self is brought to the Physical.The Psychic and the subtle dimensions are opened to your consciousness.Each of these are brought to the physical perceptions and consciousness for one reason only.Complete understanding of universal consciousness.Through this understanding comes complete Enlightenment.For most people the Soul’s purpose has been hidden and dormant and so lifetime to lifetime is spent putting the pieces together trying to figure out where to go and how to proceed.By activating a balanced and integrated Kundalini Consciousness you connect to the Soul’s journey through time and space and reveal its true purpose.Through activating the Spontaneous Kundalini Immersion the internal equilibrium of the consciousness is held, and so focus and objective awareness are maintained.Without these, freedom from craving and aversion is simply not possible and so Enlightenment is not possible.Through the process of balanced and integrated Spontaneous Kundalini Immersion, the deepest understanding of the soul is activated, allowing the complete knowledge and memory to come forth.Each attunement has played a critical part in integrating specific aspects of dimensional consciousness into your physical body and being.Meditation Mastery provides your body and mind with the understanding and knowledge of divine unconditional love, acceptance, peace, compassion and wisdom – the language of the Higher Self.Psychic Mastery opens the mind, body and spirit to the 5 dimensional planes – allowing complete perception, connection and understanding to occur within these dimensions.The Spontaneous Kundalini Immersion activates your Soul’s memory into your physical and mental consciousness the joining with the Higher Self.With these 3 Pillars integrated in the physical here and now, it becomes possible to understand your complete self.So again, what is the difference between the Soul and the Higher Self?And how does the Psychic fit in with these?The Higher Self is where you are heading.The Soul is where you have come from.The Psychic is what allows the mind and body to perceive all that is happening. It is through perception that completeness and integration takes place.The Soul carries the joy and knowledge of its evolution – but it also carries the pain, the suffering and the loss.The Higher Self is only love, compassion, understanding and divine wisdom – and it is the direct experience of the true destination.The journey of the soul to the Higher Self is the journey of “seeking” towards “understanding.”This is a journey in which your Soul is reintegrated and re-introduced to the truth of its existence.It is quite simply a communication of one of the most beautiful reunions that you could experience.“The Esoteric Warrior” activation will result in the spontaneous and involuntary movement of the body as it becomes connected to the movement and communication of the Soul’s energy.This movement is smooth, loving, blissful and ecstatic.It re-integrates lost fragments of knowledge, wisdom, purpose and spiritual memory.More than this however it brings an old friend home and reminds it of why it set out in the first place.Some of the featured results from this powerful attunement are:Activation of the Red and Golden Kundalini,Soul Retrieval and Healing Past Life Karma,The Experience and Understanding of Soul Level Enlightenment,The Awakening of your Soul Memory and Consciousness,Reconnection of the Body and Spirit to the Soul’s Evolution,Realization of Soul Level Wisdom and Intelligence,Opening and empowering the blood, bones, organs, nadis, chakras and complete energy body,Opening, strengthening and fortifying the channels and meridians,Dissolution and refinement of the consciousness,Awakening Spontaneous Kundalini Immersion flow within the bodyPsychic Protection and Fortification,The ability to remove dis-ease from the body and mind.This Profound, Life-Changing 3 Cd Attunement Set Created By Life Mastery Guilds.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Life Mastery Guilds is a group of teachers who founded a single institute with the purpose of teaching the ancient methods of the Enlightenment path.For this goal we teach activations and provide attunements and transmissions which are now helping people worldwide to understand and experience the inner peace, insight and infinite power that comes from the Enlightenment path.With our blessings, we wish you good journeys on this path.Hieu DoanElocan YesheJohn GregorTashiGalmaya SuneLiu Xu YangDetails about all products at:


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