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Subliminal Shop – The Ultimate Weapon: X124

[ 1 MP3]



**** Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community. Thanks for keeping elib awesome! Brought to you by the Subliminal Audio Aphrodisiac GroupbuyGB status: ClosedGB thread: page:…Product DescriptionWarning: This program is for advanced users or specific conditions, and may be dangerous if used inappropriately or carelessly.  Do not purchase this program if PSE-Volume 1 does not give you good results under the same expected usage conditions.  Please read this product description carefully, as it is also the program instructions.The Ultimate Weapon was originally conceived as an idea for a program that would be useful for stealth seduction – thus the name.  However, several years of experimenting show that stealth seduction is by far not the best use for this program (X124).  While the Ultimate Weapon line of programs certainly can be used to arouse people of both genders, that arousal will not be acted on or even expressed without very specific conditions – conditions which make these programs perfect as an aphrodisiac for couples who wish to spice up their love lives.This program is designated X124.  X124 is the 7th generation descendant of the Poetry of the Silent Eros Volume 1, and like its progenitor, it includes no script at all.  However, this program is approximately 54 times (!!!) more powerful and effective at generating sexual arousal in most people.  It is also much faster.  Tests have revealed that under ideal conditions, sex may result from using this program’s use in less than 10 minutes.  Under typical conditions, arousal may become consciously noticeable within 10 to 20 minutes, and sex may result in 10 to 60 minutes with a receptive partner.  Adverse conditions – anything missing from the list of conditions required below – may delay sex, or prevent sex altogether.X124 will tend to make sex that happens while it is being used noticeably more passionate.  Either gender may be induced to initiate depending on their sexual arousal response and personality.  The effect is intended to be short term, however, typically lasting between 1 and 48 hours after exposure, depending on the length of exposure time.X124 is best used:When both parties know about and consent to it’s use.When there is sufficient privacy to act on the resulting sexual arousal.When the subject is comfortable with and familiar with the person using it.When the subject is in a location in which they feel comfortable expressing and acting on their sexual arousal.When the subject has the time to engage in sex.When the subject is relaxed.When the subject is not being distracted by work, children, video games, responsibilities, etc.When the subject has their attention focused on the person playing the program.When the subject feels safe indulging their sexual arousal – this includes safe from unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, losing privacy, etc.When the subject is not subject to guilt, shame or fear concerning the repercussions of having sex, including religious reasons, societal pressures, other people’s opinions, degree of involvement with someone else, etc.When both parties are willing to have sex with eachother.


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