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FMTV – Udaya Yoga (2016)

Udaya Yoga (FMTV)
[ 10 Webrips – MP4]


• Mobility with Vytas Baskauskas – Opening the shoulders and upper back to create mobility in the thoracic spine. A few back bends, as well.• Detox with Vytas Baskauskas – This class assists the internal organs in their detoxification process via twisting postures. Don’t eat before class.• Cool Down with Ali Owens – A gentle, restorative practice that focuses on some of the most basic cooling postures. A perfect flow if you just completed a rigorous practice or need to stretch and unwind from your day.• Here Comes The Sun with Micheline Berry – This practice is built on 18 sun salutations of 6 different types that move in a progression from very simple to the more complex. The theme of this class is igniting the fire of our intention. We’ll embody our intention, let it move through us, and open up into sun salutations. Feel the fire! A great practice to begin your day with as you heat up and enliven.• Detox & De-Stress with Anna Hanson – Stress is interpreted much in the same way that a physical threat is in our bodies, and if we don’t give ourselves time to unwind and get rid of some of that stress, it can become toxic. This class is all about twisting to detox your body and work out both physical and mental stress. We will twist in every angle, flow, and cultivate strength. If you’ve had a long, hard day, this class will stop you from worrying and get you back to feeling relaxed, released, and rejuvenated!• Deep Into The Hips with Michelle Goldstein – This compact, 20-minute sequence will create space & mobility in the hips, which is so important in remaining strong, stable and upright.• Therapy For Joints with Tatiana Urquiza – An easy 40-minutes that teaches you some essential joint care.• Mindfulness Meditation with Michelle Goldstein – Only two of the traditional 8 limbs of yoga talk about breath and movement. If we are truly going to deepen our practice, then we must begin to meditate. A body without training will atrophy and die, but a mind without such will get so undisciplined that it will take us prisoner. Being a prisoner in our own mind is no way to live; there will never be any happiness or freedom. To truly be able to experience each moment, we must practice it. This simple technique is a great start. If you have tight hips or knee injuries, be sure to sit up a little bit so that your pelvis is elevated.• Inside Out Glow with Koya Webb – Inside Out Glow by Koya Webb is a moving guided meditation. You will flow and hold poses focusing on connecting your breath with the movement while Koya uses empowering affirmations, poems, and quotes to inspire and empower you from the inside out. Be prepared for emotional clearing as you hold poses and release limiting beliefs that don’t serve you.• Rise & Shine with Koya Webb – Rise and Shine is the ideal morning practice when you don’t have a lot of time but still need a strong practice.Website URL:


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