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Jack Ellis – Miracle Mind Secrets of The Ancients

Jack Ellis – Miracle Mind Secrets of The Ancients.pdf
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This product was brought here by THIS Group Buy. Sharing else where will result in your being bannedJack Ellis – Miracle Mind Secrets of The AncientsTHE MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE AT YOUR COMMANDAmazing book ‘MIRACLE MIND SECRETS OF THE ANCIENTS’By Jolene Anderson shows how its doneIncredible but true: you can have at your fingertips a fabulous power which can GRANT ANY WISH OR DESIRE! Within minutes of using it you can literally.* COMMAND THE IMMEDIATE RESPECT OF OTHERS* RADIATE EXTRAORDINARY PERSONAL CHARM AND SELF-CONFIDENCE* DISCOVER A SECRET FORMULA FOR RECEIVING MONEY – MIRACULOUSLY* STOPPING ONCE AND FOR ALL THE INTIMIDATIONG BEHAVIOUR OF ANOTHER PERSON* A ONCE AND FOR ALL END TO PAIN, ILLNESS AND SUFFERINGThis is not a book of black magic or witchcraft, but what’s within its pages may seem like’magic’. What it describes are the MOST POWERFUL INVOCATIONS OF THE SECRET WHITE BROTHERHOOD! Totally safe, BUT INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE! They can:* Defeat and black magic or voodoo curse – immediately* Provide absolute safety to person or property* Promote love and harmony between man and wife* Bring peace into the homeA sceptical woman in Cork, Eire tried one of these Miracle Mind Secrets to bring order in her home: her seven children had become impossible to manage and she was at her wit’s end. OVERNIGHT – LITERALLY – THE CHILDREN BEGAN BEHAVING THEMSELVES! The woman was flabbergasted at so immediate result!A young man from Lake Charles, Louisiana was absolutely convinced he was going to fail his coming exams. No amount of ‘positive thinking’ was going to change the result, he felt. He was terrified about how his parents would react to his failing. Life for him seemed no longer worth living. EVERYTHING CHANGED – AGAIN LITERALLY OVERNIGHT – WHEN HE CAME TO THE AUTHOR AND FOLLOWED HER MYSTICAL INSTRUCTIONS.MIRACLE MIND SECRETS gives every sick man and woman the answer to his or her prayers: FAST, LASTING RELIEF FROM PAIN AND SUFFERING!NO AMOUNT OF SICKNESS CAN DEFY THE AWESOME MYSTICAL FORMULA GIVEN IN THIS BOOK!You must try it for yourself to witness what others would call ‘a miracle’! The author has drawn up a list of definite health problems of which clients from her files have been permanently cured: Ulcers, gall stones, liver complaints… Asthma, bronchitis, sinus difficulties… Migraine, ear and toothache… Deafness, poor eyesight… Arthritis, rheumatism… Angina, pneumonia, vertigo… Premature balding, anemia, varicose veins… Constipation, diarrhoea, colitis. THESE AND VIRTUALLY ANY OTHER HEALTH PROBLEM CAN BE TREATED BY AUTHOR’S AMAZING FORMULA.Not only can health worries be solved, but MONEY WORRIES CAN BECOME A THING OF THE PAST, with this extraordinary formula!A woman from Iowa was convinced that her bank would turn her down for the loan she wanted. BUT THEY GRANTED IT TO HER ON THE SPOT WITHOUT CHECKING HER APPLICATION!!Once you read of the secret she used in this book you WILL UNDERSTAND WHY SUCH A ‘MIRACLE’ SEEMED POSSIBLE!Have you tried other ‘mind power’ books and failed?Have you tried spells and rituals and yet your problems still remained? THEN THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU.THIS IS THE ONE BOOK WHICH THOSE WHO HAVE FAILED WITH OTHERS SHOULD HAVE.The author has studied the subject of failure very carefully and has found a way of OVERCOMING IT COMPLETELY – EVEN IN SPITE OF ONE’S SELF!There was a Californian woman who just couldn’t overcome her shyness of people – she tried dozens of books to help her cope with this problem but none helped. She in fact found herself even worse than before – her shyness had turned into a literal fear of people. Her life was a misery and there seemed no hope of a solution. BUT THEN THE MIRACULOUS HAPPENED: SHE TURNED TO THE AUTHOR WHO SUPPLED HER WITH THE MYSTICAL INVOCATION FOUND IN THIS BOOK. SUDDENLY – OVERNIGHT – PEOPLE WANTED TO BE WITH HER, AND NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND!She just couldn’t believe that a thing like this could happen – but happen it did!THE MIRACLE MIND SECRETS OF THE ANCIENTS CAN OPEN ALL THOSE DOORS THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY CLOSED TO YOU!Is there someone of the opposite sex whose attention you desperately need?Does your situation seem hopeless? Well. YOUR SITUATION CAN BE CHANGED OVERNIGHT WHEN YOU USE THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE!WITH THIS FORMULA THE PERSON WHO PREVIOUSLY WOULDN’T LOOK AT YOU WILL SUDDENLY WANT YOUR COMPANY EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY!And it isn’t difficult to make this happen! It requires no work: THE COSMIC FORCES OF THE MYSTICAL WHITE BROTHERHOOD MAKE WHAT YOU WANT HAPPEN THE VERY MOMENT YOU CALL UPON THEIR HELP.And remember, what is in this book is totally safe. No evil spirits are summoned. No oils, candles or incenses are required. It is not witchcraft. It is absolutely safe and also enjoyable.A married Californian woman was thinking about turning to witchcraft to stop her husband from seeing another woman. The author told her to instead try the MOST POWERFUL COSMIC SECRET AF ALL – as used by the Mystic White Brotherhood. She followed the simple instructions and her husband gave up the other woman.IT IS QUIRE IMPOSSIBLE FOR ONE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX TO RESIST THESE MAGNETIC COSMIC FORCES!Ask yourself what it is you want in life – be specific about it – and Miracle Mind secrets can make it happen for you. Her are just some of the specific points this book covers: Cash wins in bingo and gambling… Getting a pay increase… Money to pay rent… Finding a job… Increased self-respect… Power over people in authority… Stopping people from hurting you.This book is written in plain, simple-to-understand English. Even a child can follow its instructions. Some of the chapters in this book include:1. The Masters Invocations For Giving You Instant Control Over Every Situation.2. The Miracle Mind Secret That Creates Instant Personal Popularity.3. The Miracle Mind Secret For Cascading Love And Romance into Your Life!4. Mighty Master Invocations For Blasting Misfortune And Bad Luck.5. How These Miracle Mind Secrets Can Free You From The Bondage Of Poor Health.What ever you seek in life, be it peace of mind or power and wealth or good fortune, or whatever, can be obtained quickly and automatically with the aid of this amazing book.


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