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Stuart Lichtman – Super Achiever Coaching Program 18 – Week 4-6

SACP18 Weeks 4-6
[37 PDF, 90 MP3, 18 RM, 4 TXT]



PLEASE RESPECT THIS COMMUNITY AND KEEP THIS EXCLUSIVE TO, THANK YOU.THE ONLY PROGRAM ANYWHERE THAT GIVES YOU A BETTER THAN 95% PROBABILITY OF ACHIEVING A SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE AND VERY DESIRABLE objectIVE ON YOUR VERY FIRST TRY.(100% is the first try success rate among the particpants in the last six SACP’s who did at least most of the assigned work.)”I promise I can show you how to get the things you’ve always wanted – no matter how many times you’ve tried and failed – even and especially if you don’t believe that’s really possible for you right now.My “objective” for each and every Participant in the SUPER ACHIEVER Coaching Program is simple and powerful:You SET a Perfect 10 objective and…YOU REACH IT!And I have consistently successfully achieved that objective. (Over 95% of SACP participants who did at least most of the assigned work were successful in achieving their Perfect 10 objective first try and 100% of those who did at least most of the assigned work were successful second try. What’s more, 100% in the last six SACP’s achieved their Perfect 10 objective on their very first try.)And you can achieve your seemingly impossible objectives again and again, easily and for the greatest good of yourself and all concerned for The Rest of Your Life!”— Stuart LichtmanWEEK 6: The Rapidly Finding and Becoming Employed in Your Perfect Job Process. MLP Practice Process Segment and MLP Subpersonality Negotiation Segment. WEEK 5 & Coaching:Building Your Success Team. The Sub-Personality Negotiation Process. Effectively Using Your Success Team. Finalizing Your objective. MLP Target Process Segment. WEEK 4 & Coaching:What Are Subpersonalities? The Building Your Success Team Process. Identifying Relevant Subpersonalities. How to more efficiently and effectively do the Base Reframing process. MLP Locating Your True Self Segment.WEEK 3 & Coaching: 1 & 2 & Coaching: 18 Discussion Thread:…


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