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Jacqui Olliver – Doing This One Thing Will Change Your Life Forever!

[1 eBook – PDF, 8 MP3s]



Is Resistance Getting the Better of You?Are You FED UP with Feeling Disconnected? Take Part in Jacqui’s Global Sensational Challenge:”The Doing This ONE Thing 21 Day Challenge!” Doing This ONE Thing Will Change Your Life Forever! Start Clearing Your Mental Clutter & Emotional Overload “Doing just one thing really clears the mind and focuses action. The one thing that Jacqui recommends in such an engaging way will indeed change your life, and change it in a friendly way. In her book Jacqui accompanies you like a close friend who weaves her experience and humor with your intention to create magic together.”Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., BC-DMT Co-author of Conscious Loving and other books on enhancing relationship.Clear Resistance >> Eliminate Self Judgment & Judgments of Others Heal Your Present Emotional & Sensual Overwhelm in Just 60 Seconds!Are you FED UP with feeling alone and disconnected? Introducing Jacqui’s “Doing This ONE Thing 21 Day Challenge!” One of the greatest challenges you will ever face is how to manage the conflict within yourself. Know that your mind will always be busy; and peace can only be felt. You will see throughout the challenge that just like everyone else – you think too much; and your mind is always busy. There IS a way to quieten your mind – by directly accessing the sensations in your Sensational Self. Within the pages of my book (and in the bonus audio) you will be shown how to stop your mind (from driving you crazy) by feeling into your body. Then put it into practice into a 21 Day Challenge – do this one thing consistently for 21 days – and watch your life change dramatically for the better.I have different discount options available – including FREE – so EVERYONE can afford to do this challenge – which WILL change your life forever!With every feeling of resistance, you can access the peace within you. Every emotion, every sensual reaction your body has; can lead you to peace – within 60 seconds  – but ONLY if you allow yourself to feel it. This ebook and audio shows you how.You will eliminate depression forever, simply by using these easy techniques in my ebook; and my bonus audio “Sensational Self: Emotional & Sensual Energy Management.” Every sensation you allow yourself to feel helps you to feel whole. This book – and the “Doing This ONE Thing 21 Day Challenge” – will quite literally change your life. I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up with depression running rampant in our world, our people feeling repressed and depressed with their emotional and sensual overwhelm. Doing this one thing CAN (and will) make a difference.And the more people doing this one thing, the more of an impact it will have. As well as helping YOU feel better within yourself, you create an inner awareness, a feeling space – which helps other people around you to feel better as well; as they connect with YOUR feeling space. So doing this one thing is of great service to humanity.”The first hour I spent with Jacqui is the hour that changed my life forever!” Sue Spicer, New Zealand.You will learn how to easily manage your resistant sensual and emotional energy, so you can STOP feeling alone and confused; and start feeling healed, whole and completely empowered, in a matter of minutes – regardless of who you are, or your current situation. You will never find peace in your mind – peace can only be felt. When you suppress the feelings in your sensational self, you automatically switch to thinking – which often leads to thoughts of neediness, judgment, jealousy and fear. “Doing This ONE Thing Will Change Your Life Forever!” with bonus audio “Sensational Self: Emotional & Sensual Energy Management””Simply, this book is great! It has to be one of the best self-development books I’ve ever read! Jacqui offers actual REAL solutions that work, written in an empathetic style that allows the reader to respond to the One simple idea that actually makes the difference. It’s so easy to read and Jacqui gives the reader many opportunities to ‘connect’ with the ONE thing that afterwards seems so obvious. How to really connect through FEELING and the awareness of how to find that feeling is reinforced in a myriad of styles and personal experiences throughout the book, some very humbling, that give insights that lead to a greater inner peace. Many authors offer insights, theories and solutions, but this book cuts to the chase like no other. I couldn’t believe that this ONE thing, something this simple could be so powerful. This book IS going to change your life forever! Great read!” Pete Eising, New Zealand. When you move away from naturally feeling into your body, you become dependent on an external feeling fix – something or someone to make you feel better. This is why we reach for a coffee, a cigarette – a drink or a drug. Or our fix might be chocolate, shopping or sex. We want to feel better; and we want to feel better fast.In truth, there is no-one and no-thing that can make you feel better. The only way you can feel better, is by feeling everything – every feeling of emotion and every feeling of resistance will lead you to feeling peaceful – when you know how to access the sensations in your Sensational Self.Every time you resist feeling your own feelings of resistance, you make yourself feel more separate and alone. When you resist feeling your emotions, you resist feeling connected. When you resist the natural flow of sensual energy in your body (men are wired sensually) then you begin to feel frustrated, tense and alone.”We have a tendency to move away from our uncomfortable feelings of resistance – we shy away from facing the emotions in ourselves. It seems easier to blame our outside circumstances for the reason WHY we are feeling what we are feeling. We REFUSE to take self-responsibility – so we remain victims of our own thinking – and stuck in the WHY – the thoughts about What is – and then we wonder why we feel so disconnected and alone.”We hear about the Law of Attraction – but it doesn’t seem to work for us – regardless of how focused we are on thinking about what we think we want. Because we refuse to self-focus; and OWN what we are feeling, we continue to resist WHAT IS; and as we resist, we energetically push what we want further away from us.Resistance persists – the more we fight what we are feeling with our minds, the more resistant our external circumstances appear to be. You see, we are only ever thinking or feeling. Thinking leads to more feelings of resistance, as our minds naturally turn to focusing on pain and problems. When you block the feeling of resistance, you will automatically switch to thinking – and begin to judge why you are feeling resistant. There are many ways we tangle ourselves with our minds – and create unnecessary moments (and days, months or even years) of pain-filled thoughts of resistance. That’s why I created the Doing This ONE Thing 21 Day Challenge – to help you get out of the habit of thinking. It takes 21 days to create a new habit – 21 days of doing this one thing, will lead you to feeling better – for life.The only way to be free of resistance is to feel it. And so enters the paradigm of the feeling of resistance. If we ignore the feeling of resistance, resistant situations persists. When we focus on the sensational feeling of the resistance, the resistance melts away – we stop attracting resistant people and resistant situations; and we start feeling better immediately. Every person you know will benefit from this book and audio. I appreciate your help in getting the word out there, for participation in the “Doing This ONE Thing 21 day Challenge.” Please share this page with friends, family, colleagues, media contacts, Facebook friends, Twitter, etc., so everyone can start feeling less stressed; eliminate feeling overwhelmed; and consistently feel more peaceful. Remember to mention that there are discount codes It is my intention to create a world-wide challenge – of doing this one thing consistently for 21 days. Every person who suffers from days (or years) of depression will benefit. You will learn how to manage the resistant emotional and sensual energy in your body – so you can STOP getting tangled in the judgments of your mind. Your relationships will improve within days – just by doing this one thing.Please help me get these teachings into colleges, so students can benefit too. Your assistance in helping me achieve this end is very much appreciated. There are too many people (young and older) taking their lives because they don’t know how to manage their sensual and emotional overload. Everyone is struggling with their own inner conflict, regardless of how confident they seem to be.This eBook with bonus audio is a must for every person who encounters conflict within themselves and with others. Doing this ONE thing WILL change their life forever.When everyone is resisting feeling their own sensations of resistance, it is impossible for peace to be prevalent on earth. When you are feeling peaceful within, you will see peace reflected in your environment. Everything is energy; and energy is felt. Change is created from the inside-out. Doing this ONE thing consistently, WILL change your life forever.It takes 21 days to form a new habit – so the 21 days is important. Do this one thing consistently for 21 days and your life will change dramatically. You will see improvements in all your relationships; but most importantly, you will start feeling better within yourself. My clients continue to keep doing this one thing after the 21 days – because it feels so good; and their lives keep getting better There are a lot of very beautiful people out there, who have no idea how much resistance their own resistance is causing in their world. There are so many ways we trip ourselves up – because we continue to be tangled in our minds; and resistant to owning our emotions. The key is to create a feeling habit…In answer to Jacqui’s many requests from clients all over the world to put her powerful insights and feeling techniques into writing, the newest reading and audio sensation in Sensational Self Development is ready to share with yourself, your friends; your family; and your work colleagues.Jacqui Olliver’s long-awaited, ground-breaking new sensation: Doing This ONE Thing Will Change Your Life Forever! shows you how to directly influence your energetic blueprint – to understand the angles of the tangles of resistance – so you can consistently STOP feeling resistant, alone and lonely; and START feeling powerfully connected – in less than 60 seconds.Jacqui’s powerful, unique, simple strategies take Sensational Self Development to a whole new level, by teaching total self-focus and energy management from the inside-out. It’s time to take back your power and claim your peace. This Sensational Connection Toolkit (ebook and audio) will help you eliminate emotional overload, depression, sexual frustration, stinky thinking, neediness, judgment, jealousy and fear – forever.Includes Jacqui’s mind-altering BONUS Sensational Self Audio, with the No.1 ESSENTIAL teaching for males: How to End Sexual Frustration, Forever. Sensational Self BONUS Audio for Self-Focused Energy ManagementHere’s to feeling connected! Jacqui “THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Buy this book and you will begin a journey to a special place where amazing peace of mind awaits you. You will feel a connection with your deeper self, which is the essence of who you are, and you will experience the wisdom and comfort of your inner guidance. Jacqui Olliver knows her subject inside out, through personal experience, and if you follow her straightforward, easy to understand advice about how to feel and release, rather than resist, the Challenges and emotions which arise from events in your life, then you will certainly travel to a place of amazing peace and calm.The benefits of following Jacqui’s advice are life changing. You will believe in your own potential, you will feel self assured and relaxed, and you will connect with those around you on a far more meaningful level. In addition, you will feel much greater richness in all your life experiences, whether it’s connecting with the natural world or listening to music etc. What more could you want.” Philip Parkinson – WalesMy book: Doing This ONE Thing Will Change Your Life Forever! shows you how to end the feeling of resistance for good – so you can get into the flow of allowing.I wanted to share this because this actually helped me be able to easily use the Sedona Method and Release Technique which i struggled with for awhile.Ps – The author did not number or list a particular order for the bonus recordings but as far as i can tell from listening to the recordings, this is the proper order to listen to them:SensationalSelfDevelopment Intro.mp3Understanding Your Emotional Resistance.mp3Clearing Resistant Emotions.mp3UnderstandingMasculineAndFeminineEnergy.mp3Ending Sexual Frustration and Tension.mp3Sensational Connected Breathing.mp3StregtheningYourSensationalSqueezeMuscle.mp3Sensational Summary.mp3


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