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Stephan Berwick – True Strength Yang: Explosive Body Toughening

Stephan Berwick – True Strength Yang
[2 DVDs- Rips]


TPclick ONLY! Bunny rabbits will be forced into a blender if you leak this product!This is from the company that Pavel Tsatsouline runs… So that is a preview in and of itself. Marketing Copy:Quote:For the first time on DVD, Stephan Berwick reveals his regimen for healthy body toughening derived from his unique expertise in secret Chinese martial art body toughening methods. Combining hard and soft forms of conditioning inspired from his intimate knowledge of ancient military-origin Chinese martial arts, Berwick’s True Strength Yang™ program offers quick results – conditioning your body to withstand blows, falls, and twists, in an easy to digest, highly intense regimen of warrior conditioning, reminiscent of the best classical martial body practices.True Strength Yang™ was originally designed for fighters looking for an extra training edge to help them handle the rigors of combat healthfully. Like ancient Maori warriors and even Western boxers, self-slapping/hitting has always been used as a way to condition the skin, muscles, etc to handle punishment in a healthy, lasting manner. Over time, controlled self-hitting conditions the body in a very direct way. Essentially, slapping the body at key body parts and in a relaxed, flexible manner develops the body’s ability to heal from many types of external strikes and gives you the ability to handle pain. It is very much like a stimulative, percussive self-massage, which can be deeply conditioning. True Stength Yang™ wakes-up the hormonal system, ‘kneading’ the skin and muscles and stimulating the internal organs, while causing the skeletal structure to respond to contact as one, unified structure – all fundamental to any fighter’s ability to withstand punshiment and especially important as one ages. This is a very important aspect of strength training and often overlooked by athletes. While certain types of self-hitting and partner hitting can be seen in contact sports, (such as medicine ball training in western boxing and muay thai – partner hitting in football and rugby – and body falling and rolling in jiu jitsu, judo, aikido, and wrestling), it is often not viewed as a stand-alone discipline, which True Strength Yang™ offers, without the use of any apparatus and/or medicines. The focused stance training on the True Strength Base™ DVD deeply fortifies footwork and lower body strength for any contact and strength activity, by developing ‘root’ and making the overall footwork more sure and stable – all helping withstand the damage of leg strikes and also making it much harder for opponents, (or heavy weights), to move the athlete at close range. This type of stance training causes the legs to be structurally intact – making the construction of stances more integrated and operating as one unit, which unleashes very deep ‘functional’ strength that is absolutely crucial for combat, contact, and strength sports. Professional martial artist, Stephan Berwick, was compelled to create the True Strength™ regimen as a focused way to keep his physical toughness up, without destroying his body – something all fighters and the most hardcore athletes become increasingly aware of as they continue in contact and strength sports. Part of the whole package of keeping the body strong, tough, and fast-healing is the use of more so-called qiqong practices, which many fighters, endurance athletes, and strength athletes train in some way or another, with focused breathing and motor skills exercises. To that, the upcoming True Strength Yin™ program, (to be released summer 2009), reveals the more ‘internal’ side of this regimen, that combined with True Strength Yang™, provides a near complete internal/external conditioning regimen great for the ring, the field, and for life.Stephan Berwick’s (instructor) websites:http://www.truetaichi.comand Marketing Copy:Quote:Stephan Berwick’s True Strength™ regimen draws on ancient Chinese warrior secrets to present a sophisticated and highly effective program for developing formidable internal power—without the help of any devices, medicines, or forced breathing. Most Western-based strength training programs concentrate on building “external” muscular strength. But that is only one link in the true strength chain—which according to Chinese internal martial arts should also include strengthening your fascia/tendons/ligaments, your joints, your internal organs, your internal energy system and even your skin. Is your strength package complete? Without strengthening all the links in your strength-chain simultaneously, you remain as vulnerable as the weakest links in that chain. We’ve all see relatively small internal martial arts masters throw apparently way stronger men around like they were rag dolls. Some of this power comes from martial skill, but much, much more it’s coming from the uncanny strength-package the master has developed from a truly all-around approach to strength cultivation. Many of these internal masters demonstrate this astonishing strength well into their sixties, seventies—even eighties. How do they do it? Stephan Berwick likes to call this quality “Tangible, True Strength”. The kind of strength you really need to survive not only a worst-case scenario in combat or years of full-contact sport, but the rigors and stresses of daily life. Tangible strength is the power to survive. Tangible, true strength helps you ward off illness and injury and allows you to rebound from adversity with supreme resilience. The kind of strength cultivation where you only seem to get stronger as you get older—rather starting to fall apart at the seams as early as your late thirties or early forties… Ancient warriors needed to handle blows, wield heavy weapons, and survive on meager rations, while maintaining their victor’s edge. Their strength was of the hands, feet, torso, neck, and legs— a total body power designed to meet any challenge thrown at it. Gain a warrior’s formidable toughness with this unique program For the first time on DVD, Stephan Berwick reveals his regimen for healthy body toughening derived from his unique expertise in secret Chinese martial art body toughening methods. Combining hard and soft forms of conditioning inspired from his intimate knowledge of ancient military-origin Chinese martial arts, Berwick’s True Strength Yang™ program offers quick results—conditioning your body to withstand blows, falls, and twists, in an easy to digest, highly intense regimen of warrior conditioning, reminiscent of the best classical martial body practices. DVD 1: True Strength Yang presents essential body-hitting exercises, in a unique training approach that stimulates and toughens the skin, muscles, and joints using only relaxed, flexible limb movement. Discover how to first toughen your upper body, moving to the mid-section, then the lower, followed by total body, structural toughening executed with a partner. Body toughening is a key part of building True Strength. The ability to withstand and recover from blows and other related contact-injuries is crucial for any combat style. While many martial disciplines use a variety of sometimes debilitating exercises to toughen the body, True Strength Yang is inspired by the fluid, relaxed body conditioning and power striking concepts of Tong Bei (Back Striking) and Fanzi (Catch & Hold) boxing to produce extremely quick results for any body type. After mastering the instructional component, take advantage of three follow-along True Strength Yang Workouts to rapidly “weaponize”, strengthen and energize your body in just minutes a day.Read more here: Wenxiang, China Senior National Wushu Coach, Deputy Chairman of China Wushu Federation of Shaanxi Chapter and former Head Coach of Shaanxi Provincial Wushu Team wrote:”Stephan Berwick’s True Strength Yang regimen is inspired by the fundamental training processes of traditional Chinese martial arts. The result is a remarkable testimony to his decades of systemic study and practice of Chinese martial arts. Different from many other training approaches, the body toughening regimen presented here does not only strengthen muscles, skin and joints, but also effectively builds body flexibility and the ability to withstand contact-injuries. Having been a Chinese martial arts master and professional Kung Fu team head coach for over forty years in China, I truly appreciate this body conditioning method, which is well structured and instructed to be followed easily by the audience.” All can DL now and start slapping themselves silly! True Strength Yin is not out yet BTW.


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