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Bashar – Past and Future History and The Timeless Now – 19 Sept 2009

Bashar – Past and Future History and The Timeless Now – 19 Sept 2009
[DVDRip – 3 AVIs + 3MP3s]



BASHAR NEW YORK EVENTPART 1:“PAST & FUTURE HISTORY”New York, NY 9-19-09At this exciting New York adventure, Bashar discusses time as an artificial construct of consciousness; all realities (past, present and future) exist now; memory constitutes connection to currently existing realities; “predictions” are sensings of the energy of consciousness that exists in the present and that can change as events “predicted” near. Bashar then describes some of the previous civilizations that have inhabited Earth and gives the generally held consensus agreement as to what is in store for humanity in the next 40 years.Q&A: how to free oneself of the fear of being attacked. What practices does Bashar suggest to initiate or increase consciousness communication with God or higher self? Are other civilizations part of the higher self? What will be the first extraterrestrial civilization that will contact Earth first? Bashar discusses permission slips. How to find your spiritual purpose. How to positively channel a powerful energy that is experienced as sexual in nature. Clarification of what it is like for a spirit after leaving the physical body. Discussion of the phenomenon of memory, including shared memories and the effect of memory on addiction. How can we use our understanding of time to require less sleep per day? Questioner wants to know how he can improve his eyesight. Discussion of staying balanced between positive and negative as vibratory frequency rises. Are there other civilizations which are not “friendly?” Discussion of detoxification for health problems. Questioner invites Bashar to fly over his back yard. Was the position of the moon in orbit around Earth been adjusted sometime during the history of the planet? Discussion of the “past lives” relationship between Bashar and Darryl.BASHAR NEW YORK EVENTPART 2:“THE TIMELESS NOW”A Bashar Holotope ExperienceNew York, NY 9-19-09The intensity increases in this second part of the New York event. Bashar begins the session with a guided visualization while viewing “the Holotope”, a new visual technology that activates the spiritual centers of the brain. Following the mediation the room is filled with incredible connecting energy. People are amazed at the transformation they experience in the Timeless Now!Q&A: Bashar demonstrates a few words of his ancient language. Questioner wants to know more about Bashar’s ancient language. Is there any relationship between Bashar’s ancient tongue and those of Earth? How can we balance negative energy and positive energy? Discussion of using labels that don’t serve, interpreting negative circumstances as having positive effect, and use of permission slips. Questioner asks Bashar to comment on another channeled entity. Discussion of how “going all the way with your fear” can resolve the fear. How can I know when to help people and when not to? Questioner wants to know when he will “get his house in order. Why do some people have an overeating habit? A discussion about shame regarding sexuality. How far away is Bashar’s planet? How close are the closest life forms to Earth? How fast does Bashar’s spacecraft travel? Do wormholes exist? Has Bashar received any of our radio and television signals? What is the 13th step of Bashar’s 13-step program? Questioner is afraid of the dark, has scary dreams, and feels as though people are in her room with her. Being visited by Gray’s participating in the hybridization program. Questioner asks for a solution to a health problem, and also wonders if he died as a child and resumed the life.


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