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Yoga For Beginners and Beyond

Yoga For Beginners and Beyond
[1 DVD – VOBs]

Description Exclusive… Do Not Share Outside This Tracker… GROUP BUY: Kundalini Yoga Comprehensive Training Set.  About 20 dvds from various teachers… The most authoritative collection for this practice.GB THREAD: STATUS: CLOSEDSALES PAGE: HereDescriptionTransform your body and your life! Experience a complete yoga workout that you will always love to do! Here is the best of the ancient and new: traditional yoga’s spiritual depth and knowledge of body and mind, with the newest innovations in body mechanics and effective fitness. Starting with the basics, this flowing, fun workout will help you make great gains on all levels. Ana & Ravi have popularized Kundalini Yoga, the perfect system for achieving optimum health and energy. Featuring the design your own workout Matrix menu option, This all-in-one workout features stretching and strengthening routines for total body fitness, as well as bonus material including chair exercises, a posture primer, and more! Segments include: Standing Warm-ups, Salutation for Beginners & Beyond, Hamstrings, Hips, &  Lower Back Stretches, Nerve Strength & Core Power, techniques to Be Stress Free, & More! From beginning yogi to expert, this DVD will be your workout companion for life. Ana and Ravi’s all-in-one yoga workouts are the ultimate cross training encompassing movement, strength, stretch, flow, with inner focus and fun! Their workouts are set to cutting edge music to keep motivation high. Their DVD’s provide a total workout fully integrating body, mind, and spirit, delivering you to your top level of physical conditioning and well-being. A ReviewI was very skeptical about blending more traditional Hatha with Kundalini; I’m a bit of a Kundalini purist, which is silly because it’s ALL yoga, but that’s my nature. So I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy this but I was completely won over within minutes.What I think is remarkable is that this DVD is both completely safe and approachable for an absolute beginner and offers enough challenge, variety and choice of levels and depth for seasoned practitioners.I give a detailed description below complete with chapter timing, and the DVD also includes some wonderful extras like a separate energy breath practice (30 seconds), some great posture work and a section of exercises that can be done seated in a chair (I did them at work, at my desk!).As with all of these new DVDs the new background is lovely, the music/mantras are really fun and it has all of the usual aspects of Ravi and Ana I love; the guidance, the sweetness, the playfulness, the positive energy. This is a DVD that I will enjoy often, even as an advanced practitioner, but I will also send one to my mom, who can only do the most gentle and safe variations.Here’s the breakdown:Yoga for Beginners and BeyondTune In (3:00)Standing and done to musicStanding Warm Ups (6:00)Fingers interlaced overhead, sinking down into the knees & back up, repeatSlow side bends, coordinated with breathFeet hip width, knees slightly bent, lean forward, alternating arching/curving lower backSame position, now twist/reach to each side, looking towards the sky each timeYoga Salutation for Beginners and Beyond/the Challenge (17:35)Static plie squat w/prayer pose, deep breathLegs hip width, rest forearms on thighs, deep breathing, stretch down, hang & swayRepeat plie squat and stretch that followed (above)At the end of the stretch, walk hands out into downward facing dogCome down to hands & knees, child’s poseCow pose with toes tucked, untuck toes & stretch back into child, alternatingCow pose w/toes tucked into down dog, inhale as left leg rises, exhale knee into chest, step forward and come into a warrior variation with arms reaching up, lungingCome back into down dog, repeat to other side/leg, ending back in child’s poseSit on heels and meditate a momentRepeat the down dog/lunge sequence, ending in child’s pose again, meditate&The ChallengeStanding, hands in prayer pose, sweep leg forward/back for balanceTilt slowly into a “T” pose, move slowly into standing again, extend leg forwardRepeat to other side – great challenge for balance and core strength!Hips & Hamstrings (9:45)Triangle pose, held on each sideSitting, legs in front, feet flat, knees bent, spiral side to side on hipsContinue as you add the arm reach on each sideDeep inner thigh stretch w/long deep breathing while lying on the backHamstring and calve stretch while lying on the backBend knees, hold big toes, like a squat on the back, happy baby pose!Hips and Lower Back (7:00)Bring one leg in at a time, knee to chest, head rises, alternate coordinated with breathHold knees towards chest, rock side to side gently, like a back massage!”Thread the needle”: bring one foot to other knee, reach behind bent leg, pull towards chest for a fabulous, deep hip/sciatic stretch…repeat to other sideRock and roll on the spine (like a ball)Sitting up, one foot against opposite thigh with a deep side stretch over, alternateNow do alternating spinal twists with one leg kept along the floor each time/sideNerve Strength & Core Power (12:00)Sitting in butterfly (soles of the feet together in a sitting position), look up, stretch up and back, deep breathingPlank/platform pose (can be modified by keeping one knee on the floor)Reverse plank (sitting w/legs in front, hands behind, raise your torso towards sky)Seated forward stretch, legs extended, feet flexed, with Breath of FireSit cross-legged (easy sitting), inhale, exhale, hold breath out & pump stomach, continueLie flat, raise leg and opposite arm, alternating, like walking on your backSit in easy sitting/cross-legged, extend arms to side, parallel, forefinger under thumbsNeck, Shoulders & Upper Back Stretch and Strengthen (7:30)Down dog on the forearms, inhaling down into modified plank, exhaling back, continueEasy sitting pose, slow, deep, spinal and neck stretch with arms, foreword and backSitting, look right and left slowly, shoulders begin to move with the headAlternating shoulder shrugs, inhale up/exhale downFull shoulder shrugs, both together, inhale up/exhale downExt arm, palm foreword, use other arm to stretch fingers down, head to same side, switchDeep Relaxation1st Meditation – Be Stress Free (6:20)Sit cross-legged, comfortably, eyes closed, find your pulse by putting your fingers on your left wrist, and when you do mentally chant “Sat Nam” in rhythm to your pulse. This takes you into the vast reaches of inner space, and the world melts away.2nd Meditation – Sat Nam Chant (5:45)Sitting comfortably (easy sitting), both hands on the heart, eyes closed, chant along with Sat-a-Nam Wahay GuruClosing Prayer (2:55)3 directed breaths, long Sat Nam, as always DVD also includes:Breath Primer with Energy Breath (5:00)Energy Breath (:30) (inhale in 4 parts, exhale in 4 parts)Posture Primer (6:15) (a really fantastic section for ALL levels)Chair Exercises (7:35) (done seated in a chair, or can be on floor, gentle&wonderful stretches for hips, legs, spinal exercises, shoulder, arms, breathwork)


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