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Wayne Liquorman – Genes Plus Conditioning

Wayne Liquorman – Genes Plus Conditioning [MP3]
[1 MP3 – MP3]



This file is in its original source format.Wayne Liquorman was both a spiritual seeker and a family man with a successful export business, when he met his first and final guru, Ramesh Balsekar, in September 1987. In April 1989 the process of seeking ended when enlightenment happened.Quote:His first book, No Way: A Guide For the Spiritually ‘Advanced’ was published in 1990 under the pen name Ram Tzu because he “didn’t want a bunch of miserable seekers cluttering up his living room.” In fact, Wayne did not speak publicly until Ramesh asked him to do so in 1996. + CONDITIONING – March 2008 – Wayne Liquorman – MP3 DOWNLOAD–March-2…Recorded in March 2008, in which Wayne discusses how happiness is related to genetic predisposition plus environmental influences.Approximate running time: 56 minutes


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